Hugh Freeze random guess thread (merged)

Im sorry . I got carried away. These OC negotiations are very stressful to me . We thought we had a done deal but the Easter Bunny is trying to play Hardball because of CHF’s time @ ole miss. We are all ready to get out of here and deliver CHF to VN but that damned Rabbit just won’t budge !

I also had someone reputable for the most part tell me Hugh was coming and thought it’d be by Monday. That was Friday and now it’s Tuesday. Obviously that was either BS or something changed. I dont Know what the hell is going on rn
Details were worked out several days ago. Freeze is slow playing his decision. He is a wanted man so he can pick and choose. Also, I never underestimate the power of Sexton to use this to get some pay raises for some of his other clients.

Anything that says that “details” have to be worked out, is foolish.

This is not what's happening.
Just the other night Weezer had someone throw a firecracker through the hole at him and almost put his eye out. He's used to big excitement at his "job"

I was gonna ask what the hell kind of work might involve someone throwing a firecracker through a hole and putting an eye out but I think Weezer will be much more heroic in my mind if I let my imagination run with that one.

Cool, I didn't know Fischer Price phones looked so realistic...

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