Marxist Black Lives Matter


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Black Lives Matter Founder an Open Supporter of Socialist Venezuelan Dictator Maduro

One of the most high-profile founders of the Black Lives Matter organization – now one of the most influential and powerful political movements on the planet – has a long history of supporting Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro.


Maduro has presided over one of the world’s most repressive regimes since 2013 when his predecessor Hugo Chávez died. Under Maduro, Venezuelan police forces have committed a long list of human rights atrocities including the torture, kidnapping, rape, and killing of unarmed protesters. Under Maduro, Venezuela has become an especially dangerous place for minors.

In light of the prominence of Black Lives Matter – a global non-profit currently receiving millions in donations – photos have begun to circulate a photo of Opal Tometi, a founder of the organization, hugging Maduro at the 2015 People of African Descent Leadership Summit in Harlem, New York, where several high-rank officials of the Venezuelan regime also participated. Maduro, currently banned from the United States, was in town for the annual United Nations General Assembly.

Tometi appears alongside Maduro on a Venezuelan government propaganda site’s news report from the event, raising a fist and embracing him. The photo appears to be taken in front of a giant photo of Maduro’s face.

Tometi spoke at the summit, standing in front of a Venezuelan flag for the speech and thanking Maduro’s government for the opportunity. Among her targets during the speech were the government of the Dominican Republic for deporting Haitians and “Western economic policies, land grabs, and neocolonial financial instruments like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund” for, she argued, creating the Mediterranean migrant crisis.

“I am aware that justice also has to do with racial aspects,” assured Tometi, according to Venezuelan state media. “What we are experiencing is the manifestation of anti-black racism and this is state violence. It must be called by its name. Police brutality, the murders of blacks, violence against the Afro-descendant community, all is proof of the violence of the State,” said the Black Lives Matter founder.

Tometi also quoted Joanne Chesimard, a radical Marxist convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper in 1973 who has lived for decades as a fugitive in Cuba, as urging, “you must fight until all black lives matter.” Tometi referred to Chesimard, who renamed herself “Assata Shakur,” as the summit’s “dear exiled sister.”

In addition to meeting with and applauding Maduro at the New York summit, Tometi also served as an election observer in socialist Venezuela during the 2015 legislative elections. She praised the socialist dictatorship as “a place where there is intelligent political discourse” on Twitter during one of the bloodiest years of police brutality in the country.

Her praise remains online at press time. Since the election, widespread evidence of fraud on the part of Maduro’s regime during that election has surfaced.​
Tometi also applauded Venezuela in an article that year stating, “in these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world.”​

Tometi’s ideology does not appear to be an outlier within the Black Lives Matter movement. In a eulogy, the organization mourned the passing of brutal Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016.​

“There is an overwhelming sense of loss, complicated by fear and anxiety. Although no leader is without their flaws, we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante,” a eulogy by the official “Black Lives Matter” organization read.​

After some thoughts on revolution, the piece ends: “As Fidel ascends to the realm of the ancestors, we summon his guidance, strength, and power as we recommit ourselves to the struggle for universal freedom. Fidel Vive!”​

Cuba is socialist Venezuela’s closest ally.​

I thought all I had to pay was $10
Don't confuse CHAZ reperations with California recuperations/ political appeasement. It is another way to launder money into the hands of the DNC.
Any person who stands with the idea of reparations for people who have been dead for 150 years needs their ear yanked.
Don't confuse CHAZ reperations with California recuperations/ political appeasement. It is another way to launder money into the hands of the DNC.
Any person who stands with the idea of reparations for people who have been dead for 150 years needs their ear yanked.

Uh, they need more than only their ear yanked ...... they need to have a lobotomy done .... lobotomy
Thank God I don't live in that wacko, it's always a nightmare, state. But whatever ..... If they don't comply to their lunatic idiot demands they will burn & destroy that state until they get their crybaby ways. It's called extortion.
Then they will grow to hate it and move here, and then they will try to make it just like the place they hated so much they left.
President of the United States open supporter of Communist leader of North Korea Kim Jong-Un and former Soviet Union KGB agent and current Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
Pretty sure he sends them campaign contributions and has been soliciting their help in how to deal with riots.
Now I know he was just innocently sleeping then stealing the cops taser to resist arrest with and all, but as someone whos been awakened by cops from my car, maybe dont resist arrest and attempt to steal their weapons. Id expect to get shot if I did. Then again that wouldnt be newsworthy.


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