Media Wars

Watching Media Outlets Die​


Journalism is dead; the media is absolutely horrible and it can’t die fast enough. Thankfully, it is dying. Each year there are fewer newspapers and news websites out there, as the market speaks and people flee these left-wing propaganda machines and wither on the vine.

I find it difficult to not respond to various reporters announcing layoffs in their newsrooms with a resounding “learn to code” swipe, but I mostly succeed. It’s not about individual, awful reporters, most of the time (and they’re usually the last the be let go – looking at you, Taylor Lorenz), it about an industry so far removed from what it used to be that it’s unrecognizable.

Media is now an appendage of the Democratic National Committee. I’ll let you decide which appendage it is, but watching this clip from MSNBC’s Morning Joe clearly places it somewhere just below the equator on the human body.

Nexstar Media, the largest U.S. TV station holder, settled a defamation case with former President Donald Trump's media company just days before Nexstar's NewsNation is set to host the fourth Republican presidential primary debate.

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., the parent company of Truth Social, filed a defamation lawsuit last month against Nexstar and 19 other media organizations for stories alleging that the company had lost tens of millions of dollars. Nexstar was named in the lawsuit because its subsidiary, The Hill, reported on the purported loss.

Trump Media said Tuesday that The Hill has since retracted the article and both parties "have agreed to resolve their dispute outside of court, to both parties’ mutual satisfaction." The lawsuit against Nexstar will be dismissed, per a court filing Monday.

"All other terms of the settlement remain confidential, and the Lawsuit will proceed against all other defendants," Trump Media also said.

NewsNation is scheduled to host the fourth GOP presidential primary debate Wednesday evening.

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Washington Post Staffers Launch 24-Hour Walkout​

Reporters, producers, editors and business-side staffers are walking off the job as contract negotiations stall and layoffs loom.


More than 700 staffers at The Washington Post launched a 24-hour walkout Thursday after contract negotiations with the newspaper’s leadership have stalled after 18 months.

Reporters, producers, editors and business-side staffers walked off the job and began picketing outside the Post’s enigmatic downtown headquarters in the first protest action at the paper since the mid-1970s.

The Washington Post Guild, a member of the broader Washington-Baltimore NewsGuild, is accusing management of negotiating in “bad faith” as they seek to obtain a contract that they say must address pay disparities and offer employees raises and job protections as layoffs loom at the struggling storied paper.


Washington Post Staffers Launch 24-Hour Walkout​

Reporters, producers, editors and business-side staffers are walking off the job as contract negotiations stall and layoffs loom.

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More than 700 staffers at The Washington Post launched a 24-hour walkout Thursday after contract negotiations with the newspaper’s leadership have stalled after 18 months.

Reporters, producers, editors and business-side staffers walked off the job and began picketing outside the Post’s enigmatic downtown headquarters in the first protest action at the paper since the mid-1970s.

The Washington Post Guild, a member of the broader Washington-Baltimore NewsGuild, is accusing management of negotiating in “bad faith” as they seek to obtain a contract that they say must address pay disparities and offer employees raises and job protections as layoffs loom at the struggling storied paper.

thats a shame.

Washington Post reporters who took buyouts insulted by merchandise push on their way out​

Washington Post reporters who took buyouts were insulted to get a sales pitch to buy official company merchandise on their way out the door, according to a report.

The cash-strapped newspaper invited the soon-to-be-former employees to “take a last look at” the newspaper’s official merchandise store so that they can “take advantage of special employee pricing on products” including “alumni gear.”

The cringe-inducing sales pitch was sent in an email to employees who took buyouts.

A copy of the email was obtained by the news outlet Semafor.

A source close to the paper said that the message was included in error and is no longer part of any Washington Post employee departure communication.

The Jeff Bezos-owned newspaper was on track to Lose $100 Million this year.

Media is now an appendage of the Democratic National Committee. I’ll let you decide which appendage it is, but watching this clip from MSNBC’s Morning Joe clearly places it somewhere just below the equator on the human body.
Its a tool of the MIC, Big Pharma, banks and Silicon Valley. That goes across party lines.
LMAO .... His two viewers were saddened to hear the terrible news

Well its obvious why his show is likely getting cancelled now... He could talk all the smack he wanted about non-Muslims and homosexuals, but don't you dare speak ill of the "most moral military on the planet".

In 2009, he boldly compared non-Muslims to “animals” and insinuated that homosexuals were “pedophiles”and “sexual deviants.” However, in 2019, he eventually apologized for his past comments, saying that it was “dumb offensive ranty stuff” and admitted that he had said “extreme-sounding things.”

Recently, Hasan has also been one of the most vocal critics of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) while the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas continues.
After more than 30 years of publishing, we are delighted to announce that this week’s issue – no.400 – is the final edition of Socialist Appeal. In its place, we are launching a brand new revolutionary paper: The Communist.

This is a bold – and necessary – change. It is essential that we, as Marxists, do not lag behind. We need to keep up with the rapidly changing situation worldwide; in particular, with the growing support for the ideas of communism, especially amongst the youth.


Pravda media in Russia is proud of the stance taken by the democrat state run media. I would not be surprised that some of the propogandist are up for potential positions for them in Moscow.


CNN’s New CEO Taps Controversial, Hard-Charging ‘A–hole’ Virginia Moseley to Lead Newsroom​

CNN’s new boss has tapped a hard-charging, controversial executive to run the struggling network’s newsroom — with some of the rank and file claiming that she is a “tyrant” with “no people skills whatsoever”.

Mark Thompson — a British-born media mogul who took the helm as CNN’s CEO in October — on Wednesday named Virginia Moseley to the new role of executive editor at the left-leaning outlet.

CNN staffers were immediately on edge over the promotion of 61-year-old Moseley, according to sources. While one insider called her an “astute, excellent journalist,” others complained about Moseley’s fierce approach to management.

“Tyrant is the word that you hear used the most to describe her,” said a source. “She has reduced reporters and producers to tears. She fires before she aims.”

The source added that Moseley “swirls things up,” “magnifying” small mistakes, “blowing them up” to make you feel like “the whole world is coming unglued and she alone can fix it.”


Publisher of Sports Illustrated Lays Off Magazine’s Entire Staff​


The owner of Sports Illustrated has ended the employment of the publication’s entire staff, leaving the very existence of the nearly 70-year-old magazine in doubt.

The licensing group that owns the sports mag has terminated its agreement with The Arena Group to continue publishing the magazine three weeks after Arena missed a $2.8 million payment, a deficit that breached the magazine’s licensing deal, according to Front Office Sports.


Publisher of Sports Illustrated Lays Off Magazine’s Entire Staff​

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The owner of Sports Illustrated has ended the employment of the publication’s entire staff, leaving the very existence of the nearly 70-year-old magazine in doubt.

The licensing group that owns the sports mag has terminated its agreement with The Arena Group to continue publishing the magazine three weeks after Arena missed a $2.8 million payment, a deficit that breached the magazine’s licensing deal, according to Front Office Sports.

please tell me that isnt a real cover

Publisher of Sports Illustrated Lays Off Magazine’s Entire Staff​

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The owner of Sports Illustrated has ended the employment of the publication’s entire staff, leaving the very existence of the nearly 70-year-old magazine in doubt.

The licensing group that owns the sports mag has terminated its agreement with The Arena Group to continue publishing the magazine three weeks after Arena missed a $2.8 million payment, a deficit that breached the magazine’s licensing deal, according to Front Office Sports.

Pravda media in Russia is proud of the stance taken by the democrat state run media. I would not be surprised that some of the propogandist are up for potential positions for them in Moscow.

WTF? This was a Daily Mail article that didn't even mention Pravda one time.

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