Key Out For the Season.

This is a HUGE loss. Defensively, she is the straw that stirs the drink on our team. She simply can't be replaced yet on defense.
Simply out of our hands, Kellie’s and Tamari’s. She will be replaced. Team will pull together. Forged. Only happens when the heat gets turned up.
I think it will be a fight for this LadyVols team to make the NCAA Tournament and they could wind up in the Women's NIT Tournament.
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First and foremost, get well soon Tamari!!!

And please let this be a teaching moment for those who rush to the worst possible assumptions about why a player might be underperforming. In most cases, the issues is not a lack of motivation or all the other accusations that were thrown Tamari's way. Usually, it is because players are human beings and human being sometimes face real challenges.
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I hope this loss doesn’t have the same effect losing Green did last year. Things seemed to unravel after that.

I don't think it will. Hollingshead and Franklin have the team in a better position at the post slot than last season. The cruel reality is that the games keep coming and people have to step up when one player goes down. Striplin is going get a golden opportunity as well.
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First and foremost, get well soon Tamari!!!

And please let this be a teaching moment for those who rush to the worst possible assumptions about why a player might be underperforming. Way more often than it is not due to a lack of motivation or all the other accusations that were thrown Tamari's way. Usually, it is because players are human beings and human being sometimes face real challenges.

Agree 100%. Ongoing criticism of players on a public forum is unnecessary and the harm almost always outweighs any benefits. Any criticism should be worded carefully, never making personal attacks, and always be done in a constructive way. I've felt many of the past criticisms I've read on this forum about Tamari were unfair and demeaning. My viewpoint has always been that with her height and presence in the paint, especially on defense, she's someone we definitely want on the Lady Vols team. Think of past times when we were having a hard time recruiting a tall, quality post player. It's scary to think we might get stuck a year or two without one. Sometimes we take for granted what we have. Fortunately we picked up Hollingshead from the transfer portal. She displays a great attitude and has a lot of promise. And it will be great to see Striplin getting more minutes. She's received some undeserved criticisms on this forum as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing her on the court more -a great future ahead for both these young players. If not mistaken, I believe Tamari will have another year of eligibility remaining due to Covid. Wishing for a successful recovery and hopefully a return next season.
I’m still in shock honestly, I had a DVT blood clot in my right leg and I remember all the doctors used to tell me was how lucky I was it didn’t break off and travel to my lungs because it would kill me.

I’m also praying for her mental health, because that type of condition can prey at your mind after a diagnosis, the constant thought of any sharp pain in your chest or a difficult breath weighs on your mind!

I do hope she finds solace in that fact the they caught it and with treatment, if she chooses to play basketball again, she can. I remember some years back Serena Williams had blood clots in her lungs and was able to come back and still play tennis at a high level. Love you Tamari! 🥹❤️
Agree 100%. Ongoing criticism of players on a public forum is unnecessary and the harm almost always outweighs any benefits. Any criticism should be worded carefully, never making personal attacks, and always be done in a constructive way. I've felt many of the past criticisms I've read on this forum about Tamari were unfair and demeaning. My viewpoint has always been that with her height and presence in the paint, especially on defense, she's someone we definitely want on the Lady Vols team. Think of past times when we were having a hard time recruiting a tall, quality post player. It's scary to think we might get stuck a year or two without one. Sometimes we take for granted what we have. Fortunately we picked up Hollingshead from the transfer portal. She displays a great attitude and has a lot of promise. And it will be great to see Striplin getting more minutes. She's received some undeserved criticisms on this forum as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing her on the court more -a great future ahead for both these young players. If not mistaken, I believe Tamari will have another year of eligibility remaining due to Covid. Wishing for a successful recovery and hopefully a return next season.

Agree. I have a mea culpa too. Tamari was having her best game of the season against Va Tech and I was critical of Kellie for not playing her more minutes in such a close game. What did I know? Not a dang thing....
Agree. I have a mea culpa too. Tamari was having her best game of the season against Va Tech and I was critical of Kellie for not playing her more minutes in such a close game. What did I know? Not a dang thing....
We never know and I think it is not anything to bad to talk about how a player is playing in a game not knowing facts like this. Certainly not being hateful or spiteful to want players to perform no way could we know any underlying problems.

The part I don't like is character assassinations that have been way to plentiful about kneeling, eyelashes or describing a player as lazy, hasn't worked, out of shape. I am glad that is finally being dealt with on this site see the A few things post. Any I see going forward gets reported now that I firmly know they are against this sites rules.
I was suspicious of a respiratory issue when she seemed out of breath a lot. I don't care if she ever plays again. She needs to do what's best for her health and life. A nice young lady who I am confident will succeed in life.
get well soon . Key just played never conplain about refs. Quiet leader.
We love you, Tamari! As sad as I know you are that your basketball season is over, you and everyone who loves you can feel twice as grateful this was caught now and that you will recover fully under excellent care.

Hope to see you at the games soon to help us old timers cheer on your teammates! 🧡
Can she redshirt this year or is it too late?
She probably can redshirt but I think there would be no need to do that. She already has a fifth season which she might stay for, but no way she would stay for a sixth season. I think she might have to stay to show her recovery and basketball skills to get drafted. I don't see her wanting a sixth season even if she decides to return to basketball.
1/3 or 1/4 games played not sure when how in season in baskketball. But there hardship med. redshirt. Cut date do not know
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