Marxist Black Lives Matter

Daniel Perry was also a pedo in addition to being a murderer. What an upstanding citizen that’s now back on the streets of lawless Republican Texas.

“The court documents also revealed that Perry sent inappropriate messages to someone who claimed to be 16 years old through Kik Messenger, a communication platform that has been used to share child pornography.

"Also promise me no nudes until you are old enough to be of age,” Perry wrote, the same month he shot and killed Foster.

Before signing off, Perry wrote, “I am going to bed come up with a reason why I should be your boyfriend before I wake up.””

Daniel Perry was also a pedo in addition to being a murderer. What an upstanding citizen that’s now back on the streets of lawless Republican Texas.

“The court documents also revealed that Perry sent inappropriate messages to someone who claimed to be 16 years old through Kik Messenger, a communication platform that has been used to share child pornography.

"Also promise me no nudes until you are old enough to be of age,” Perry wrote, the same month he shot and killed Foster.

Before signing off, Perry wrote, “I am going to bed come up with a reason why I should be your boyfriend before I wake up.””

Then charge him with that, it sounds like it needs to be down..but I will counter with the guy Gage Grosswatever that Rittenhouse shot was a CONVICTED Pedophile not just alleged and he was carrying a gun and got no charge amd is walking the streets so unless you were calling dor that (which I doubt) then this is a typical double standard by a leftist
Then charge him with that, it sounds like it needs to be down..but I will counter with the guy Gage Grosswatever that Rittenhouse shot was a CONVICTED Pedophile not just alleged and he was carrying a gun and got no charge amd is walking the streets so unless you were calling dor that (which I doubt) then this is a typical double standard by a leftist
So because a dead guy was a pedophile, this pedophile should walk free? Nice deflection and defense of a pedophile.
Quoting Booker is just a rightist ploy for self-justification to maintain their status quo of bigotry, denying their overt and covert economic suppression, and racial hatred and violence. Try reading some of this too for a balanced perspective. And perhaps a fuller awareness of what the issue includes. And finally, what most of the racist mess in Murica is really about, but bigots and racists will never admit, at least not openly.

1716044634664.jpeg “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson

Bet you, the folks who laud the Booker quote, ignore that he said SOME Negros do what he claimed. As opposed to blanketing all under the same cover. It's not that ole Booker T. is wrong, but the motivation for quoting him here in this forum. As stated in my opening comments.
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As Civil War Consumes Black Lives Matter, $8.7 Million Goes Missing​


The left-wing dark money giant Tides Foundation raised more than $33 million on behalf of the national Black Lives Matter group during the George Floyd riots in 2020. Now, Black Lives Matter is suing Tides over its refusal to hand the funds back. There’s just one problem—nearly $9 million of those funds have seemingly disappeared.

From 2020 through 2022, Tides transferred $8.7 million from the fund to Black Lives Matter Grassroots, an offshoot of the national Black Lives Matter group led by Melina Abdullah, a longtime activist and professor. But Black Lives Matter Grassroots reported to the IRS that it never received that money, and no one involved in the transactions will say what became of the funds. These discrepancies have left charity watchdogs mystified, while legal experts say they could lead to massive fines and penalties.

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LOL: A lame attempt to link her criminal behavior to her job. Plenty of conservative accounts get caught embezzling money, too. One's ethical/moral standards rarely have anything to do with work.
Forget it, man. So-called conservatives refuse, yep, REFUSE to acknowledge each time they point an accusing finger at someone they don't like, their hand has three fingers pointing at themselves. Signifying the accuser is thrice as bad as the accused. They are constantly engaging being the pot calling the kettle black.
Forget it, man. So-called conservatives refuse, yep, REFUSE to acknowledge each time they point an accusing finger at someone they don't like, their hand has three fingers pointing at themselves. Signifying the accuser is thrice as bad as the accused. They are constantly engaging being the pot calling the kettle black.

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