HBO's True Detective

Just caught up and this show is fantastic. I'm not sure how they could cast a better group for the second season.
The cast turnover idea was probably inspired by American Horror Story. That's apparently been a great series as well although I haven't seen a single episode of it myself.

I picked up right away that there would be different actors and different crimes every season.
This show is based off the actual magazine True Detective. I think the premiss is perfect.

And damn can that man smoke a cigarette.
Almost makes me want to take it back up.
Awesome series so far. I'm sure they will rake in Emmy's next year. And Rust is totally going to bang Hart's wife/ex wife sometime before this season is over.
I picked up right away that there would be different actors and different crimes every season.
This show is based off the actual magazine True Detective. I think the premiss is perfect.

And damn can that man smoke a cigarette.
Almost makes me want to take it back up.

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Awesome series so far. I'm sure they will rake in Emmy's next year. And Rust is totally going to bang Hart's wife/ex wife sometime before this season is over.

Idk, I feel Hart wouldn't be so casual and somewhat complimentary to Rust if he knew he had slept with his wife. Unless of course he never finds out
HBO went and dropped Lizzie from The Walking Dead into this show as Hart's younger daughter.

Weak twist they are trying to throw in this last episode with trying to blame the murders on Cohle and making him out to be the Yellow King.
The last 2 episodes have put this show at the top. Just amazing acting, story telling, and what might the greatest one shot in television history. I can't think of a reason that this show will not be at the top for me at the end of 2014. Maybe Mad Men or GoT (knowing the books it is possible this season) can top it, but I doubt it.

I watched season 1 of Hannibal last month (which I loved), but True Detective is on a different level.

Weak twist they are trying to throw in this last episode with trying to blame the murders on Cohle and making him out to be the Yellow King.

Twist? They have been telegraphing this since the first episode.

I stuck with it. I just have trouble changing characters like they had to do and they stopped surprising me in later shows

When Spartacus left the ludus and Batiatus was no longer on the show, it really took a hit in quality for me. The first season and prequel were amazing.
So Ledoux isn't the Yellow King it appears. When Cohle and Hart talked to the traveling preacher and his people they said that the prostitute was seen with a tall man with facial scarring right? Which Leduoux wasn't tall and didn't have facial scarring that I can tell?

Has anyone went back to see if the guy running through the field in the gas mask in his underwear was Leduox now that we've seen Leduox and know what he looks like?

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here.

Edit: Looked it up and the guy wearing the gas mask was Leduox. They have the same tattoos.
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So Ledoux isn't the Yellow King it appears. When Cohle and Hart talked to the traveling preacher and his people they said that the prostitute was seen with a tall man with facial scarring right? Which Leduoux wasn't tall and didn't have facial scarring that I can tell?

I feel like this all goes back to the Rev. Tuttle (I think he was in episode 1 or 2) and the so-called 'anti-Christian' task force. Tuttle was the sponsor of the school, and is powerful enough to have some sway (he is the Governor's brother). That said they talked about something bad happening to Tuttle back in early 2000's. Did Chole kill him and been gunning after the others while living off the grid?

Everything points to a cult, but it wouldn't surprise me that it will be something so weird in the in that it doesn't make sense to most people and is debated for years.
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HBO went and dropped Lizzie from The Walking Dead into this show as Hart's younger daughter.

Weak twist they are trying to throw in this last episode with trying to blame the murders on Cohle and making him out to be the Yellow King.

Agreed. I saw it going there, and it's going to be interesting to see where it takes us.

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