MTV's "The Challenge" Thread

I followed Jay from Survivor to the Challenge. I didn't love him but respected him and found him to be likable, especially when Rogan was picking on him.

He's such a d-bag now. It's so disappointing. I went to his Instagram yesterday and found out 2 things....he's a terrible follow and also people are are absolutely killing him. People go too far. It's crazy.

Definitely feels like he’s trying to be the new bananas. Run the game with alliances and play victim when people don’t do what he wants.
Definitely feels like he’s trying to be the new bananas. Run the game with alliances and play victim when people don’t do what he wants.

I think Bananas is pretty different in that he's usually right about the strategy when people don't do what he wants. I do agree he can get pouty, but Jay turned into a c**t.

I also think this is a problem of Jay's own creation, whereas Bananas is better at picking his battles. Emmanuel is the bigger finals threat, the house wanted him, and Jay is just like, "Nah, fug that. I like him a tiny bit more than Ed, plus I want to push my weight around." And then it blew up in his face and he blames everybody else. Bananas would've been thrilled to let the house vote Emmanuel in.
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Olivia is such trash.

I really don't understand. It's so easy for them to rig this game. Why make the daily something Jay would be good at. They desperately need to shake up the house. It's the same fkn people every week.
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Olivia is such trash.

I really don't understand. It's so easy for them to rig this game. Why make the daily something Jay would be good at. They desperately need to shake up the house. It's the same fkn people every week.

Yeah, it’s boring at this point.

And as soon as I saw the daily, you knew Jay would win it.
Wild, dude. Stranger than fiction, even. A reality TV star rescued from a flaming car by a good samaritan who is also an NFL WR? Amputation or not, it's hard to imagine Nelson will be back.

His stupid-ass was driving at over twice the legal BAC limit.
If you're a challenge old head like me, you might want to check out the Johnny Bannnanas podcast recently where he has CT on. CT being on is the only reason I bothered to listen as I've never liked John. But - I will say, after listening to it, my disdain for John has lessened a little.

Few interesting notes:

There was a lot of talk about their respective RW seasons, early challenge seasons and how things "used to be." They talk about where their rivalry started. John blamed CT for him being eliminated first on the Duel. CT hilariously didn't even remember John being on that season.

CT asked John if laurel gave him the answer to a puzzle elimination (I remember this puzzle but don't recall what season it was, but John and CT faced off in the last elimination before a final. John won). John immediately denied it but they both joked how John is normally an idiot on puzzles but somehow nailed this one.
They also talked about how its happened in the past where players have thrown eliminations because they we're promised payouts from other players. CT suggested this is what happened in the choo choo elimination when he and Adam vs John and Tyler. John didnt deny this one like he did the puzzle instance above.

CT also said John cheated in the Ex's finale vs he and Diem. I assumed he was talking about the aderall instance but now that I think about it that was another finale in another season. Apparently there was a field of waist high snow they had to go through. Instructions were to go through the middle - but no one from production was around. CT and DIem did it as told. John and his partner (the drunk racist girl I can't remember her name right now) noticed no production, so they went around the field where the snow was only a couple inches deep and a lot easier to cross.

Despite some back and forth banter - it seems like CT and John are almost friends now - and CT suggested that started around how John treated Diem outside the show. Said he doesn't get enough credit for being a good guy, that people only see his challenge persona. They were both very complimentary of each other. Apparently both might be on 40 and hoped for a "rubber match" in the finals.

I will say though - CT sounded terrible. As in, he sounds like an old, raspy smoker. It's the time of year where he may have just had a cold or something, but his voice sounded terrible. Couple that with how overweight he looked at his elimination vs Asaf - and my fear is (and I probably should never doubt CT) we may have seen the last of the beast CT. We all get old and he's got to be near 45 now.

Anyways - worth a listen. Look up Death, Taxes, and Bananas 100th episode on Spotify.
Please let Jay, Michelle, and Olivia go home tonight!!

Two out of three ain’t bad. But I would’ve given anything to see Jay go home.

Kailand was on a pod and he made it make sense…. The reason why Jay is so unlikeable/insufferable this season is because he’s the heel, but he’s not embracing the role.

He’s plotting and scheming and calling shots but denies it and plays victim. Compare that to Wes in the past who would plot and scheme and then in confessions joke how he’s playing everyone. Jay does it but then goes to confessionals or in convos around the house gives flawed arguments to suit whatever decision he’s making.

Looks like the final is next week. Put me on Team Nurys…. But ultimately I’m Team ABJ (anyone but Jay)
If you’re production - do you invite James back? Guy was a complete nothing burger all season. Added nothing to the daily’s and his confessionals were bland too.
If you’re production - do you invite James back? Guy was a complete nothing burger all season. Added nothing to the daily’s and his confessionals were bland too.

I always pay attention to how TJ says goodbye to losing players. I think it's a fairly good indication of how production feels about somebody. He gave James a pretty warm "hope to see you back here" or something along those lines.

I do agree James was boring but if they can get him and Bananas on a season together, I would definitely want to see that.
Nurys addressed fans wondering why she's already cool with Olivia. Basically, she said she wasn't back in with her, she was just trying to navigate the social game, and now after watching the episodes so far, she's much more mad at Olivia. She also explained how her brother found out Olivia was talking ****. Apparently, both girls are friends with Aneesa and Olivia told all this **** to Aneesa and then Aneesa ran and told that to Nurys's brother once the show started. So he calls in and tells Nurys everything. Obviously, he isn't going to give up his source on national TV, but now Nurys is giving it up.
1. A lot of dead weight got carried to the final and it it shows. How much better would this be if Kailand, Ed, or Haracio were still here.

2. After the first half, it seems pretty clear baring some major who is going to come away the winner.

3. I’m glad the first person to leave, left. I’ll consider that karma.

4. I don’t know if Berna is good at anything.

5. I effort to avoid spoilers and even avoid the previews for the next episode - but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Bananas or another past champion pops in for the next elimination.

Overall - decent episode but wish it was a more competitive final.
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All I truly cared about was Jay not winning and Emmanuel is near the top of people I'd like to win, so that was a pretty good episode for me. Nurys could still get some $, too. Honestly, I'm OK with anybody remaining getting $, but would like to see Moriah (hee hee), Berna, and Corey go penniless.
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1. A lot of dead weight got carried to the final and it it shows. How much better would this be if Kailand, Ed, or Haracio were still here.

2. After the first half, it seems pretty clear baring some major who is going to come away the winner.

3. I’m glad the first person to leave, left. I’ll consider that karma.

4. I don’t know if Berna is good at anything.

5. I effort to avoid spoilers and even avoid the previews for the next episode - but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Bananas or another past champion pops in for the next elimination.

Overall - decent episode but wish it was a more competitive final.
Agree, especially #3!! None of the ones that are left would even come close to a final in previous seasons. Bananas, wes, CT, laural, cara, etc would wipe the floor with them! They just formed a "big brother" alliance and cruised through, but I get that's part of the game. The challenges and eliminations are watered down from past seasons. This final is not even close to past ones.
Predictable finish…. Except for third place finisher. Idk who I figured to get that but someone had to I guess. 3 of the final five all sucked.

Corey is lame. Dude is like 6’3” 230lbs of muscle but gonna preach “I just want to prove that gays are strong!” Why do gay people say something like this every season? Your sexual orientation isn’t a handicap.

Berna is trash. Never bring her back please.

Colleen is wallpaper I think. I can’t think of any “moment” from her this season.

Nurys is a great competitor and I hope she’s a regular.

Congrats to Emanuel… solid overall competitor at everything it seems.

Decent season I guess but honestly feels like this one is gonna have an asterisk next to it.

And once again, thank ****inf god Jay didn’t win. 😂
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Predictable finish…. Except for third place finisher. Idk who I figured to get that but someone had to I guess. 3 of the final five all sucked.

Corey is lame. Dude is like 6’3” 230lbs of muscle but gonna preach “I just want to prove that gays are strong!” Why do gay people say something like this every season? Your sexual orientation isn’t a handicap.

Berna is trash. Never bring her back please.

Colleen is wallpaper I think. I can’t think of any “moment” from her this season.

Nurys is a great competitor and I hope she’s a regular.

Congrats to Emanuel… solid overall competitor at everything it seems.

Decent season I guess but honestly feels like this one is gonna have an asterisk next to it.

And once again, thank ****inf god Jay didn’t win. 😂

I don't think they think it's a handicap. I would guess it has something to do with insecurity about a stereotype and being teased their whole lives. Pretty normal sentiment for people with a chip on their shoulder to want to prove themselves.
I thought the way things shook out in the end was pretty great. I would rather go Nurys 1, Emmanuel 2, and Colleen 3, but pretty close.

I didn't understand why Nurys didn't get an advantage for winning the elimination before bedtime. I feel like that is the way things normally go. When Johnny rang the stupid bell that was hanging in the air, he got a full night's sleep in a shelter while everybody else did some crazy task and then slept outside in the snow. Nury wins an elimination and then wins the crazy task, and she gets....a blanket? The deck was so stacked against her, and they didn't give her any help, which was in their best interest, in my opinion.

Colleen doesn't seem to be too popular, but I respect the hell out of her. She's a survivor. She doesn't fit in very well with everybody. She is not an MTV personality. But she did make good plays and she showed up when she needed to. She is the biggest reason that Jay stopped trusting Nurys, probably. He totally bought into her manipulation. She won the mole and now won 3rd on TC. She's got game.
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Just when you think Jay can’t be anymore unlikeable…. Then you see him on the reunion.

Like 8 people call him out for making out with Olivia but he doesn’t want his long time girlfriend to know so he just sits there and sweats and says nuh uh like a kid.
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Jay may have had the hardest fall in The Challenge history. He ran the house all season and then misses the final 5, loses a close friend, his underdog status with America flipped into hated villain (as opposed to appreciated villain), he ate **** several times on a 2-part reunion, and now he's gotta deal with a girlfriend that he cheated on, and another hit to his reputation.

What was the lead-up to the airing of the reunion like? Did Jay come clean to her beforehand? Did he try to get her to not watch the reunion? I have so many questions.

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