Fulmer comments on Gillespie departure

Although I agree RG was a great coach, I have one question. Why exactly would he give the nod to Hurd over Kamara?
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Although I agree RG was a great coach, I have one question. Why exactly would he give the nod to Hurd over Kamara?

Hurd's mother threatened to graze the field at halftime and pitch another security alert fit in the stands if he didn't. He caved.
I hope Pruitt wins us tons of championships but does his s*** eating grin bother anyone else? It's like he thinks to himself I'm getting rich off of Tennessee the greatest rival to my Alma Mater. Alabama keeps rolling and even if I can't turn this program around I'll still be rich. Its like an internal running joke. Sorry, I know this is my problem not volnations. :)
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I hope Pruitt wins us tons of championships but does his s*** eating grin bother anyone else? It's like he thinks to himself I'm getting rich off of Tennessee the greatest rival to my Alma Mater. Alabama keeps rolling and even if I can't turn this program around I'll still be rich. Its like an internal running joke. Sorry, I know this is my problem not volnations. :)

Only you.
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It is kind of a messed up thing to say to someone who was dedicated to Tennessee. He'll probably go back to Florida and steal some big time recruit from us. That's usually our luck lol
Maybe CRG wasn’t onboard with the Bama way of recruiting. New cars for recruits, no payments until you get drafted!
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Clearly the same situation right? :ermm:

Despite the emotion of the press conference when he was let go, I think he has handled the situation very well since and remained loyal to the university when he could have been bitter. For his part, there was very little staff turnover on his watch. That became a part of the draw in the glory years. CJP is entitled to build his inner circle with people that are in align with his vision and work ethic.

That said, it is indeed a business for grown ups - that is one of the reasons they get PAID well. It can be a short term stint and movement is normal. They are protected by contracts and salaries most of us would envy. Win and you are golden; lose and you get to start over at a lower school/position typically. I wish G well, and look forward to seeing what CW brings to the table. I suspect G will not remain unemployed long.
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CRG was a decent RB coach but we'll all question how things went with Hurd and AK since it's now so obvious that AK should have been used much more.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

I think the real problem with CRG was in the area of recruiting and as the recruiting coordinator.

Pruitt knows full well that he MUST get top recruits of the right type for every position to flip our player roster and get Wins as fast as possible with his systems.

It's pretty obvious that Pruitt wasn't happy with our signing results even though he and his staff had such a short time to reel them in.

It seems like he thought that CRG was a weak link in the recruiting process and that he didn't really fit in with the rest of the staff so he made a change to try to get things better before wasting a year and then having to replace CRG.

I'd rather he did it now than to waste a year since now the staff is busy getting ready for Spring ball.

There's LOTS to do in recruiting and getting ready for Spring ball so they won't be getting lots of sleep for awhile.

good god where did you guys come from? maybe Pruitt can buy you some Vaseline

Or just Mcgyver it.
"big boy business" ---phil needs to come up with some better terminology to describe pruitt running off a coach he didn't want.
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