Cooper Mays not going through senior day

He knows what Nico about to do next year
I honestly believe this is a part of it…I’m sure there are multiple factors but IMO he wants to play a year with Nico and help usher him in properly instead of leaving him to a brand new center in his first year…

Mays is just awesome in so many ways…he deserves a massive NIL deal
I honestly believe this is a part of it…I’m sure there are multiple factors but IMO he wants to play a year with Nico and help usher him in properly instead of leaving him to a brand new center in his first year…

Mays is just awesome in so many ways…he deserves a massive NIL deal

Considering the right NIL deal would have brought Cade back for another season, I’d expect the same from Cooper. I think he’d love to play another year, but financial security trumps all.
Last week Doug Matthews said the collective is doing very well and the staff would be deciding which players they would be very interested in coming back with NIL . So refreshing to see both wealthy donors and others working together for the Vols .
He has to prove he can stay healthy for a full season if he is going to be drafted.

It is a gamble, but the payoff would be a nice rookie contract vs a likely UDFA contract.
Cooper is the #53 inside lineman on DraftCountdown and #999 overall on DraftScout. He has little to lose by playing another season.
If he gets injured next year, he will be exactly where he is now concerning the draft.

I always look at it like a star VOLS player can always get a cushy job selling cars or real estate in TN if pro football doesn't work out for them. There is money to be made for them.
Winning 10 would require beating Oklahoma, Alabama, or Georgia. Going to be tough, but it can happen.

We need our OL to be better than it was this year. Getting Cooper back would be a step in that direction. Also need some playmakers to emerge in the passing game. Squirrel is solid but we need a better top target. Interested to see what Ethan Davis and Mike Matthews can do. Need a big bodied WR… Bru coming back would help.

If Nico can play up to the hype… and if our OL gets better… and if our passing game becomes respectable… Dylan Sampson is going to be on a lot of Sportscenter highlights.

I’m not worried about defense as much, because I respect what Tim Banks has done with very little talent.

These are my thoughts exactly. I would add the caveat that Squirrel IS talented enough to be an SEC no1 WR for a team, shoot he had 8 catches at halftime against Bama....but we are a MUCH better offense with Bru and Matthews/Nimrod/ somebody else on the outside and Squirrel in the slot where he practiced and played all last year.

* I have no idea why my text went to italics on mobile ... i thought you had to type colons and slashes type bullcrap in front of and behind your text on mobile to make it change to italics. IF its a simple 1 button thing, I would love to know which button. I surely didn't type anything extra to cause this lol
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Seeing where spraggins didn’t go through with the seniors either. What about Cambell?

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