Colin Cowherd Gone!

I really thought he was being sarcastic there. RDU, tell me you were being sarcastic.

Come on man. Berman at the U.S. OPEN is like listening to Walter Kronkite report the news. It's like poetry in motion. It's like listening to Roseanne Barr or Carl Lewis sing the national anthem. There is no equivalent.
Come on man. Berman at the U.S. OPEN is like listening to Walter Kronkite report the news. It's like poetry in motion. It's like listening to Roseanne Barr or Carl Lewis sing the national anthem. There is no equivalent.

How is that racist? The education system in the DR is terrible. There are players from there playing in the MLB with less than a 5th grade education. Thats not racism, its just facts.

So there is not one single person in the DR with a decent education right?
How is that racist? The education system in the DR is terrible. There are players from there playing in the MLB with less than a 5th grade education. Thats not racism, its just facts.

Don't you know.. The only group of individuals that you can target with any comment in a white US male and keep your job....Everyone else is off limits.. PC gone international. Facts should never get in the way of a feel good story...
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Dont see the big deal here...

The ever so sensitive, politically motivated and uber politically correct are always lurking and on the prowl to shut down free speech. Make no mistake, that's what this was...and ESPN is chock full of these idiots.
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So there is not one single person in the DR with a decent education right?

Did Cowherd say there wasn't?

FTR my father in law is from the DR. He is a retired electrical engineer. He also came from a more well to do family in the DR so his educational opportunities were probably a little higher than the average citizen there.
ESPN just gave him a parting shot going out the door to tarnish his career. Why would they want to provide context or clarify the comments? Personal feelings are Cowherd is generally a douche but I didn't see the problem with his statement.
Cowherd is no longer doing any programming at ESPN. I'm surprised they too him off so quick, his contract goes until December.
Cowherd is no longer doing any programming at ESPN. I'm surprised they too him off so quick, his contract goes until December.

It wa because of his "racist" comment last week. He was just gonna stay on through the end of the month anyways, i think.
I get what Cowherd was saying but he didn't do a good job explaining what he meant and I could see how someone could take offense but it's really not a big deal.
Did Cowherd say there wasn't?

FTR my father in law is from the DR. He is a retired electrical engineer. He also came from a more well to do family in the DR so his educational opportunities were probably a little higher than the average citizen there.

It sure felt like he was implying it with what he was saying and how he was delivering the comment.
It sure felt like he was implying it with what he was saying and how he was delivering the comment.

Your bias against him is showing if that's what you got out of it .

I got that baseball is not rocket science and one of his points was that a third of the league is from a country in the bottom 1/4 of educational systems. Nowhere in the statement did he say all Dominicans are dumb.
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ESPN reports Dominican baseball pitcher Jenrry Mejia gets suspended for second time this season for PED's.:hi:
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Your bias against him is showing if that's what you got out of it .

I got that baseball is not rocket science and one of his points was that a third of the league is from a country in the bottom 1/4 of educational systems. Nowhere in the statement did he say all Dominicans are dumb.

If you really didn't pick up even a hint of an insult in his monologue then perhaps you've become numb over time.
I find it very amusing that the same company that owns ESPN owns a network that has 2 shows in Primetime called "Blackish" and "Fresh off the Boat."
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If you really didn't pick up even a hint of an insult in his monologue then perhaps you've become numb over time.

Didn't I see you defending the Confederate Flag in another thread but now you are ready to throw Cowherd under the bus for saying the DR has a generally poor educational system?

If anything he was insulting all baseball fans for thinking the game is more complex than it is.

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