Keller Chryst Signing to be announced in the morning per

1) his experience and maturity gotta be a plus for a position where we were terrible last year. I’m not sold on JG or McBride.
2) lining up all these QB wannabes, with what is supposed to be a lot better coaching should be interesting. May the best man win and the next two or three hang around next season just in case.
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Not as a starter. Wasn't JG's only win against Southern Miss where he scored 0 TD's..?..

His first start was against SC. He didn’t play against Mizzou (McBride started)...1-5.
They have a camera focused on sideline demeanors?

They cut away to the TN bench explicitly showing JG pouting on the sidelines at least three times during the Ga Tech game. JG would not engage with the coaching staff and Dormady when the defense was on the field. It became a storyline during the first half.

You must have been at the game...
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They cut away to the TN bench explicitly showing JG pouting on the sidelines at least three times during the Ga Tech game. JG would not engage with the coaching staff and Dormady when the defense was on the field. It became a storyline during the first half.

You must have been at the game...

Nah...saw it on TV. TMZing of America. :)
Ah ok. 1-7 to I have a whole new outlook on how good JG actually is now!

Wasn’t the intent. Just figured you should know how wrong you you could pontificate properly. :)
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I was shocked the first time JG scrambled. All I heard preseason was "best dual threat QB!!", "future NFL STAR!", "Heisman campaign starts soon!!"....and he ran like an old man with dual hip bursitis trying to get home to his nagging wife.
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Jumping the gun much? This kid won’t be here until after he graduates in June. And he already got beat out by a Sophomore for a job. JG has every advantage on him, no matter how much you guys want to manufacture this immaturity or lack of mental toughness you think JG has. He will be a good back up plan in a worst case scenario.

JG does have the advantage of Spring practice. The extent to which uses that advantage remains to be seen. However, it's also arguable that Chryst has the advantage of having played this style of football likely since High School.

I don't know why everyone feels like they have to pick a side now. It seems to me that all fans would want the guys that gives us the best chance to win.
I was shocked the first time JG scrambled. All I heard preseason was "best dual threat QB!!", "future NFL STAR!", "Heisman campaign starts soon!!"....and he ran like an old man with dual hip bursitis trying to get home to his nagging wife.

Yeah that whole thing was overplayed. When Dormady came in for a play (in what turned out to be his last game) in relief, he actually looked more explosive. I think he had a 30 yard run? We got spoiled by Dobbs who wasn’t a 4.4 guy but got up to full speed quickly and knew how to run angles for maximum benefit. Some of the more mobile NFL QB’s like Mark Brunnell, weren’t stopwatch fast...just better instinctually.
Good athletes can overcome bad coaching. And you seem to forget that the coaches are the ones executing the plays on the field..JG is not a good QB, is not a good leader, and his "mental toughness" sounds an awful lot like code for not the sharpest knife in the fridge..

And then there is of many games with zero offensive points in a row? 4? Yeah..

Hey, were you one of the "VFLs" screaming that everything was the coaches fault and it didn't matter what the players did, it was all the coaches fault? Now it is time to start saying everything is the player's fault since you can't complain about Butch Jones?! JG acted like a talented QB trying to run a completely broken offensive system, and totally confused as to what he was supposed to do. The OC had no idea what he was doing and the offense showed it last year.
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Im glad we got this guy but JG and Mcbride had no Oline or coaching. JG has elite talent just waiting to be tapped into.
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If anyone watches, chances are that every SEC team will have to use at least 2 QBs every season. QBs who go all 12 games in this league are a rarity. It happens but more often injuries occur
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After a little research, it's obvious that he has some real intangibles: excellent facial symmetry, strong jawline, proportionate nose. The kid has "NFL" written all over him.
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