Shep Smith breaks his silence about why he left Fox News - CNN
Shep Smith, who
left Fox News in October 2019 while in the middle of a three-year contract, has remained largely silent about his departure -- until an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour that aired Tuesday.
Smith, now host of the nightly show "The News with Shepard Smith" at 7 pm ET on CNBC, told Amanpour that his presence on Fox became untenable as
opinion shows on the network spread falsehoods that hosts knew were lies.
"Opine all you like, but if you're going to opine, begin with the truth and opine from there," Smith said.
"When people begin with a false premise and lead people astray, that's injurious to society and it's the antithesis of what we should be doing: Those of us who are so honored and grateful to have a platform of public influence have to use it for the public good."