Cosby Verdict

Bill's wife Camille released a statement where she bashes the judge in the case as "overtly arrogant" and is critical of the prosecution, the accusers and the media. Everyone got a full dose of criticism except for her husband, who at the very least has now admitted to cheating on her dozens of times.
Bill's wife Camille released a statement where she bashes the judge in the case as "overtly arrogant" and is critical of the prosecution, the accusers and the media. Everyone got a full dose of criticism except for her husband, who at the very least has now admitted to cheating on her dozens of times.

I'm sure she has known of his adultery for years.
Bill's wife Camille released a statement where she bashes the judge in the case as "overtly arrogant" and is critical of the prosecution, the accusers and the media. Everyone got a full dose of criticism except for her husband, who at the very least has now admitted to cheating on her dozens of times.
Some folks have a hard time understanding who is to blame for circumstances that happen to them. That and you don't want to derail the gravy train.
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What I don't understand is, why does a rich, famous and influential dude have to rape anybody to get laid? I get the whole predator psychology thing to a degree, but why?..Just to exert power over a few "unwilling" women that would have just laid there comatose? The Cos could have banged a thousand willing, exuberant sluts if he wanted too. Back in my lowlife druggie days, I had so many hot chicks throw theirselves at me just for a high it was ridiculous. I can't imagine how easy it would be for a superstar.
One instance I heard about was where a woman thought something might have happened one night and then she went back to visit a second time.

Are you effing kidding me? You actually thought something might have happened and you decided to go back for seconds?

Andrea Constand - "He handed me 3 blue pills, he said they were a natural remedy to relieve the stress of a career change."

And she just took them right?


Is anyone with a brain buying this story? Unfortunately.
If he doesn't get convicted, so be it.

But nothing will change that he is guilty of being a scumbag pos hypocrite.
What I don't understand is, why does a rich, famous and influential dude have to rape anybody to get laid? I get the whole predator psychology thing to a degree, but why?..Just to exert power over a few "unwilling" women that would have just laid there comatose? The Cos could have banged a thousand willing, exuberant sluts if he wanted too. Back in my lowlife druggie days, I had so many hot chicks throw theirselves at me just for a high it was ridiculous. I can't imagine how easy it would be for a superstar.

Cosby is 1 ugly cat...Drugging woman may be his easy way with spending money
Lol yeah you clearly aren't biased at all in this.

Explain to me how that comment clearly indicates bias. Cosby still hasn't been found guilty. Unless and until that happens I'm giving him the benefit of any doubt. 50 alleged rapes and zero convictions.

Why do you consider him to be guilty when the courts don't?
Explain to me how that comment clearly indicates bias. Cosby still hasn't been found guilty. Unless and until that happens I'm giving him the benefit of any doubt. 50 alleged rapes and zero convictions.

Why do you consider him to be guilty when the courts don't?

You're a self-proclaimed smart boy, you can figure out why your very different descriptions of the women going after a married father of 5 compared to your description of a married father of 5 going after women indicates your bias.

And all I said was he's guilty of being a pos hypocrite; that's been proven.
You're a self-proclaimed smart boy, you can figure out why your very different descriptions of the women going after a married father of 5 compared to your description of a married father of 5 going after women indicates your bias.

And all I said was he's guilty of being a pos hypocrite; that's been proven.

I said that the alleged victims might be fun girls that like to party. I said that Cosby is a horn dog. I still can't find this bias that you speak of.
I said that the alleged victims might be fun girls that like to party. I said that Cosby is a horn dog. I still can't find this bias that you speak of.


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