Candace Parker gets into scuffle...(merged)

The WNBA should have started having fights a long time ago.
The WNBA should have started having fights a long time ago.


You know it might be terrible to say, but when she said, "There's no place for this in the game." I thought to myself, "If there was a place, I'd watch"
Unbelievable. I hate to say this but something like this might actually get more viewers to the television. This may be the first time something like this has happened in the WNBA. I wonder how many games Parker and the other girl will be suspended? There is only like 30 games in a season so it will be interesting to see what the league does.
Unbelievable. I hate to say this but something like this might actually get more viewers to the television. This may be the first time something like this has happened in the WNBA. I wonder how many games Psrker and the other girl will be suspended? There is only like 30 games in a season so it will be interesting to see what the league does.

I'm pretty sure that whoever punched the coach who pushed Lisa Leslie down will get suspended for a couple games.
I would certainly watch more after that. Good stuff. A coach pushed Leslie? I had the volume down so I missed that if they were talking about it.
“Rick Mahorn is known as a peacemaker, from even the brawl we had here with Indiana,” Detroit coach Bill Laimbeer said.

Leave it to Bill Laimbeer to know who the fighters and non-fighters are.
I was trying to protect...the integrity of the game. Good one buddy. You're a fighter who works under another fighter. Good to see Candace takin care of business.
The only time I've ever watched a WNBA game was when this happened. I turned it on with 2 minutes left and was too lazy to get my remote. That was pretty entertaining
doesn't Hornbuckle play for Detroit?

If you look at the video, it is Hornbuckle that is holding back Pierson...Hornbuckle is #22, and if I were her, I wouldn't have been holding Pierson back, I would have been punching her too.

They should make the WNBA like occasional fight should get you a 5 minute major and make the game 4 on 4. That would create ratings off the chart!
Hornbuckle couldn't take her former Vols sides in this one but if it came down to something off the court I am sure that she would have handled business for her former teammates.

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