Heupel buyout?

Am I correct that it would be $18 million?

Yes that's what another team would have to pay us for him if he left.

That's the only reason why you could possibly be thinking about his buyout, right?
Am I correct that it would be $18 million?

39 million is what I was told it would be next season. It would be a heck of a lot easier to get rid of him, if it was only 18mil.
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Everyone needs to chill the f*** out. It sucks but we simply aren't that good and most knew we weren't going to be. I have my grievances about certain things but it's not like Heupel is working with a full cupboard right now. Knee-jerk reactions are what got us where we were the last 15 years.
I don’t think he’d leave for A&M but if he did, yeah that’s what they’d have to pay.
Do we really want to do this again? I think we might have to face it. We’re an 8-9 win program with the potential for 10-11 win years sprinkled in. Unless we start recruiting on the level of Georgia, Bama, and Ohio State consistently again, this is the reality.

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