I trust Coach ______ defense is used EVERY time

It's hilarious how much more people think they know than the guy who is the actual expert. They're the same people who can't tell the difference between a trap, a lead, a counter etc, but think they can just Google up the right guy for Offensive Coordinator.

I know very little about this guy. I also knew very little about the playcalling ability of Walt Harris, Al Saunders, Phil Fulmer and David Cutcliffe when they got the job. They all worked out.

I'm with you on this. I have no idea how anyone will work out in CBJs offense or who would fit best.

I have no desire to pretend I do, much less get into a heated debate over any of the things being said.
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Because it's a waste of time. Regardless of OUR opinions on the subject, there's not a whole lot we can do about it anyway. So why waste time crying about something we have no control over. We have no other choice but to trust that CBJ will hire the right man for the job. The only alternative is to quit watching or pick a new team to follow.

So as a sports fan you are suppose to sit back n not make any observations or comments?? Really.. U don't know much about sports fans then.. Go to Philly n Oakland.. Lol

In not having power..well there r plenty of ways.. Quit donating to athletics.. Buying apparel.. N still love you team..

Its called hard love n 20 or 30 thousand do it then u have change
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It's hilarious how much more people think they know than the guy who is the actual expert. They're the same people who can't tell the difference between a trap, a lead, a counter etc, but think they can just Google up the right guy for Offensive Coordinator.

I know very little about this guy. I also knew very little about the playcalling ability of Walt Harris, Al Saunders, Phil Fulmer and David Cutcliffe when they got the job. They all worked out.

Amen brother
...and has failed miserably almost every time. I like Butch as much as the next guy, and I am super excited about our chances to win the division next year. That is why I REALLY want Butch to knock this thing (OC hire) out of the park.

But, I'm terribly concerned that Butch may be falling victim to the familiarity/association trap (ie, like Hamilton did Hiring Kiffin and Dooley based on their familiarity/association with Monte and Saban, respectively) with DeBord. Just blindly defending what appears to be a bad hire, has a terrible track record lately.

Nothing about his resume says "prolific" The 97 NC team had an average offense, but great defense. His offense doesn't even remotely resemble what Butch has since developed AFTER his association with DeBord.

Butch's offense mirrors that of Rich Rodriguez, whose current offense is putting up big numbers. Hiring one of his co-OC's would therefore make the most sense. Both of whom Butch has worked with since.

DeBord seems more like repaying a debt, for helping Butch get started long ago...than hiring the most qualified....TODAY.

Rod Smith or Calvin MaGee would be guys that we could all be happy about. Bill Legg's offense is VERY similar to ours...and his Marshall offense was the 2nd most prolific in College (FBS), last year.

One of my favorites would be Meacham at TCU. Smaller program than our own...and less talent overall. But they manhandled both Oklahoma and Ole Miss, this year. Two teams that didn't just beat us, but thumped us, soundly.

Give him Dobbs, North, Malone, Pearson, Hurd and Wolf...and he can hand out the same kind of azz-whoopin's he gave OK and Ole Miss.

Call it "sexy" hire if you will. It's just a matter of looking at who has demonstrated success at that position, lately. It's what any employer is looking for.

Chicken Little syndrome.

Relax and support the team. Thank God we have a coach that accepts accountability and responsibility for everything he does and doesn't try to please the masses.
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No, what's hilarious is how many Vol fans ignorantly think that every coaching decision made is pure genius when we have seen nothing but ineptitude for nearly a decade.
oh, I agree with that too. It's no wonder that people are gun-shy about a key coaching change. But when message board guy acts expert and indignant about something as nuanced as an assistant coach hire, it sets off my BS detector.
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And so the better option is to come here and complain/worry/rant/freak out about it? If the coach gets it right, great. If not, nothing you can actually do about it. Circle of Concern, friend.
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familiarity/association trap (ie, like Hamilton did Hiring Kiffin and Dooley based on their familiarity/association with Monte and Saban, respectively)

Those are just called bad hires by a guy who didnt know what he was doing, not sure a parallel can be made to that and BJ. Better comparison would be Fulmer promoting RS/
Maybe butch isn't interested because they aren't a Butch guy?

Point is Butch wants a guy to come in and fall in line not buck the system. We need new blood in the offense not someone who only runs a handful of plays Butch let's hook call...

Well, he is head coach and his future depends on his decisions. Same would be for you if you were head coach. And by the way, if you were head coach, why would you listen to some jerk on an internet board for your major decisions? Cool it.
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Well, he is head coach and his future depends on his decisions. Same would be for you if you were head coach. And both way, if you were head coach, why would you listen to some jerk on an internet board for your major decisions? Cool it.

Your right, he is the hc and pardon me for hoping he would have more sense having a leading candidate that's been out of the game for almost a decade.

If I were wagging my future I would at least treat all applicants with the same respect not have all but one at the airport bar over stale pretzels and flat beer.
Vol fans want an OC that will call good plays 100% of the time. No one is that good, period. I think Debord fits what CBJ wants right now. Does he fit what I want? No, but it's not my call. He may or may not hire Debord, we don't know yet. Just let CBJ do his job and we as fans do ours.
Vol fans want an OC that will call good plays 100% of the time. No one is that good, period. I think Debord fits what CBJ wants right now. Does he fit what I want? No, but it's not my call. He may or may not hire Debord, we don't know yet. Just let CBJ do his job and we as fans do ours.

Don't kid yourself the writings on the wall. It's crazy to think this guy will come in and be a top assistant. If he were he wouldn't have been hired by someone else.

This feels like a Dooley Sal reunion
As a guy firmly in the circle of concern I say no hire has been made and the vetting process continues.
Your right, he is the hc and pardon me for hoping he would have more sense having a leading candidate that's been out of the game for almost a decade.

If I were wagging my future I would at least treat all applicants with the same respect not have all but one at the airport bar over stale pretzels and flat beer.

So that I may more readily assess your opinion please tell us how long you have been "out of the game?"
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It's hilarious how much more people think they know than the guy who is the actual expert. They're the same people who can't tell the difference between a trap, a lead, a counter etc, but think they can just Google up the right guy for Offensive Coordinator.

I know very little about this guy. I also knew very little about the playcalling ability of Walt Harris, Al Saunders, Phil Fulmer and David Cutcliffe when they got the job. They all worked out.

Exactly. Look at the same folks who swore they were done when Butch was hired, and are now saying, "Butch gets it". Half the folks complaining about this rumor honestly probably never heard of DeBord.
...and has failed miserably almost every time. I like Butch as much as the next guy, and I am super excited about our chances to win the division next year. That is why I REALLY want Butch to knock this thing (OC hire) out of the park.

But, I'm terribly concerned that Butch may be falling victim to the familiarity/association trap (ie, like Hamilton did Hiring Kiffin and Dooley based on their familiarity/association with Monte and Saban, respectively) with DeBord. Just blindly defending what appears to be a bad hire, has a terrible track record lately.

Nothing about his resume says "prolific" The 97 NC team had an average offense, but great defense. His offense doesn't even remotely resemble what Butch has since developed AFTER his association with DeBord.

Butch's offense mirrors that of Rich Rodriguez, whose current offense is putting up big numbers. Hiring one of his co-OC's would therefore make the most sense. Both of whom Butch has worked with since.

DeBord seems more like repaying a debt, for helping Butch get started long ago...than hiring the most qualified....TODAY.

Rod Smith or Calvin MaGee would be guys that we could all be happy about. Bill Legg's offense is VERY similar to ours...and his Marshall offense was the 2nd most prolific in College (FBS), last year.

One of my favorites would be Meacham at TCU. Smaller program than our own...and less talent overall. But they manhandled both Oklahoma and Ole Miss, this year. Two teams that didn't just beat us, but thumped us, soundly.

Give him Dobbs, North, Malone, Pearson, Hurd and Wolf...and he can hand out the same kind of azz-whoopin's he gave OK and Ole Miss.

Call it "sexy" hire if you will. It's just a matter of looking at who has demonstrated success at that position, lately. It's what any employer is looking for.

Solid post.
4 years this Tuesday.

Well by all means, deliver unto us your wisdom.:)

It has been 36 years and 7 weeks since I last suited up. The game has long since passed me by and well, I probably am suffering from too many concussions along the way.:crazy:
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No one cares what you want or who you want to hire. Im sorry thats hard for you to understand. Your opinion does not matter. CBJ will hire who he wants, for better or worse. You can support the hire and the team or frankly - gtfo.
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Don't kid yourself the writings on the wall. It's crazy to think this guy will come in and be a top assistant. If he were he wouldn't have been hired by someone else.

This feels like a Dooley Sal reunion

By that logic the question must be asked: who is paying you to evaluate coaching?
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Well by all means, deliver unto us your wisdom.:)

It has been 36 years and 7 weeks since I last suited up. The game has long since passed me by and well, I probably am suffering from too many concussions along the way.:crazy:

For having concussions that a pretty sharp recollection.

Solid work.
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oh, I agree with that too. It's no wonder that people are gun-shy about a key coaching change. But when message board guy acts expert and indignant about something as nuanced as an assistant coach hire, it sets off my BS detector.

Good point. Its akin to saying its a great hire just because our coach made it.

Neither will truly know until the product is on the field.
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