Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Government Busing 30,000 Migrants Causes Shift in Human Smuggling Routes​

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Government officials in Mexico announced the busing of more than 30,000 migrants who are ultimately trying to reach the U.S. border. The program is causing shifts in the routes that migrants take in southern Mexico.

Last month, the state of Oaxaca began setting up a series of impromptu bus stations known as Centros de Movilidad Migratoria (Migration Mobility Centers), where they provide basic necessities, short-term shelters, and the sale of low-priced or free bus tickets to Mexico City.
According to the regulations set forth by immigration authorities, the migrants who arrive at those shelters and get on the buses to Mexico City should remain in the southern part of the country. However, Breitbart Texas spoke with a high-ranking official with Mexico’s National Immigration Institute who revealed that the migrants are not staying in central or southern Mexico and are continuing their intended journey north.

I’ll point out this little known fact again. Mexico is run by descendants of White Spanish conquerors who inhabit most of central Mexico. For over 50 years they’ve been exporting the descendants of brown indigenous people from Mexico and Central America to the US. Not only has Mexico rid themselves of the illiterate economy draining people they hate, but they then have reaped the reward of trillions of $ of remittances to prop up their economy.
Unbelievable with the economic struggles of American citizens today. This next election can't get here quick enough.

Why would anyone with some sense keep these phones the government gives them unless it is part of the free benefits package.
I believe the data speaks for itself. Sometimes you think the Wall is a waste of time, a waste of money, and is a stupid idea. Other times, it’s a plausible solution. It’s not a bad idea, but not the best idea. It is something to be considered for sure.

But people are free to make their own interpretations.

And yes, it’s completely ok to change your mind on something. Never changing your mind on anything is a sign of stubbornness, not virtue.
those aren't mutually exclusive.

BORDER TOWN USA: Twice Deported Honduran Migrant Charged in Two Tennessee Murders​


BORDER TOWN, USA — A Honduran migrant illegally present in the United States has been arrested by the Nashville Metro Police Department for the second time in one week in connection with two separate Nashville murders. Police announced the arrest on Tuesday of Kevin Castro-Garcia, who is suspected of murdering of 37-year-old Elmer Nahum Miranda-Martinez. On Friday, CASTRO-Garcia was charged with a second homicide involving the murder of Brandon Rivas-Noriega, reported missing earlier this month.

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VIDEOS: Gulf Cartel Dumps Fuel Loads near Texas Border over Protection Fee​

Gulf Cartel gunmen carjacked over a dozen tractor-trailers and forced their drivers to dump thousands of gallons of fuel. The gunmen attacked the truck over non-payment of protection fees to the criminal organization.

The attacks have been underway for several days. However, it has been largely kept quiet by government officials in Tamaulipas. Breitbart Texas obtained a series of videos where Gulf Cartel gunmen claim that the fuel dumping resulted from disrespecting the criminal organization by not paying for the right to move through their turf.

During the week, gunmen from the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel began stopping tractor-trailers loaded with fuel that had crossed from Texas into Mexico. The gunmen moved those vehicles to a dirt road near the highway, where they lined them up and forced the drivers to dump the fuel they were carrying.


Syrian Migrant Apprehended at Busy Texas Border Crossing​

Texas Department of Public Safety marine unit troopers apprehended a group of migrants crossing the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass on Wednesday. Included in the group was a Syrian male along with five Venezuelan migrants.

A Texas DPS Tactical Marine Unit patrolling the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass on October 18 encountered a group of six migrants crossing the border near the busy border crossing point near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass. The troopers took the group into custody and transported them to the river bank.

An investigation identified one of the migrants as a single adult male from Syria. The other five migrants included four adult males and one adult female from Venezuela, according to a post by DPS spokesman Lieutenant Chris Olivarez.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, increasing numbers of what the Border Patrol defines as “Special Interest Aliens” have been apprehended in the Eagle Pass area of operations.


VIDEOS: Gulf Cartel Dumps Fuel Loads near Texas Border over Protection Fee​

Gulf Cartel gunmen carjacked over a dozen tractor-trailers and forced their drivers to dump thousands of gallons of fuel. The gunmen attacked the truck over non-payment of protection fees to the criminal organization.

The attacks have been underway for several days. However, it has been largely kept quiet by government officials in Tamaulipas. Breitbart Texas obtained a series of videos where Gulf Cartel gunmen claim that the fuel dumping resulted from disrespecting the criminal organization by not paying for the right to move through their turf.

During the week, gunmen from the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel began stopping tractor-trailers loaded with fuel that had crossed from Texas into Mexico. The gunmen moved those vehicles to a dirt road near the highway, where they lined them up and forced the drivers to dump the fuel they were carrying.

I wonder if "riding shotgun" is going to have to go back to its literal roots again?
It's been reported on the radio 4 million illegals crossed the border for the just completed budget year.

There were only 3.7M births in the US during that same period.

The Biden Administration illegal immigration is outpacing babies born.

I have not found the source yet.
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CBP Confirms 2nd-Straight Year for 2 Million Migrant Apprehensions at Southwest Border​


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials announced that Border Patrol agents apprehended more than two million migrants for the second consecutive year. The report, snuck out in a Saturday afternoon media dump, confirms an October 1 article by Breitbart Texas that revealed the apprehension of more than 218,000 migrants in September.

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 5.7 million migrants who illegally crossed the southwest border between ports of entry, the reports indicate.


CBP Confirms 2nd-Straight Year for 2 Million Migrant Apprehensions at Southwest Border​

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials announced that Border Patrol agents apprehended more than two million migrants for the second consecutive year. The report, snuck out in a Saturday afternoon media dump, confirms an October 1 article by Breitbart Texas that revealed the apprehension of more than 218,000 migrants in September.

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 5.7 million migrants who illegally crossed the southwest border between ports of entry, the reports indicate.

Franklin, are you a Russian bot?? All you do is post article arguing one side or the other. Seems as if you're hell-bent on sowing dissent, comrade!

7K Migrant Apprehensions in One Canadian Border Sector Exceed Prior 11 Years​


Official numbers released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 7,000 migrants during the just-ended fiscal year. The apprehension total exceeds the prior 11 years combined.

On September 25, Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia posted on X a report showing his agents apprehended just over 6,700 migrants in Fiscal Year 23. By the end of the year on September 30, that number climbed to 6,925 migrant apprehensions.


Biden's CBP One App Allowed 266,000 Immigrants Into US Through 'Smokescreen' Process​

A government-run cellphone app meant to curtail illegal immigration has resulted in more than a quarter of a million immigrants being released into the United States, according to new federal data.

The CBP One app was introduced in January to provide noncitizens with an orderly way to enter the country through screening appointments to determine admissibility. The Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection agency granted admission to immigrants who were not refugees in 95% of cases, according to data requested by the House Homeland Security Committee's Republican leadership.


Biden’s DHS Released into U.S. Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Child​

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an illegal alien into the United States who is now wanted in Brazil for murdering a child under 14 years old.

In May 2021, the illegal alien crossed the U.S.-Mexico border after traveling from Brazil. He was initially apprehended near San Luis, Arizona. The following month, the illegal alien was released from DHS custody on his own recognizance.

After his release into the U.S. interior, the illegal alien was asked to report to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to schedule an immigration hearing but failed to report.

In July 2021, two months after having first arrived at the border, the illegal alien was wanted by a criminal court in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for a felony criminal charge of aggravated homicide for allegedly murdering a child younger than 14 years old.

Imagine breaking laws and sneaking into another country illegally or just being plan let in by the government but you are still there illegally. I know the latter makes the lines more blurred because you may feel welcome. Then you get bussed or flown to a large city.

Then you are bold enough to start breaking other laws because you fear no consequences because the country is being run by complete morons.

Migrants accused in Oak Brook Macy's theft released on electronic monitoring​

By FOX 32 Digital Staff
Published 1 day ago
FOX 32 Chicago

OAK BROOK, Ill. - Charges have been filed against two Venezuelan migrants who allegedly stole over $1,700 from the Oak Brook Macy's store Monday evening.

Abel Barrios-Estava and Rafael Mata-Torres, both of Venezuela currently staying in Chicago, have been charged with one count of burglary and one count of retail theft.

At about 5:27 p.m. Monday, Oak Brook police officers responded to Macy's, located at 1 Oakbrook Center, regarding a retail theft in process, prosecutors said.

One of the suspects, later identified as Barrios-Estava, allegedly entered the store, took six items of clothing with a value of over $300 and then left the store without paying for the items.

As loss prevention authorities took Barrios-Estave into custody, he allegedly broke away and fled on foot across 22nd Street. Following a brief foot pursuit, officers were able to take him into custody without further incident, prosecutors said.

The second suspect, later identified as Mateo-Torres, also entered Macy's, took 13 items of clothing from the store and then attempted to leave the store without paying for the items.

Loss prevention and Oak Brook police officers were able to take him into custody without incident inside the store.

"The National Retail Federation estimates that retail theft cost businesses nationwide more than $112 billion last year, up from $96 billion in 2021," Berlin said. "These losses cause significant financial hardship to businesses and their employees, higher prices for shoppers and loss of tax revenue for the entire community."

The next court date for both men is scheduled for Nov. 20.

As a condition of their bond, both men will be fitted with an electronic monitoring device and are not allowed to enter any Macy’s store.


El Salvador Imposes $1,000 Tax on Indian, African Travelers to Stop U.S.-Bound Migrants​

El Salvador imposed a $1,000 airport tariff fee on travelers from India and Africa this week in an effort to curb the use of the Central American nation as a bridge destination for nationals from those areas seeking to illegally migrate to the United States.

The number of cases of U.S.-bound migrants landing in El Salvador’s airports to eventually arrive in Nicaragua and travel to America has increased significantly in the past year, Manuel Orozco, the director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, said. The communist Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua is not only profiting from the United States’ migrant crisis, but reportedly trying to use migrants as a “weapon” against the United States and leverage for potential sanctions relief.


EXCLUSIVE: Venezuela's Worst Gangsters Have Crossed Into The US Illegally and are unleashing chaos in Dallas, Chicago and Miami - with fearful residents saying they've had tires slashed, windows shot out in retribution for reporting them to cops​

  • Ex-Communist security forces, mobsters and state-run militias from Venezuela have crossed southern border of US
Henchmen for Venezuela's dictator and many of the South American country's worst criminals have crossed over the US border and are now causing chaos in major American cities, including Dallas, Miami and Chicago, multiple sources tell the

In Dallas, the Venezuelan neighborhood known as 'Villa Dallas' has descended into mayhem. For months, once peaceful apartment complexes have been the scene of illegal street races, beatings, shootings and extortion attempts.


Biden Administration Must STOP Cutting Border Razor Wire, Judge Rules​

Texas has celebrated a significant win over the Biden administration's border policy after a federal judge ruled Border Patrol agents cannot cut razor wire installed to slow the influx of migrants.

Judge Alia Moses, of the U.S. Western District, ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop 'disassembling, degrading, tampering' miles of the wire set up on the banks of the Rio Grande.

The focus of the lawsuit is Eagle Pass, where thousands of migrants crossed in late September and where huge crowds try to get in every day.

The state sued the Biden administration last week after members of border patrol were seen cutting out sections to let border crossers in.

Judge Alia Moses, of the U.S. Western District, ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop 'disassembling, degrading, tampering' miles of the wire set up on the banks of the Rio Grande


U.S. Migrant Crisis: 5,000 March Toward The Border In The BIGGEST Caravan Of Undocumented Immigrants In More Than A year Amid Delays At Immigration Centers In Mexico​

  • About 5,000 migrants are currently traveling by foot in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas in hopes of reaching the United States border
As many as 5,000 migrants are marching from the southern Mexico state of Chiapas in hopes of reaching the northern border region with the United States.

Migrants from Central America, Venezuela, Cuba and Haiti initiated the trek Monday after they had grown frustrated with the long wait times the Mexican government was taking to process their refugee or exit visa applications at the main immigration processing center in the Chiapas town of Tapachula, near the Guatemala border.

Mexico's National Migration Institute, which is tasked with approving or denying the applications, has been backed up with requests. Migrants normally wait weeks or months to have their status legalized, which allows them to work and move freely in the country.

A caravan of 5,000 migrants departed from the southern Mexican border city of Tapachula on Monday to make their way to the northern border region across from the United States

The migrants left Tapachula and traveled nine miles to the city of Alvaro Obregón, where they slept Monday night and departed early Tuesday morning in hopes of walking about 15 more miles


Migrant Caravan Headed North Swells By A THOUSAND People In 24 Hours To 7,000 People As Chinese Influencers Are Showing Migrants How To Cross US Southern Border​

The migrant caravan heading to the U.S. has grown by over by a thousand in just 24 hours, as social media teaches Chinese citizens how to reach the American dream.

Hundreds more have joined the caravan of migrants in Mexico bound north, one of the organizers said, bringing the total number to about 7,000 as the group traveled through the southern state of Chiapas.

Organizer Irineo Mujica said on Tuesday the caravan had swelled since Monday by about 1,000 to more than 7,000 people, although a spokesperson for the Chiapas government said state authorities still estimated its size at around 3,500 participants.

Chinese people were the fourth-highest nationality, after Venezuelans, Ecuadorians and Haitians, crossing the Darién Gap during the first nine months of this year, according to Panamanian immigration authorities. Chinese migrants using this route fly to Ecuador and then make their way north to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Chinese people were the fourth-highest nationality, after Venezuelans, Ecuadorians and Haitians, crossing the Darién Gap during the first nine months of this year

The monthly number of Chinese migrants crossing the Darién has been rising gradually, from 913 in January to 2,588 in September. At the U.S.-Mexico border, the Border Patrol made 22,187 arrests of Chinese people for crossing the border illegally from Mexico from January through September, nearly 13 times the same period in 2022.

On Tuesday the caravan was resting in the municipality of Huehuetan, about 16 miles from Tapachula, a city near the Guatemalan border from which the migrants set off. On Wednesday, the caravan will aim to reach the town of Huixtla, about 13 miles to the north, Mujica said.

On Wednesday, the caravan will aim to reach the town of Huixtla, about 13 miles to the north


EXCLUSIVE: Venezuela's Worst Gangsters Have Crossed Into The US Illegally and are unleashing chaos in Dallas, Chicago and Miami - with fearful residents saying they've had tires slashed, windows shot out in retribution for reporting them to cops​

  • Ex-Communist security forces, mobsters and state-run militias from Venezuela have crossed southern border of US
Henchmen for Venezuela's dictator and many of the South American country's worst criminals have crossed over the US border and are now causing chaos in major American cities, including Dallas, Miami and Chicago, multiple sources tell the

In Dallas, the Venezuelan neighborhood known as 'Villa Dallas' has descended into mayhem. For months, once peaceful apartment complexes have been the scene of illegal street races, beatings, shootings and extortion attempts.

A good commander in chief and federal law enforcement agency would call in the FBI and ATF and clean house, but of course a good commander in chief wouldn't have sat idolly by and let them walk into the country in the first place.
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