New mexico allows killing babies

Those of you with absolute religious objections to abortion of any kind/at any time need to come up with a way to deal with the unwanted children. It’s not enough to eliminate the procedure because many of you also advocate for the elimination of social welfare. Adoption laws are antiquated. The foster system is rife with abuse and private charity can only do so much.
Should kids in the foster system be killed? Obviously not. So what's the difference here? A life is a life. A broken system doesn't make those lives any less valuable.
Those of you with absolute religious objections to abortion of any kind/at any time need to come up with a way to deal with the unwanted children. It’s not enough to eliminate the procedure because many of you also advocate for the elimination of social welfare. Adoption laws are antiquated. The foster system is rife with abuse and private charity can only do so much.
Sorry but I don’t believe a human should be killed because he “might be” poor later on. There are thousands of people who would adopt or foster but the red tape and costs prevent them from doing so
Sorry but I don’t believe a human should be killed because he “might be” poor later on. There are thousands of people who would adopt or foster but the red tape and costs prevent them from doing so

Yep. 4 years later we are just starting to finalize the adoption of our little one. We’ve had her since she was 18 months old and now she’s 5 1/2.
JFC if the right put as much effort into literally anything else like they do getting their base just riled up over aboriton, they might actually get something accomplished.
Forcing a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy.
Forcing?? Her body will naturally supply and provide for the child without anyone “forcing” it. This argument is pathetic. The only “forceable” action is a 3rd party shoving chemicals and devices into her womb to kill and remove a unique, developing human being.
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I support it. I believe a woman should have total freedom to decide if she wants to carry a pregnancy to term. At the same time, I don't believe a man should be legally obligated to provide assistance to the mother or child. Nor should there be any public financial incentives provided to women who have a child.
There you go Luther! Plenty of Mengele’s out there.
Forcing. Her body will naturally nutrient and provide for the child without anyone “forcing” it. This argument is pathetic. The only “forceable” action is a 3rd party shoving chemical and devices into her womb to kill and remove a unique, developing human being.
Luther is lucky his mother didn't abort him.

BTW Luther, did your mother abort a sibling? What about one of your kids or your wife?
Yep. Decisions that should be made before before dealing with an unwanted pregnancy.

It's still a personal decision.

You're way behind on this argument, go regroup and try another tack.

Cracks me up that you want no government interference and deregulation until the regulation and interference happen to meet with your desires.
Quote: "With Democrats in control of the state House, the bill appears likely to become law".
Yahoo, let's all vote for more Democratic anti-God lunacy laws for our nation.

Democrats = the killing of the innocents. Blood is on your hands Democrats.

Lulz, you can shove what you believe to be a moral high ground up your ass. You trumpers don't get to lecture anyone on morality, you're dunzo in that department.
It's still a personal decision.

You're way behind on this argument, go regroup and try another tack.

Cracks me up that you want no government interference and deregulation until the regulation and interference happen to meet with your desires.

I have no problem with laws that prevent murder. Same for speeding, enforcing, drug laws, etc.
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Let's be honest the faux outrage from the right via abortion is all about women having the ability to make a life changing decision without consulting a man.
It's still a personal decision.

You're way behind on this argument, go regroup and try another tack.

Cracks me up that you want no government interference and deregulation until the regulation and interference happen to meet with your desires.

Sorry, but to equate killing of babies up to point of birth just downright flies in the face of humankind, and not even on the scale of a morality debate ragrding improprieties and personal failings of a living being.
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Let's be honest the faux outrage from the right via abortion is all about women having the ability to make a life changing decision without consulting a man.

Question. Say a woman is 7 months pregnant. And she wants to abort it. Should she be able to do it?

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