Butch to Talk on OC Serach

If that's the case then I don't see Butch as our guy to take us back to greatness. Oh well.

If Debored is the guy then BJ isn't the answer for this program. I don't know it to be a fact but he is taking a chance on losing Azzani who is your best recruiter and if hiring this ancient guy is worth more to him than losing his best recruiter then BJ wont be at Tn long.
I just cant for the life of me believe that BJ can be this stupid to put his job on the line for somebody that hasn't coached in like 40 years and risk losing your best recruiter.
heard that coaches have called butch jones on debord including urban myers lmao of course myers wants us to hire him so we ruin our program andmake recruiting easy for him if he though debord was so great then why isn't he at ohio?
If Debored is the guy then BJ isn't the answer for this program. I don't know it to be a fact but he is taking a chance on losing Azzani who is your best recruiter and if hiring this ancient guy is worth more to him than losing his best recruiter then BJ wont be at Tn long.
I just cant for the life of me believe that BJ can be this stupid to put his job on the line for somebody that hasn't coached in like 40 years and risk losing your best recruiter.
I've been pretty solid on Butch's side to this point, but if you think about it, this one decision threatens to run him out of Knoxville in less than a year's time.

Sound crazy? Let's review.

2013: 5-7
2014: 7-6
2015: 5-7

That is Brady Hoke type of #'s, folks....and this fanbase will turn on Butch as quick as they did Kiffin. Literally one minute and Kiffin could do no wrong. The next minute, he's the No.1 Villain in TN.

There was a virtual civil war in VolNation over Fulmer, in 2008, so good will this time of year doesn't guarantee it, come November and December.

Another losing season will point right back to this hire and show that Butch was more interested in paying an old debt than hiring the best prospect.

If Debord is indeed the hire, then this is my turning point with Butch. The point where I no longer trust him implicitly. Remember, HE was the one who kept Dobbs on the bench...3rd string all season long, knowing damn full well that Worley was a terrible fit for this offense.

Had he and Bajakian not botched their evaluation of Dobbs, there is NO doubt in my mind that we would have won 3 more games and would have been in contention for the SEC E.
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And stay all weekend and meet with players?

This is the only thing that actually suggests he was here for advice. If he were just interviewing and not hired on the spot, then why would Jones let him meet with players? And if he was hired and Jones let him meet with players, then why bother with more interviews? It doesn't add up.
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It's not going to be DeBord or Z for the 99th time. Listen to what he says.:loco:
This language has me the most excited. We don't need a sexy hire at OC as long as we stay with the spread option attack that worked so well with Dobbs this season. If Debord is indeed the guy, it sounds like he'd merely be the caretaker for executing Jones' vision. Bajakian wasn't anything special as a play caller, so as long as we keep the same system we'll be fine.

The way I see it, anyone hired as OC will pretty much be caretaker for Butch's system. I think the most important factors will be (1) familiarity (inter-personally; with the system; lexicon/vocabulary), (2) work ethic, (3) football IQ and administrative capabilities. (Not necessarily in that order, and just to top off the list).

Debord isn't the sexy name I would have first thought, but the more I read of him, the less concern I have, if he is indeed the guy. He's won a NC and had a great W/L record as an OC at UM. He has history with Butch. If Butch hires him, he obviously believes he has a grasp of the offense.

It'll be what it'll be. Butch's job and reputation is on the line, and he doesn't seem like the guy that would do something stupid to jeopardize that.

We'll see.
He said he wants someone who has experience coaching multiple positions and who can enhance the offense without changing it fundamentally.

That, along with the comments about finding the right fit with the staff, screams DeBord to me.

Right there with ya
I disagree, I get the feel Leboring was brought In to help advise.. I cant help but to think a news conference would have been announced by now if he was the guy...
Looks like only WR & OC at WKU...I don't know if he called plays, so you may be right. If I had to choose between ZA & MDeB, I'd take ZA, but I don't know ****

Why? Based on what? I keep reading this type of statement from many with neither reasoning nor explanation.

BTW, this is not directed at you personally, just happens to be the post that triggered the desire to ask the question.
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