All joking aside... Golden/Wright situation

Just my opinion but if everyone would shut up about it and quit making it a story then the NCAA won't give a rats ass! It's obvious some misconduct went on because it's not a conduct violation if she was willing. :blink: They are legal adults!




Agreed. This is much ado about nothing. :whistling:
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Student Judicial Affairs | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

I was curious how this might work, you know...if you repeatedly got caught cheating. This explains how the system is set up and is s'posed to work.

Notice the only real name on this is Wright's. Certainly if someone had done something repeatedly, she'd be dealing with it.

This is the root of the problem here. It doesn't really matter what it is, it's what it "looks" like it is.
But what if it is just the opposite and Golden alleges that he was treated unfairly by Wright because of how their relationship ended??

Does it affects Golden's NCAA eligibility? Did Golden receive preferential treatment to stay eligible? Did Golden receive impermissible benefits from Wright or UT (unless NCAA can prove a basketball player getting laid by a school personnel is "impermissible benefits")? If not, it's really none of NCAA's business.
It would be one thing if this story had been uncovered by the local media or something and it appeared the university was actively aware and hiding this plot , but this was something found out in an internal review. The university handled it by dismissing one of its better basketball players and an employee involved. Everyone can probably chill out about this.
The NCAA doesn't have any business sticking their big fat nose in this. Surely they learned something from Penn State & their Miami debacle. They seem to think everything that goes on at a univ that's a member of the NCAA is their business, which it isn't. The state of PA is suing them for the PSU punishment. I hope PA wins.
Some on this board are always worrying about this or that. I know, it is a dead period for football and basketball and baseball is a mess, but do most think that we can find something better to talk about then relationships that young people engage in!
Some on this board are always worrying about this or that. I know, it is a dead period for football and basketball and baseball is a mess, but do most think that we can find something better to talk about then relationships that young people engage in!

Sit down sonny...I cant see.

Are we gonna break out the black jerseys this year?

Who was worse....Clawson OC or Sunseri DC?

Thats right dag knab'it!!! Stop clapping so loud and take off that cap so I can see better.
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Wright was promoted to director by Vice Chancellor of Student Life Tim Rogers in August 2011.

Her most recent job evaluation by Rogers, covering the 2011 calendar year, gave her performance an average of 3.68 on a scale of 4, according to records. Rogers announced to his staff last week that he would be retiring, according to UT spokeswoman Margie Nichols.

Nichols referred further questions to Rogers, though he did not respond to calls at his home or office Tuesday.

Former UT judicial affairs director being investigated for possible improper relationship with athletes received high job marks » Knoxville News Sentinel

She gone, her boss is gone. Interesting.
And it was just a barbecue. It amazes me how people delude themselves and minimize things just to dismiss them.

Are you not capable of comprehending my previous post?

Are you really comparing what Bruce Pearl did to this Wright/Golden incident? Just a barbecue? Let me briefly enlighten you about the main differences here:

1. Bruce Pearl knowingly provided false and misleading information to NCAA. Wright?

2. Bruce Pearl attempted to collude with Aaron Craft's father to mislead NCAA. Wright?

3. Bruce Pearl knowingly provided impermissible recruiting benefits to Aaron Craft. Did Wright knowingly provide impermissible benefits to Golden that might jeopardize his eligibility? That remains to be seen, which is exactly my point: it's none of NCAA's business unless that can prove so.

Let me also remind you, UT basketball was not nailed solely because of "a barbecue". UT basketball was cited for 8 violations, and Bruce Pearl's barbecue itself resulted in only 1 of the 8 the violations, and only partially contributed to another "fail to promote atmosphere" violation.

I'll leave Penn State out of this.

Again, are you not capable of comprehending my previous post? I was responding to another post that tried to compare Penn State case to Wright/Golden case by pointing out the main difference.
Father of Trae Golden says reports of academic problems are 'totally inaccurate' » GoVolsXtra

Robert Golden said the possibility of his son transferring is “something that we have talked about for at least three months,” and said Martin and Trae Golden “have an understanding about what’s going on and what’s happened.”

Wes Rucker ‏@wesrucker247 8 May
@Johnehuman No. Cuonzo and Co. have known this was possible for at least 6 weeks. They just kept it quiet.

So...there's two people on the record saying that this has been on going for CCM and Golden for as little as six weeks to three months. Hyams said on the radio that he thought it had been going on for a couple months.

So it begs the question.

Records: Ousted UT student affairs director under review was model employee » Knoxville News Sentinel

And two months before she was ousted amid a probe into whether she had inappropriate relationships with athletes, Wright was offered a $4,500-per-course adjunct position in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences.

The above offer was sent via e-mail to Ms. Wright from Provost Susan Martin on March 7, 2013. So, exactly 2 months later Golden is out, 2 days later Wright was out, sometime that week Vice Chancellor Rogers decided to retire. Something isn't right.

The same KNS article cited above mentions her references.

Her list of references included the wife of UT’s chief financial officer for the system, a senior associate athletic director, and an assistant general counsel for UT, who was eventually involved in her investigation and termination.

Charles (Butch) M. Peccolo is University of Tennessee treasurer, chief financial officer and chief investment officer. His wife's name is Dulcie.

As for the Senior Associate AD and the Assistant General Counsel...One is a little harder to figure than the other and since the KNS wouldn't name them, I'm not willing to take a shot at it and be incorrect.

That's pretty high up the food chain folks.

Obviously, Ms. Wright has a masters and a law degree, so it's entirely probable that she had the paper work necessary to qualify for the job. Did she have to interview? Was there a pool of applicants that she beat out for the job? Or...Did these folks entrust Ms. Wright with the job? Is it possible, they are now embarrassed by what may have transpired, are they so embarrassed that they would try to lay it off on student athletes and the AD?

I'm not saying these are the facts. I'm saying given what has been released, these are legitimate questions.
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Looking through these documents provded in the KNS story above.

Ms. Wright graduates from Law School in 2008. Her resume also ends in 2008. That's odd.

What was she doing from then until Aug. 24, 2011 when she was offered the position of Director, Student Judicial Affairs, effective August 1, 2011, at the rate of $5,500 per month...Sincerely, W. Timothy Rogers?
Keep digging 66... the truth is out there! Appreciate your time and effort in posting these questions to ponder. Sadly, my gut tells me this story has legs and we're not anywhere close to the bottom yet. Hope I'm wrong.
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According to what Basilio keeps saying if they would accepted Wrights resignation this would go away but Susan Martin wouldn't do it she wants this out there to make athletics look bad. She has it out for athletics.
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