Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party Wins in the Netherlands!

The burden is not on me to prove to you the links between Christianity & Western Civilization.

Children know this.
That's an deflection from not being able to back up your assertion. Children know that Santa and the tooth fairy are real.
That's a deflection from not being able to back up your assertion. Children know that Santa and the tooth fairy are real.
lol you not keeping up with the Israel thread? “Children” are anyone under 18.

And no - I am not going to entertain you trying to prove something to you that is known. And that you will simply reject anyways.

Go pester Huff if you want a free education.
lol you not keeping up with the Israel thread? “Children” are anyone under 18.

And no - I am not going to entertain you trying to prove something to you that is known. And that you will simply reject anyways.

Go pester Huff if you want a free education.
Right... Well, if you do find a way to support your argument it would be interesting to see what you come up with.
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