China Thread

No different from the Russian bombers we routinely intercept off Alaska, no different from Chinese ships and subs cruising around Japanese waters, and certainly a lot less offensive than Chinese ships interfering with Philippine resupply vessels. If China were closer, we'd be intercepting their planes off our coasts. BTW China as you will recall has already screwed up an intercept over international airspace. Think they lost a fighter in that collision, and we wound up with a captured airplane. You think Chinese planes stooging around international airspace between China and Taiwan isn't at all provocative?

Every nation but Russia and China should limit operations to within their territorial waters per Ras.
No different from the Russian bombers we routinely intercept off Alaska,
Russia borders Alaska
no different from Chinese ships and subs cruising around Japanese waters, and certainly a lot less offensive than Chinese ships interfering with Philippine resupply vessels.
China shares maritime borders with Japan and the Philippines.

You think Chinese planes stooging around international airspace between China and Taiwan isn't at all provocative?
Taiwan is part of China

What maritime borders does the United States have in the South China Sea? The US is halfway on the other side of the globe.
WTF is the PLAAF doing in the South China Sea? Neither air force is operating in their own airspace.
Have you looked at a map? The South China Sea is a sea that is south of China... imagine that. It would be no different than the US being able to patrol the Gulf of Mexico. If you support US presence in waters off of its coast, than you should have no problem with the Chinese patrolling waters off of their coasts.
Have you looked at a map? The South China Sea is a sea that is south of China... imagine that. It would be no different than the US being able to patrol the Gulf of Mexico. If you support US presence in waters off of its coast, than you should have no problem with the Chinese patrolling waters off of their coasts.
The point is that neither aircraft was flying within its territory. If we're to assign fault, it would go to the aircrew acting aggressively and unsafely.
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The point is that neither aircraft was flying within its territory.
The Chinese have as much right to be in the South China Sea as the US does in the Gulf of Mexico. The problem is that no one can give a reasonable answer as to why the US feels the need to be in the South China Sea, which is a half a world away from our coastlines.

If we're to assign fault, it would go to the aircrew acting aggressively and unsafely.
I guess the US needs to get out of the region then if it wants to avoid any future altercations like this. Why put American lives and hardware in jeopardy in a non-existential part of the world for the United States? Had we been having a discussion of this occurring in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic or Pacific coasts, I would be in 100% agreement. The Alaskan arguments are not relevant much because of the way the Aleutian Islands are situated, it is nearly impossible for the international ships to not come within proximity of them.
The Chinese have as much right to be in the South China Sea as the US does in the Gulf of Mexico. The problem is that no one can give a reasonable answer as to why the US feels the need to be in the South China Sea, which is a half a world away from our coastlines.

I guess the US needs to get out of the region then if it wants to avoid any future altercations like this. Why put American lives and hardware in jeopardy in a non-existential part of the world for the United States? Had we been having a discussion of this occurring in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic or Pacific coasts, I would be in 100% agreement. The Alaskan arguments are not relevant much because of the way the Aleutian Islands are situated, it is nearly impossible for the international ships to not come within proximity of them.
The US and PRC have equal rights to neutral territory in the GoM and SCS.
Get out of the region because PRC is trying to grab it? Nah. In this case I'm glad we're there. It's an important part of the world for us and it's good for the people there to not be under PRC's thumb.
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Russia borders Alaska

China shares maritime borders with Japan and the Philippines.

Taiwan is part of China

What maritime borders does the United States have in the South China Sea? The US is halfway on the other side of the globe.
Taiwan is a part of China?
Is South Korea a part of North Korea?
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So 20+ years in Ireaq, and WTF do we have to show for it?

Iraq, China inaugurate business council in Baghdad to help boost trade, economic ties

"The Iraqi-Chinese business future will be good and promising," said Haider al-Rubaie, head of the Iraqi-Chinese Business Council. "We need China, our partner, friend, and brother, to engage in this economic action that benefits Iraq and China."

China and Iraq have increasingly integrated economic and trade relations. According to data from China's Foreign Ministry, China is Iraq's largest trading partner, and Iraq is China's third largest trading partner among Arab countries. In 2022, China-Iraq bilateral trade reached $53.37 billion.


China's Growing Espionage And Propaganda Threat IN the U.S.: Congress Warns America has little grasp at How Deep the Communist Party's influence has Infiltrated Communities Across The Nation​

The US has little grasp of how deep China's network of espionage and influence operations runs through the nation, a dire warning from Congress has revealed.

The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) presence on American soil has already revealed itself in the network of secret police stations in major cities and the 'Little Red Classrooms' in kindergartens.

Now, members of the bipartisan House China Select Committee have released a memo detailing how the U.S. has failed to combat Beijing's infiltration - and it could get worse.

The threat comes from the united front, a political strategy Xi Jinping has called his 'magic weapon'.

It's the plan the CCP uses to influence beyond its circle without the information appearing to come directly from the Chinese government.

China spends billions on the united front system each year. United front is affiliated with some 600 groups in the U.S., according to a 2020 Newsweek report, that are all in regular touch with the CCP.

China's President Xi Jinping is pictured. Concerns are growing over his country's funding of America's public schools

At least seven contracts are still active in Texas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Oregon and Washington


China is watching how we respond to actions in the ME instead of helping like they claimed they would do. We have to start treating them like the enemy country they are and stop sending our business there. It’s a matter of national security.

Breaking Bad: The surprising link between the fentanyl overdose epidemic and our dependence on foreign manufactured prescription pharmaceuticals

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The fact that Biden and the military allowed this to happen shows that both he and the top brass are incompetent and/or enemies of America. Anyone involved in allowing those balloons to travel across the US should face trials.
Our "leadership" is a damn joke, and we should demand better. Trump is the only politician in my LIFETIME that actually went to DC and tried to accomplish all he said that he would do. He didnt get Obamacare entirely repealed, and didnt finish the wall...because he didnt have enough support from the other garbage RINOs in Congress....but other than those 2, he actually did what he said that he would do. 90% plus of the folks that have run as Republicans did little to nothing that they were sent there to do. Yet all of them left DC filthy stinking rich millionaires which is EXACTLY what they actually went there to accomplish. I hope that all the things in their lives that matter most to them fail miserably, and their daughters get knocked up by worthless drug dealers.

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