Joe Milton III performance

Not sure if its been said, but is Milton our next Tee Martin?
Doesn’t seem all that similar at first blush. He’s 3 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. If you’re talking in terms of taking over for a highly skilled, beloved qb (Manning/Hooker) and potentially winning a championship, then maybe. Although then I’d say he’s more the Shuler to Hooker’s Kelly with Iamaleava as the next Manning, hopefully.
I entered all the factors in my software; “Real QB Passing Statistical Verification” of Air Time, Velocity, Spin, Accuracy, Field Position, Hash Mark Location, Weather Conditions…just to name a few.

Milton’s pass came back with length of pass at 63.77 yards, time in air 3.07 seconds, spin score of 98.46%, accuracy at 99.63%, Hash Mark influence of 99.99% of probability.

It was rated as the #1 overall pass out of all QB passes considering all factors for year 2022, and #1 pass of all Second String QBs for the years 2010 thru all games to date in 2022.

I also ran the numbers thru my “Future College QB Time Machine“ using those exact numbers and Milton is projected in 2023 to have a pass that will travel 77.38 yards in length breaking all known records both in High School, College and all Professional football sports.
Lmao. You should sell licenses for that! If you haven't already, Milton may require you to consider curvature of the earth. Ha Well done.
If Milton has not only turned the corner, but made the leap, I will proudly spend the entire next season eating crow with everything you Milton guys want to serve on it.

Why? Hooker was playing like moldy garbage and Milton maybe could have saved the game. Hooker over threw 2-3 sure TD passes. Milton has dropped dimes.
Tee had a cannon that was on Shuler's level, and he didn't have a lot of touch either, but Tee didn't have an arm like Milton. I've never seen a good QB, with the exception of Elway or maybe Brett Favre, that could throw the ball that far without a lot of effort.

Tyler Bray had a hose but Milton may have him by a couple yards. Check out the 52 second mark of this video 45 yardline to goaline, effortless.
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I’ve been impressed with his improvement with the accuracy. We know he can make all the throws so the only question will be his decision making. Hooker has thrown what 5 interceptions in almost 2 full seasons? Milton’s arm and Heupel’s system could be a lethal combo for opposing D’s
I agree.

I agree that you should be slammed for this.

Hendon Hooker is no system QB. He is legitimately one of the most talented QBs in the country. Perhaps THE most talented.

If you can't see that, honestly, not trying to be insulting, you really don't get college football. It's pretty obvious.
How many back shoulder throws has he made? How many times has he thrown a receiver open? If they’re not wide open he holds it till he’s sacked. Stares to one side of the field only.
I am so impressed with this young man! What an amazing talent and teammate! It will be his time next year and I am here for it. I imagine he has the the locker room and is a natural leader. He is a Team guy and that makes a GREAT leader. Let’s finish this year strong. Go Vols!!
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He threw that ball 67 yards, in the air, on a rope. There's maybe 1 other QB in the country that can do that, MAYBE.

It looked like that thing arched up to the upper deck. I was upper deck few rows up under jumbotron and when he launched it, it looked even w me. Looked down on White and he flat out landed a dime. Threw it from the 35YL and hit him in the hands at the 5YL!
I thot Jamarcus Russel had the biggest cannon of an arm, but this guy is beyond that. No wonder coaches get enamored with him. Had he relaxed and dialed that thing in for Pitt & UF last season, we'd probably never known HH.
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Squirrel is the next Hyatt

He'll have to learn to catch those balls in stride and keep running first. Milton should've had a TD pass on that frozen rope he threw. It didn't really matter this time, but if it's from the 20, could be the difference between a touchdown and a long field-goal attempt down the road.
Anyone still worried about QB next year after seeing those two freaking on the money lasers Joe threw in the 4th quarter today? What an arm!!!
I've long been an advocate for Joe. He's not Hendon but he is unique. We will have to build our offense around him. He may not have all the fine juking skills of Hendon but he is load with an arm!
When I saw him drop his shoulder on that one run I was like Milton is here folks... Hes had 2 years to learn the system and he's looking good throwing the ball but now he's running like the hoss he is
Anyone remember a Knox Webb fella named Chad Pennington? Played against him for a couple years in high school. He was good, not great. Not a really strong arm. Not really a great runner. But he was smart and knew where to throw it. Made good decisions.

Goes to Marshall. Still doesn’t have a great arm. Still isn’t fast. 4 years later he’s at the Downtown Athletic Club as a Heisman finalist.

The next spring he’s a 1st round draft pick. Still not a strong arm. Still isn’t fast. But he has a decent NFL career with the Jets and Dolphins. If nothing else ever can convince you that great QB at every level is more mental than physical, Chad Pennington should be your proof. Yeah, you have to have a certain level of arm talent and physical tools to be successful. But what separates the great ones, and even the really good ones, from the rest are what’s between their ears. Making decisions quickly, and correctly, being mentally tough….great QBs can do that and average ones can’t.
Remains to be seen if Joe can do that. If he can, he will be a great college QB and a great pro because he has every physical tool. But if he can’t, he won’t be great in either place.

Just my 2 cents.
Not trying to be a jerk but you’re making a straw man argument. All I said is that I believe Hooker to be a system QB. He is a GREAT QB in our system. I’ve never questioned that. When I watch him he has too many flaws to be an NFL QB. Accuracy and arm strength being my biggest concerns. I’ve seen Milton make 6 throws this year in just 25 attempts that Hendon is not physically capable of making.

We have all noticed how effortlessly you are a jerk, no trying necessary. Pretty easy to attain that designation with the arrogance coefficient you maintain. Ever notice how many times you use "I" in your shreds of brilliance? Pretty telling.
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Anyone remember a Knox Webb fella named Chad Pennington? Played against him for a couple years in high school. He was good, not great. Not a really strong arm. Not really a great runner. But he was smart and knew where to throw it. Made good decisions.

Goes to Marshall. Still doesn’t have a great arm. Still isn’t fast. 4 years later he’s at the Downtown Athletic Club as a Heisman finalist.

The next spring he’s a 1st round draft pick. Still not a strong arm. Still isn’t fast. But he has a decent NFL career with the Jets and Dolphins. If nothing else ever can convince you that great QB at every level is more mental than physical, Chad Pennington should be your proof. Yeah, you have to have a certain level of arm talent and physical tools to be successful. But what separates the great ones, and even the really good ones, from the rest are what’s between their ears. Making decisions quickly, and correctly, being mentally tough….great QBs can do that and average ones can’t.
Remains to be seen if Joe can do that. If he can, he will be a great college QB and a great pro because he has every physical tool. But if he can’t, he won’t be great in either place.

Just my 2 cents.

He was like a ESPN highlight reel machine in college.
He'll have to learn to catch those balls in stride and keep running first. Milton should've had a TD pass on that frozen rope he threw. It didn't really matter this time, but if it's from the 20, could be the difference between a touchdown and a long field-goal attempt down the road.

That was not a frozen rope
But still a great great bomb pass.
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