Cosby Verdict

But as women kept coming out... and kept coming out... and kept coming, it became obvious the guy was a serial rapist. It's a punch in the gut for all those that loved him at the height of his career.

Its a bandwagon, sir, Of course they are all going to have the exact same story... they just copy what the first person says and the media eats it up.
Its a bandwagon, sir, Of course they are all going to have the exact same story... they just copy what the first person says and the media eats it up.

So all the women are liars? Even the ones that say they have no plans for a civil suit?

How do you explain the body guard?
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Coug, over 40 women from different backgrounds and spanning 3 decades have come out with nearly identical stories. So unless these 40 women got together and concocted this "drugged and rape story", THEN got his personal body guard to admit to being a bagman for the sleeping drugs, there is just too much smoke for this to not have some truth to it. Whether he gets off on this particular trial matters very little. Guilty people get off all the time. Doesn't mean they didn't do it, just that the prosecution couldn't prove it in court.

FTR I didn't want to believe it when the first few accusations came out. Bill Cosby was a HUGE part of my childhood. In fact, just a few months before all this started I was introducing my teenage niece to his comedy albums while driving to the beach. We cracked up the whole way.

But as women kept coming out... and kept coming out... and kept coming, it became obvious the guy was a serial rapist. It's a punch in the gut for all those that loved him at the height of his career.

You've reached a definite conclusion in your mind simply based on the number of women who have accused a very famous comedian of rape. You've not even heard a fraction of the evidence or testimony and you're convinced he's guilty. That's truly sad. Please, for the love of God, don't ever serve on a jury.
If there truly are 40+ real victims, did any of them actually file charges/accuse Cosby immediately after they claim to have been raped? Asking because I don't know... not really following it closely. If they've all come forward years later, that suggests he might just be a horn dog that knew a lot of fun girls.
You've reached a definite conclusion in your mind simply based on the number of women who have accused a very famous comedian of rape. You've not even heard a fraction of the evidence or testimony and you're convinced he's guilty. That's truly sad. Please, for the love of God, don't ever serve on a jury.

Ive read a ton on the whole situation. The judicial system isn't the be all end all of determining guilt. Don't be so naive to think guilty people don't get off in court and innocent people can go to prison.

Do you think OJ was innocent just because the police screwed up the investigation?

If there truly are 40+ real victims, did any of them actually file charges/accuse Cosby immediately after they claim to have been raped? Asking because I don't know... not really following it closely. If they've all come forward years later, that suggests he might just be a horn dog that knew a lot of fun girls.

Some of the women tried to come out when it happened and say they were dismissed or their careers threatened. Cosby was a mega star and most of his victims were young models and actresses just trying to break into the business. Now you get into the history of rape culture and why women don't come forward sooner which is a much broader conversation.

Also these accusations aren't really new. Janis Dickerson has been vocally claiming she was one of his victims for years and tried to include it in her book back in 2002 but her publisher wouldn't let her.
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You've reached a definite conclusion in your mind simply based on the number of women who have accused a very famous comedian of rape. You've not even heard a fraction of the evidence or testimony and you're convinced he's guilty. That's truly sad. Please, for the love of God, don't ever serve on a jury.

Says the guy who similarly hasn't done any research or heard a fraction of the evidence against him.

Feel free to start here:
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What's the statute of limitations? Hollywood casting couches are nothing new.

Most of the accusers are past the stature of limitations for both criminal and civil cases. They just want to see an old man go to jail because they are mean.

This particular trial got in days before the statute ran out for her. She came forward after many of the others. This trial is about one particualr instance. One victim. Although it is being viewed by the press as a proxy trial for all the accusers.
Most the claims these women are making are pretty sketchy when you actually hear/examine them. There's a bit of an assumption that something must have happened because of the number, but when you have money and fame like Cosby, that can account for the numbers.

Like Lebron's house being vandalized with racist graffiti, there could also be a racial element at play here.
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You've totally enlightened me by posting links to two random articles. He's guilty for sure now, throw him in jail people!

I'm not really sure how two articles about a Cosby deposition whereby he admits to giving women drugs with the intent of having sex with them, in a thread about the Cosby trial where he is accused of drugging a woman and sexually assaulting her, is random.

Of course I'm also not surprised you've failed to make the connection. Or even know what a deposition is.

Question, do you believe anything to say, or do you just like to hear yourself bang the keyboard? I'm guessing the latter, but we'd all appreciate the clarification.
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You've totally enlightened me by posting links to two random articles. He's guilty for sure now, throw him in jail people!

If you read those and still think he is 100% innocent then you can't be helped.

Do you seriously think the justice system is infallible? I see you in the politics forum ready to throw Trump under the bus with no hard evidence. You seem to keep dodging the question of whether or not you think OJ is innocent since the jury came back not guilty. Show a little consistency.
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So all the women are liars? Even the ones that say they have no plans for a civil suit?

How do you explain the body guard?

Just a gut feeling. I know about as much as anyone else does in these events. But I do know and understand human behavior. If these women really were rape victims, they wouldn't have all waited until 3 years ago to come out with their claims. They would have come out immediately...
Just a gut feeling. I know about as much as anyone else does in these events. But I do know and understand human behavior. If these women really were rape victims, they wouldn't have all waited until 3 years ago to come out with their claims. They would have come out immediately...

That feeling in your gut? It is the vomit you spew on this message board.
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One thing about Cosby that bothers me: He has referred to himself as legally blind (and so have his attorneys) because he has keratoconus which is curable with cornea transplants (assuming he would have it in both eyes). A cornea transplant is a very common procedure and only takes between 3-4 months to recover from. He would have a hard time being out in bright sunlight but with prescribed eye drops, it is a painless procedure. It seems more like a sympathy plea by someone with legal trouble. Dr. David Harris at UT has performed over 1,200 of these (including on me). It's just weird that Cosby doesn't do it.
Just a gut feeling. I know about as much as anyone else does in these events. But I do know and understand human behavior. If these women really were rape victims, they wouldn't have all waited until 3 years ago to come out with their claims. They would have come out immediately...

Weird post. Making a declaration and then following it immediately with evidence to the contrary.
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One thing about Cosby that bothers me: He has referred to himself as legally blind (and so have his attorneys) because he has keratoconus which is curable with cornea transplants (assuming he would have it in both eyes). A cornea transplant is a very common procedure and only takes between 3-4 months to recover from. He would have a hard time being out in bright sunlight but with prescribed eye drops, it is a painless procedure. It seems more like a sympathy plea by someone with legal trouble. Dr. David Harris at UT has performed over 1,200 of these (including on me). It's just weird that Cosby doesn't do it.

My wife wants lasik, her corneas are too thin for it. Lots of reasons we can't know why someone doesn't do something. I doubt he's suffered with this disease for decades on the off chance he'd need sympathy in a criminal trial.
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My wife wants lasik, her corneas are too thin for it. Lots of reasons we can't know why someone doesn't do something. I doubt he's suffered with this disease for decades on the off chance he'd need sympathy in a criminal trial.

I'm just saying that he's not blind from keratoconus. It's not a blinding condition. Worst case scenario with scarring, he wouldn't be able to drive due to the 'starburst' effect that it has.

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