Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party Wins in the Netherlands!


‘Mega Victory!’ Anti-Mass Migration Populist Geert Wilders Wins Most Seats in Dutch Elections, Exit Polls Show​


Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) have swept to a stunning victory in Dutch elections, with exit polls predicting that his populist anti-mass migration party will become the largest force in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands.

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‘Mega Victory!’ Anti-Mass Migration Populist Geert Wilders Wins Most Seats in Dutch Elections, Exit Polls Show​

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Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) have swept to a stunning victory in Dutch elections, with exit polls predicting that his populist anti-mass migration party will become the largest force in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands.

looks like Bob Barker saying Come on Down, you are the next contestant on the Price is Right!
They fear Europeans going to the polls and voting their choice? That’s weird.

Historian and commentator Timothy Garton Ash says the news from the Netherlands is “exactly what we have started to fear for European elections next year”.

Leftist trash only like democracy when the result favors them.
They fear Europeans going to the polls and voting their choice? That’s weird.

Historian and commentator Timothy Garton Ash says the news from the Netherlands is “exactly what we have started to fear for European elections next year”.

This is very weird. The guy is supposed to be an historian? We can only hope that the history books are not badly flawed that we grew up reading. It is scary to think how they want to portray history in the future instead of sticking with facts and the truth.
So, our republican bloc is in favor of rewriting the Constitution and abolishing religious freedom. What do you envision the future of America looking like?
I’m not Republican bloc, but I am not in favor of rewriting or abolishing religious freedom.

I’m a big fan of religious freedom. It’s right up there with Speech, Arms, & Association for me.
So, our republican bloc is in favor of rewriting the Constitution and abolishing religious freedom. What do you envision the future of America looking like?
Bad take. The only point being made and is the primary goal of Islam is that no other religion remains other than Islam. That is their expectation. Hence, it is incompatible with the western world because it doesn’t value freedom of religion for others at all.
Bad take. The only point being made and is the primary goal of Islam is that no other religion remains other than Islam. That is their expectation. Hence, it is incompatible with the western world because it doesn’t value freedom of religion for others at all.
Yet Christianity is much more aggressive with proselytizing and wants to convert the world. Is Christianity compatible with the Western World?
Yet Christianity is much more aggressive with proselytizing and wants to convert the world. Is Christianity compatible with the Western World?
There is no doubt Christianity attempts to convert through witnessing. Many of our laws in the western world are based on Judeo Christian principle, so in that sense, yes, Christianity is compatible wrt freedom of speech, of religion and other rights in the western world. The goal of Islam and the laws of Islamic nations largely do not support these principles.
There is no doubt Christianity attempts to convert through witnessing. Many of our laws in the western world are based on Judeo Christian principle, so in that sense, yes, Christianity is compatible wrt freedom of speech, of religion and other rights in the western world. The goal of Islam and the laws of Islamic nations largely do not support these principles.
If Christianity and Islam have the same goal of converting the world then I don't see how one is compatible and the other isn't. I see your point on the laws of a lot of majority Muslim countries, but then most of them are post-colonial totalitarian states, much the same as most post-colonial majority Christian countries.
Wait, this guy wants to eliminate their constitution's equality under the law provision, and conservatives like him? Or just don't know about it? Or am I misunderstanding what's happening?
You guys literally tried to overturn an election and stormed the capitol because you lost. And isn't it Republicans who are trying to overturn the results of Ohio's vote on abortion?

I don't even understand the gripe about the tweet. He's afraid his side will lose elections and somehow that means he's against democracy or something? Bizarre behavior in the PF, as usual.
There is no doubt Christianity attempts to convert through witnessing. Many of our laws in the western world are based on Judeo Christian principle, so in that sense, yes, Christianity is compatible wrt freedom of speech, of religion and other rights in the western world. The goal of Islam and the laws of Islamic nations largely do not support these principles.

At best, you're saying Islamic countries (that these immigrants are trying to leave, much like our ancestors) are just behind the times. Christian nations had problems with all of this in the past. As you know, this was a monumental component of our nation's founding.

And not all Christian nations enjoy these in Russia, for example.

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