Marcus Freeman promoted to head coach at ND

Here is a good example of someone using their own bias to misquote something and ignore context.

Kelly was involved in a televised discussion entitled "Race and Sports: A Candid Conversation" and was trying to say that his defensive coordinator was qualified and capable and was going to be the next great black coach in college football. He was trying to make the point that there are a lot of black coaches who are qualified to lead football programs.
I actually heard it and it was not real smooth, all these jackasses sound stupid when they're trying to talk about race nowadays
He didn't say that at all.

Notre Dame's Brian Kelly clarifies remark about Marcus Freeman as 'next head coach'

While speaking to NBC Sports in August for a segment entitled "Race in America: A Candid Conversation", Brian Kelly lauded Marcus Freeman's abilities, and then added that Freeman "is going to be the next head coach."

In the yahoo! article linked up above, Kelly clarified that he meant Marcus Freeman would be the next black coach hired to lead a major college football program. Kelly acknowledged Freeman's race, while speaking highly of him, but at no point did Kelly say that Marcus Freeman would make a great coach BECAUSE he's black. You're trying to twist that into something it wasn't.
So who gaf? It was 2021 racial ******** talk from ignorant progressives.
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So who gaf? It was 2021 racial ******** talk from ignorant progressives.
No, it wasn't. It was a head coach, praising the abilities of an assistant, while also acknowledging the assistant was black. You are trying to find offense, in what was an innocuous compliment.
So who gaf? It was 2021 racial ******** talk from ignorant progressives.

What in the world?? Seriously?

What does a “Race in America segment” have to do with racial *** or whatever?

How does “talking” about race make one “progressive?”

What’s wrong with working with a guy (who happens to be black), thinking he is going to be really good one day………then expressing that in some talk about “race in America”?

how on earth would that be wrong, bad, “progressive”…….or anything?
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ND fans seem pretty happy about it. By all accounts this guy is a lights out recruiter; I think they are #5 for this year and supposedly like #3 in the far-too-early 2023 recruiting rankings which is pretty nice. Kelly I guess had a reputation as being a less than energetic recruiter so I don't know how that's going to work out for him at LSU. Poorly, I hope. But he's not insane and he can communicate in the English language so I guess that's an improvement for LSU. And the ND people seem to be happy too so maybe both got something they wanted.

Which reminds me of the old joke: if the state of Tennessee ceded the city of Memphis to the state of Arkansas, the average IQ of both states would rise.
Not exactly a wow hire. Going cheap like UT. Kelly must have cost them a ton of money to settle with the family of the kid that died at practice.

This is the result of wokies infiltrating the coaching search at ND. Sad part is, everyone knows it but is scared to say anything. The guys on 99.1 were saying how bad the hire was but didn't dare comment on the true motivation for the hire. No way you look at Freeman's resume and say, "yep, that's the guy we want to run our program". Can't wait to hear Clay Travis' take... I know he'll keep it one hundo.
Hope he does well but I’m still in favor of showing the abilities to CEO a team at the traditional proving grounds schools. Clearly hiring someone who has zero head coaching experience to run a top ten program is taking a huge risk. And even hiring a coach from one of these schools is never a sure thing. Has there been a successful head coach hired from the AAC lately? Maybe Tom Herman at Texas who was promptly fired. I’m not anti ND so I hope Coach Freeman does well!
It’s hilarious people running down Kelly who’s one of the top coaches in college football and lauding this guy as some great can’t miss head coach. ND just screwed the pooch. Southern Cal will be taking the series back over because they played big boy football and paid for a top notch coach and ND, well they sort of UT’d it.
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I personally hope he has some degree of success, as an up and comer, regardless of race, to maybe start a trend of not selling the farm to bring in the big name guys as HC across D1. Like to see more success stories, even mixed in with the failures following this plan, than playing the game with the notorious guys that we see all too often. I am glad we did not dip into the pool of head cases out there. We are still paying the price for the kiffin accelerated fall from grace, but he is still on a bunch of short lists at places that have not learned the importance of loyalty and integrity and will probably play the move up game again. I admit I am a bit concerned that our coach, who I believe to be a quality human, might yet be tempted like Johnny was to come and Dickey was to go. Loyalty can be a two edged sword. In this instance I am hoping that the integrity element due to commitments to bosses, staff and players wins out over school colors if approached. I will feel better when that slot is no longer open. I guess it is hard to give the keys to younger coaches when a failure by them will bring exponentially bigger choruses of hate from the LOYAL fan base than if you mortgage the farm on an arrogant A lister and end up with exactly the same results. Tough gig.....
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Not exactly a wow hire. Going cheap like UT. Kelly must have cost them a ton of money to settle with the family of the kid that died at practice.

Why do fans always think that you have to make a wow hire to make a good hire? When Bob Stoops retired, OU just promoted Riley. That was a good hire. Meanwhile, Texas made the wow hire with Tom Herman. How’d that work out?

Sometimes, continuity is better than wow.
Tbh I don’t know how anyone can really know how good/bad this guy would be. All you can do is make a generalization based on how promoted assistants typically fare
I actually heard it and it was not real smooth, all these jackasses sound stupid when they're trying to talk about race nowadays

It wasn't smooth because he mispoke and seemed to insinuate that he would be the next head coach at ND. He then clarified what he meant later on. I'll provide his actual quote below so you can't misrepresent it any more.

“We were talking about race,” Kelly said. “We weren’t talking about Notre Dame at all. It’s like anything else — somebody took the comments and inserted ‘Notre Dame’ in it. It had nothing to do with Notre Dame.

“We were talking about giving qualified people, in particular African American and Black leaders the opportunity to lead. I’ve done that in my football program with director of operations, I think I alluded to that. We were talking about coaches, and I said the next head coach will be Marcus Freeman. That got taken as the next head coach at Notre Dame, but that was never part of the equation. I was talking about him being the next Black head coach in terms of that will be the next head coach that is Black in the country.

“It’s just one of things when you’re on a golf course talking about race in America and everybody else thought I was talking about Notre Dame football. So, it is what it is. I don’t know if I clarified it any. I think it’s still going to be taken as, ‘He’s going to be the next head coach.’ But if you think about it, why would somebody ask me, ‘Hey, who’s going to be the next head coach?’ I’d be pretty offended.”
Not exactly a wow hire. Going cheap like UT. Kelly must have cost them a ton of money to settle with the family of the kid that died at practice.

Dumb. You gotta know before you speak. He's the hot ticket and was being groomed for a HC position.
Knee jerk hire to save a class and maybe get into the playoffs. You’re Notre Dame, act like it. This coach wasn’t being pursued by anyone for bigger job. Florida and Oklahoma didn’t call, VT was filled by a DC.
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I feel bad for those players. Kelly didnt even believe in them enough to stick around to see if they'd get in the playoffs. They are still in the hunt. Kelly had rather take the money than possibly get a ring with his team.

I normally despise Notre Dame. But if they do happen to make the playoffs, I'm cheering for them hardcore. And I hope Kelly gets ZERO credit or ring. Jerkbag is everything wrong with sports today.

Kelly had to take the Lsu job NOW. That was the stipulation! Recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. I don't understand all the hate. Oh well, lots I don't understand these days.
Knee jerk hire to save a class and maybe get into the playoffs. You’re Notre Dame, act like it. This coach wasn’t being pursued by anyone for bigger job. Florida and Oklahoma didn’t call, VT was filled by a DC.

ND just demonstrated why Kelly left for LSU. Luke Fickle ....
Dumb. You gotta know before you speak. He's the hot ticket and was being groomed for a HC position.
what big job was his name attached too? USC, Florida, Oklahoma, LSU, Virginia Tech? No doubt he’s in line for a job, but he was hired by pressure of now and not later. Going back to the Bob Davie era of hiring, didn’t workout so well.
It’s hilarious people running down Kelly who’s one of the top coaches in college football and lauding this guy as some great can’t miss head coach. ND just screwed the pooch. Southern Cal will be taking the series back over because they played big boy football and paid for a top notch coach and ND, well they sort of UT’d it.

This will for sure be a great sub plot to follow in HIRING COACHES 101. The dynamics of the staffs at both places will also be an interesting study. I was shocked that Riley went to USC... did not see that coming at all. With these salaries and buyout numbers I wonder if some just take to the money and prepare to run.. I guess everybody wants to win to some degree, but if it is a bad social experiment going home early with bucks in the bank takes a lot of the sting out of it... Ed O. is a poster child for that.
What does Tennessee’s schedule have to do with anything? Tennessee played against some of the best O’s in the country…….3 of the top 6.

I have stated I personally thought it was a reach and probably early.

Having 1 good year at recruiting…….doesn’t necessarily make you one of the best recruiters. Was it him? Or because ND has been doing great? Or partly Kelly too? Who knows yet?

Just said he “hadn’t” been a strong recruiter……..hopefully (for ND as I don’t care one way or the other….except you like to see young coaches succeed) he can continue.

FSU 73rd scoring O
Toledo 25th
Purdue 76th
Wisconsin 86th
Virginia tech 93rd
USC 53rd
UNC 17th
Navy 115th
Virg 24th
Georgia Tech 96th
Stanford 114th
And Cincy 8th

Tennessee literally played 3 teams in the top 6 of O……..ND played 4 in the top 25. Tennessee played 4 of the top 18, 5 of the top 35 and 6 of the top 42……….ND had still just played those 4.

Again though Tennessee and their schedule has nothing to do with anything.

I hope Feeman kills it, simply because he’s young and it’s his first HC job. However other than “excitement” (because folks like him and he’s young) there isn’t a ton to really go on.
Let's play connect the dots. Yes UT played 3 of the top 6 scoring offenses in the country.. They also played 5 in the bottom 35. Statistics aren't based upon 3 games, they actually use every game.

Cincy went from 94th to 8th in total defense under him. Most people would find that impressive. Obviously you don't.

As for his recruiting that you have questioned, today it shows his 2022 LB recruits at 4, 5, 13, and 19. So 4 out of the top 19. Yes, he personally recruited them (he's a former linebacker). To put it into better perspective, Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio St each have two.

So his coaching and recruiting is a "reach" to you. I and most can see why ND hired him. (That doesn't mean he will be successful). Just connecting the dots looks like it may be a decent hire. Like Coach Heupel his players love him and probably got him the job. That also says something.

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