Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Do you think that there is anything that we could have done to contain the virus being that the virus was likely here in December.

Get the testing in order. We have no idea of the scope of the infections thus far, meaning we have very unreliable data on what's coming, which is driving the panic.
Do you think that there is anything that we could have done to contain the virus being that the virus was likely here in December.
The only shot was China to be transparent and announce what was going on in November and accept the help of the WHO and CDC. All you can hope for now is flattening the curve.

The communists are still lying. 3000+ deaths in China the entire time. 1000 dead in Italy in 3 weeks.

I can see that. People are thinking this has blown up from nothing in a week when it's likely been in the US and many other countries around the world since December and many weren't even aware. They just wrote it off as the flu and dealt with it as they normally would.

I'm guessing it was in the states in Oct or Nov.
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7:30 AM Data Dump from Johns Hopkins

Coronavirus – What Are The Symptoms?
Shortness Of Breath
Wet Cough
High Fever

Is not contagious when on plastic for more than 8 or 9 hours.

Does not necessarily stay in the air for 3 hours.

Dr Segal predicts the virus cases will decline when the weather gets warmer and due to drastic public health measures. Contradicts what others have said. Convinced it's seasonal. Does not see a lot of cases in South America, Australia, Around the Equator, etc but admits he could be wrong.

Overall, this may not pan out to be near as bad as the press is claiming.

People need to watch this.
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Get the testing in order. We have no idea of the scope of the infections thus far, meaning we have very unreliable data on what's coming, which is driving the panic.
Hard to fathom why this hasn’t been rectified or at least explained better.
Get the testing in order. We have no idea of the scope of the infections thus far, meaning we have very unreliable data on what's coming, which is driving the panic.
Did you even read that link from UCSF?

  • What about testing to know if someone has COVID-19?
  • Bottom line, there is not enough testing capacity to be broadly useful. Here’s why.
  • Currently, there is no way to determine what a person has other than a PCR test. No other test can yet distinguish "COVID-19 from flu or from the other dozen respiratory bugs that are circulating”.
  • A Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test can detect COVID-19’s RNA. However they still don’t have confidence in the test’s specificity, ie they don’t know the rate of false negatives.
  • The PCR test requires kits with reagents and requires clinical labs to process the kits.
  • While the kits are becoming available, the lab capacity is not growing.
  • The leading clinical lab firms, Quest and Labcore have capacity to process 1000 kits per day. For the nation.
  • Expanding processing capacity takes “time, space, and equipment.” And certification. ie it won’t happen soon.
  • UCSF and UCBerkeley have donated their research labs to process kits. But each has capacity to process only 20-40 kits per day. And are not clinically certified.
Novel test methods are on the horizon, but not here now and won’t be at any scale to be useful for the present danger.
New Link:
7:30 AM Data Dump from Johns Hopkins

Coronavirus – What Are The Symptoms?
Shortness Of Breath
Wet Cough
High Fever

Is not contagious when on plastic for more than 8 or 9 hours.

Does not necessarily stay in the air for 3 hours.

Dr Segal predicts the virus cases will decline when the weather gets warmer and due to drastic public health measures. Contradicts what others have said. Convinced it's seasonal. Does not see a lot of cases in South America, Australia, Around the Equator, etc but admits he could be wrong.

Overall, this may not pan out to be near as bad as the press is claiming.

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