Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Jordanian National arrested in Houston allegedly planned attack on Jews​

A “radical” Jordanian national living in Texas was allegedly plotting an attack on Houston’s Jewish community before he was arrested on gun charges.

Sohaib Abuayyash, 20, had been studying how to build bombs and posted about his support for killing Jews, federal officials claim.

Abuayyash even allegedly made a direct reference in one social media post about an event in Houston for the Jewish community, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

Abuayyash is behind bars on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm by someone with a non-immigrant visa and US Magistrate Judge Christina Bryan has ruled he should remain detained pending trial.

She wrote in court documents that Abuayyash spoke of committing martyrdom in support of a religious cause and made statements “that he wants to go to Gaza to fight,” according to documents also obtained by CBS News.

“He has viewed specific and detailed content posted by radical organizations on the Internet, including lessons on how to construct bombs or explosive devices,” she wrote.

An affidavit filed Oct. 19 in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas also says Abuayyash “has been in direct contact with others who share a radical mindset, has been conducting physical training and has trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack.”

Abuayyash entered the US on a non-immigrant visa, which expired in 2019, but has since applied for asylum and obtained work authorization in the United States until 2025, according to court documents.

But under federal law, those with a non-immigrant visa cannot legally obtain firearms in the United States.


Illegal Alien, Wanted for Terrorism, Arrested Near One World Trade Center Had Been Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS​


An illegal alien wanted for terrorism in Senegal was arrested in late October just blocks from New York City’s One World Trade Center after having been released into the United States by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Just this week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that illegal aliens who are “national security threats” are promptly arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and deported.

Despite Mayorkas’ assertion, an illegal alien — from either the Islamic Republic of Mauritania or Senegal — arrived at the United States–Mexico border on Oct. 3 near Lukeville, Arizona. The illegal alien was given a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge and released into the United States interior.


White House’s Most Cynical, Secretive Amnesty Push Yet​

It is obvious by now that the Biden administration has a goal of keeping people living in or entering the country illegally in the United States, even those with criminal records. What most Americans don’t know, however, is the amount of chicanery this White House is engaging in to achieve that goal.

In July 2021, the administration launched an official effort both to stop removal proceedings against who have served in the military as well as to return those who had already been removed. The argument for this policy is that anyone willing to risk their life to serve the country should be allowed to remain in the United States. There are, in fact, some provisions of federal law that make serving in the military a path to citizenship.

However, that’s not the whole story. The people living in or entering the country illegally at issue here have overwhelmingly committed serious crimes, either while in the military or after their return to civilian life. Those who committed crimes while in the military were often dishonorably discharged. And both civilian and military crimes frequently prevent people living in or entering the country illegally from becoming naturalized citizens of the United States. Moreover, federal immigration law generally requires removal of people living in or entering the country illegally with significant felony convictions as well as certain misdemeanor convictions – without regard to prior military service.


Baby Girl Died Of Fentanyl Overdose after meddling California lawmakers Overrode social workers' decision to take her away from drug-abuser dad​

  • Three month-old Baby Phoenix died from fentanyl and methamphetamine overdose after self-confessed drug addict dad was given sole custody
Soft touch California lawmakers boasted about their success in slashing child removals just days before a newborn baby died from a fentanyl and methamphetamine overdose in the care of her drug-addicted dad.

Baby Phoenix was too young to eat solid food when she was poisoned by the drugs found alongside her bottle in May at the San Jose home of David Castro, despite repeated warnings from neighbors.

Older children had previously been removed from a man with eight earlier drug convictions, but Santa Clara County had recently changed its 'threshold' for removal, citing a commitment to 'racial justice.'

Baby Phoenix 'never cried, never cried,' a neighbor said, 'She was beautiful'


Exclusive: Single Group of 1,200 Migrants Surge Across Arizona Border​


According to a source within CBP, Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a single group of migrants that crossed the U.S./Mexico border into San Miguel, Arizona. An initial headcount at the crossing scene on Saturday showed the group consisted of 1,200 migrants from across the globe. Saturday’s group is one of two large groups of more than 1,000 migrants to cross the border near San Miguel since November 1.

The small census-designated area of San Miguel is now one of the busiest crossing points for large migrant groups in the Tucson Border Patrol Sector. Located on the Tohono Oʼodham Nation reservation, the small community is home to roughly 207 inhabitants as of the 2020 census. According to the source, not authorized to speak to the media, the recent large groups of migrants are merely surrendering to Border Patrol agents in hopes of gaining release into the United States to pursue asylum claims.


Eight People Are Dead after Human Smuggler driving car full of Illegal Migrants Crashes into SUV driven by American Citizens during pursuit in Texas​

  • The incident occurred on US Highway 57 near the farming community of Batesville, and left two innocent Americans dead, local authorities said
A suspected migrant smuggler and seven others are dead after a collision in rural Texas.

The incident occurred on US Highway 57 near the farming community of Batesville, and left two innocent Americans dead, local authorities said.

The early-morning crash happened some 50 miles from the border around 6:30am local time, and state officials later revealed the pair hailed from Georgia. Both were in the front seat of an SUV struck by the suspected smuggler's vehicle.

The accident comes as the Biden Administration continues to struggle with the flow of migrants from South and Central America - as 2.47million were stopped at the border in fiscal year 2023, up from the previous record 2.4million the year before.

A suspected migrant smuggler and seven others are dead after a collision on a highway in Batesville, Texas. After crash - which happened some 50 miles from the border - state officials said the pair hailed from Georgia, and that they had been in this SUV struck by the other car

That car, a white Honda that laid shattered after the incident, was evading arrest from the Zavala County Sherriff's Office when it passed an 18-wheeler in a no-passing zone, colliding with the Americans' SUV


Report: Democrats Circulate Plan to ‘Open the Floodgates for Palestinians’​


House and Senate Democrats are reportedly circulating a plan to fellow Democrats that would “open the floodgates for Palestinians” to arrive in the United States, according to a report from the Daily Caller.

Henry Rodgers of the Daily Caller reports that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) are lobbying fellow Democrats to sign onto a letter to urge President Joe Biden to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to Palestinians in the U.S.

Both TPS and DED would ensure that Palestinians cannot be deported from the U.S.


Report: Democrats Circulate Plan to ‘Open the Floodgates for Palestinians’​

View attachment 594029

House and Senate Democrats are reportedly circulating a plan to fellow Democrats that would “open the floodgates for Palestinians” to arrive in the United States, according to a report from the Daily Caller.

Henry Rodgers of the Daily Caller reports that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) are lobbying fellow Democrats to sign onto a letter to urge President Joe Biden to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to Palestinians in the U.S.

Both TPS and DED would ensure that Palestinians cannot be deported from the U.S.

Of course they would do this. They hate the average American, and care nothing of the risk some of these people would pose to us.

Adams spoke out against illegal immigration and now he’s paying the price. If they will do this to their allies, imagine what they’ll do to the rest of us. This administration and the DOJ are enemies to America.
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Adams spoke out against illegal immigration and now he’s paying the price. If they will do this to their allies, imagine what they’ll do to the rest of us. This administration and the DOJ are enemies to America.

Lol get a grip
Leading Report
BREAKING: Former President Trump is reportedly planning large-scale detention camps and sweeping immigration policies that would deport millions of illegal immigrants, according to advisers who spoke to The New York Times.

MIT is blasted for Refusing to Suspend Students Who Threatened Jews over fears they'd be DEPORTED​

  • A statement from the school's president said she would hold off on suspending students who were not US citizens because of potential Visa Issues
MIT admitted the reason it failed to follow through with threats to suspend students who participated in an unauthorized anti-Israel protest was because the school feared the agitators could be deported.

As is the case with many prestigious American institutions of higher education, a significant portion of MIT's student body is international students.

In the weeks since the outbreak of the war triggered by Palestinian terrorists' barbaric attack on innocent Israeli citizens, it has been widely speculated that many of the students at the heads of the anti-Israel protests unfolding across American college campuses are not US citizens.

According to Haaretz, Kornbluth's statement is the first time a US university has acknowledged that many of the protests' lead organizers are not American.
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Benny Johnson

🚨 BREAKING: 8 House Republicans join Democrats to kill
’s resolution to bring articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

-Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)
-Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
-Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)
-Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
-Rep. John Duarte (R-CA)
-Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
-Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-OR)
-Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)
Benny Johnson

🚨 BREAKING: 8 House Republicans join Democrats to kill
’s resolution to bring articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

-Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)
-Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
-Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)
-Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
-Rep. John Duarte (R-CA)
-Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
-Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-OR)
-Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)



cow·ard ˈkau̇(-ə)rd

Synonyms of coward
: one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity
I was told by the "media" that they all wanted to come here and work hard and raise a family. LOL. The moral of this story is that all Americans need to get prepared to work harder and pay more taxes to support these illegal immigrants.

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I was told by the "media" that they all wanted to come here and work hard and raise a family. LOL. The moral of this story is that all Americans need to get prepared to work harder and pay more taxes to support these illegal immigrants.

They come from socialist countries where the governments told them they would be taken care of from cradle to grave. Problem is those governments are now broke and corrupt so their subjects have moved on to the next teat.

Watch — MTG Blasts DHS Chief Mayorkas over Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens: ‘We’re Going to Impeach You’​

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) blasted Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday over the death of two Americans from her district, allegedly killed by a teenage illegal alien involved in a likely cartel smuggling operation.

“Secretary Mayorkas, I want you to look at these innocent Americans. Do you see them?” Greene asked Mayorkas, holding a photo of Jose and Isabel Lerma, who were killed in a crash allegedly caused by 17-year-old illegal alien Luiz Alfredo Mencias-Escobar of Honduras, whom police allege was carrying out a human smuggling operation, likely for the Mexican drug cartels.

“I do, congresswoman,” Mayorkas responded, to which Greene continued:

They are dead. They’re from Dalton, Georgia in my district; they’re dead because a 17-year-old, likely affiliated with the

cartels, was smuggling illegal aliens into our country in Texas, breaking our laws, and this happens every single day in our country. [Emphasis added]
Greene then slammed the eight House Republicans who voted with Democrats Monday to not impeach Mayorkas from his top position at the DHS, warning the secretary that the House GOP will eventually have the votes to remove him.

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GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Ranch in Mexican Border City Turned into Cartel Killing Field​

Cartel gunmen used a ranch in northern Mexico as a killing field where they tortured, murdered, and incinerated a large number of victims with complete impunity. The discovery comes as corrupt government officials at the state and federal level in Mexico refuse to target drug cartels and criminal organizations. At the same time, government officials claim security conditions are improving under their regime.

The gruesome discovery took place this week in the Mexican border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, after the activist group “Amor Por Los Desaparecidos” received an anonymous tip that there were human remains on a ranch on the western part of the city. The ranch is located along the highway that connects Reynosa with Nuevo Laredo. The Gulf Cartel seized the property from the owners by force. The group works to find the remains of the thousands of individuals who the Gulf Cartel has abducted in recent years. Their activities this year alone led to the discovery of 16 mass graves in Reynosa alone.


Shocking Moment Huge Stampede Of Migrants Crosses Into US Through Tijuana River - with West African man, 36, who was part of the melee found Dead afterwards​

Video footage reveals the shocking moment a huge stampede of migrants cross into the US through the Tijuana River - with one man found dead shortly afterward.

A 36-year-old West African man who was part of the crowd died along the Tijuana River channel early Wednesday morning.

The man died shortly after US Customs and Border Protection agents arrived on scene, after responding to a call for emergency services, according to Fox 5.


Exclusive: 500 Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in Single Group​


Nearly 500 migrants crossed the border into the small border town of Eagle Pass on Wednesday morning. The latest large migrant group crossing into Eagle Pass continues a trend of large single migrant group crossings in recent months.

The large group of mostly Venezuelan and Central American migrants attempted the crossing in one group near the heart of the downtown. The group managed to breach the existing concertina wire barriers installed by the State of Texas.


DHS Issues Order To Border Agents To Use Preferred Pronouns For Migrants​

The Department of Homeland Security issued a memo urging Border Patrol agents to use migrants' preferred pronouns.

This memo, obtained by Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project on Nov. 17, is described by its title “Guide to Facilitating Effective Communication with Individuals who Identify as LGBTQI+.” In it, DHS prompts its agents to avoid using titles like “Mr,” “Mrs,” “Sir,” or “Ma’am” in order to appeal to migrants' gender identities. It discourages any pronoun use "until you have more information about the individual."

"By all means, let’s make sure that we coddle the people invading our country by not misgendering them as they come here against the laws of basic sovereignty," Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) wrote. "If this administration isn’t rock bottom for our country, I can’t imagine what that would look like!"

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NYC's Code Blue Alert set to make Migrant Crisis in the city Even Worse​

Millions of New Yorkers are under a "code blue" weather alert in New York City on Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of the season's first major snowstorm in the region, which could worsen the city's homeless and migrant crisis.

Freezing conditions in New York require the city to take in all of its homeless population that are seeking shelter, which could include thousands of immigrants who illegally entered the United States on the country's southern border.

A code blue alert means that the outdoor temperature is expected to drop below freezing, including with windchill, sometime between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. When the temperatures do drop, the city is required to accept all homeless people, including immigrants, who are seeking accommodations.

If there is no room in any shelter, the city offers five buses that could shield residents from the wind and several drop-in centers that are open 24 hours during a code blue alert, the city said. Asylum-seekers have also slept in waiting rooms, according to Gothamist, with some immigrants sleeping on the floor or in chairs.


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