Butch and staff

I just...Will you idiots...I don't...hell never mind. We will beat Vandy next week and the "coaches are stupid, fire em all!!" Bunch will be back on the bandwagon.
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back to back weeks playing average to bad defenses spoiled us. The oline got handled tonight. Dropped passes, basic play calling, wasted possession at the end of 2 and that wtf butch challenge. Several reasons but I'd be fine putting this on the coaching staff
Sweet infant baby jesus. Vanilla play calling? This was a good defense and they smoked them on a fake field goal...Vanilla? More like Butter Pecan.
I don't know how butch won in the past with this oc! This guys not smart and gutless. Got to take chances early! Maybe 3 timeouts and 2 plus minutes before halftime! Everyon that said we got the ball after half falls in the fulmer fan category. Conservative as f***! That's what make me loathe fulmer!
Sweet infant baby jesus. Vanilla play calling? This was a good defense and they smoked them on a fake field goal...Vanilla? More like Butter Pecan.

I don't think anyone is saying Mizzous offense is week but play calling was very vanilla.
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I don't know how butch won in the past with this oc! This guys not smart and gutless. Got to take chances early! Maybe 3 timeouts and 2 plus minutes before halftime! Everyon that said we got the ball after half falls in the fulmer fan category. Conservative as f***! That's what make me loathe fulmer!

I didn't understand this either, try to score some points before the half.
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Soooooooooo tired of " fire everybody " crowd. What homer would want Muschomp. He didn't want us and called us a second rate job. If we hired him, he is right. We were missing too many pieces tonight and it showed. That can't be discredited.
Tough loss. Many opportunities to win just poor O-line play (shocking) again along with some questionable coaching decisions. We are who we are. Better times ahead for the Vols....
The AJ distraction cost us this game..we weren't focused on the game at all, team had their leader on their minds tonight. It was obvious from the get go. On to Vandy, we can still go bowling.
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So it was Butch and the staff's fault that our O-Line couldn't block worth a damn, the ball bounced off Malone's hands result of an interception, Coleman got burned by a receiver, and that you just started a thread that's probably not going to end very well for you tonight?
The AJ distraction cost us this game..we weren't focused on the game at all, team had their leader on their minds tonight. It was obvious from the get go. On to Vandy, we can still go bowling.

Yep I think that's a part of it too.. Crazy thing is IF he's truly innoncent and case gets dismissed.. Could we have won with him playing!!!??

Ughhh! Go Vols anyhow!
So it was Butch and the staff's fault that our O-Line couldn't block worth a damn, the ball bounced off Malone's hands result of an interception, Coleman got burned by a receiver, and that you just started a thread that's probably not going to end very well for you tonight?

players have to make plays but you can put some of this on the staff. Lots of head scratching moments in this one. Not a knock on Butch and co but grow a pair and get a little more aggressive. Over a minute with three timeouts, no reason not to try for something.
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Deserve an F for this game. Was not prepared at all. Looks like they took the week off. Vanilla play calling. What a bunch of garbage. My high expectations for next year have dropped after looking at tonight.

Butch did not cost us this game. He did cost us a shot at it though.

I don't really think that is what we should be taking away from this game though.
O-line was abysmal, and is the one, hopefully, last glaring weakness left to fix. Maybe the one other is Coleman, and graduation will take care of that. Watching him these last 3 years has been ....a "challenge".

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