Hugh Freeze random guess thread (merged)

Been sitting back for days now.. Following this site and all the threads.. Some people would think I'm crazy for doing it. Actually i get a big laugh out of the comments made. I love this site.. Please people...keep up the good work. :)
There was some dude from the Gruden threads that was saying things very similar to what Volman365 is saying. I wish I could remember what his name was.

All I can remember is he ended up getting banned for a a little bit because he was obviously trolling.
Didn't Haynesworth say Gruden deal was done? Pretty sure I remember him saying it was happening. So with that being said. The deal isn't happening.
Yep he did, have known him my whole life. He’s actually a good guy. Just cause he got one wrong doesn’t mean he’s wrong this time. I haven’t talked to him at all about Hugh Freeze, so don’t know if he predicted him or not.
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Chill.....he is making fun of OP.
Im sorry . I got carried away. These OC negotiations are very stressful to me . We thought we had a done deal but the Easter Bunny is trying to play Hardball because of CHF’s time @ ole miss. We are all ready to get out of here and deliver CHF to VN but that damned Rabbit just won’t budge !
Details were worked out several days ago. Freeze is slow playing his decision. He is a wanted man so he can pick and choose. Also, I never underestimate the power of Sexton to use this to get some pay raises for some of his other clients.

Anything that says that “details” have to be worked out, is foolish.
Did you also see the “Big A” at top?



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