Aliens and UFO's- Is the truth out there?



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Lab Rat
Jul 12, 2012
I know some believe and some don't.

I would like a discussion on the subject. Maybe things you have seen that has caused you to question what you "think" you saw.

To me, the universe is so vast and full of the unknown that it would be naive to think we are alone.

I have watched many an interview from former military personnel to believe they are or have been here. I will try and find some of my favorite interviews and post them as we go.

Triangular Hovering Object over Ft. Smith, Arkansas, '67 or '68-UFO Casebook Files

The link above is a brief description that happened here. My in laws witnessed it themselves. Both military and FAA personnel witnessed as well.
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First UFO Sighting in America
Muddy River, 1639

In 1639, America's first UFO was sighted over the Charles River in Boston. Lights sped back and forth across the Charles River from Back Bay Fens to Charlestown. Governor John Winthrop made an entry in his journal regarding this strange event. The primary witness was described as a man of good reputation, activity and estate in Boston:

"In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton [Charlestown], and so up and down [for] about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place."Muddy River is located at Back Bay Fens, opposite Cambridge, MA, and diagonally across from Charlestown. Back Bay wasn't filled-in at that time, and a large area of open water existed in the river that was then called Broad Bay. The distance to Charlestown would have been more than two miles.

Control F to search for "muddy"

PHOENIX, AZ --- The United States Government has, for the first time ever, acknowledged by de facto the long-suspected reality of the UFO phenomenon. John Burroughs encountered a craft of unknown origin in England’s Rendlesham Forest in December of 1980 and
suffered injury there from for which the Veterans Administration has now recognized by granting him full medical disability. The December 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident in the United Kingdom is arguably the most well documented and important UFO encounter in history.

A UFO was seen over three consecutive nights by United States Air Force personnel stationed at the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, near Ipswich, England --- then the largest NATO air force bases at the height of the Cold War.

The UFO was tracked on radar and physical evidence was found at a site where the UFO was seen to land, including indentations in the frozen ground, scorch marks on the sides on the trees, and radiation levels subsequently assessed by the UK Ministry of Defense as "significantly higher than the average background".

Airman First Class John Burroughs encountered the UFO at close proximity on the first night. While for many years the U.S. Government denied that this incident had even occurred, in 2006 the UK Government declassified an intelligence study on UFOs (codenamed Project
Condign and classified as Secret UK Eyes Only) in which the following statement is found:

The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods.

John Burroughs was one of those observers who was exposed to UAP radiation in the Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. However, despite having been exposed to UAP radiation as postulated by the UK’s own intelligence report, the U.S. Government stonewalled John, his attorney, and two United States senators for years. Now, after decades of persistence, the U.S. Government has finally acknowledged that John Burroughs suffered adverse health effects in the Rendlesham Forest and, therefore, has recognized the link between his health problems and the UFO he encountered. In an interesting twist, John’s complete medical records file from that time
he served in England remains classified. In regard to the VA’s action on his case, John said:

In January of 2015, after years of exhaustive efforts the VA settled, in full, with me. I needed someone to champion my cause, someone not afraid to put themselves at risk to help me. I was lucky. I found two to champion my cause, my attorney Pat Frascogna, and Senator John McCain and his staff. Through their efforts, I received lifesaving heart surgery to replace a badly shredded anterior mitral valve caused by the UAP radiation, and a settlement from the DOD and VA admitting I was injured in the line of duty in December of 1980.
I'll say the same thing that I said in Big Foot thread...

Do I believe that there's life on other planets? Absolutely! Considering how vast our universe is, you pretty much have to consider it a mathematical certainty. Do I believe we have been visited by aliens or our government is involved in some huge cover up over us being visited by aliens? No I don't. The reason being is if we truly are being visited by aliens, and their technology is that much more advanced than ours, I don't think our government would even BE in any position to cover it up. The aliens could/would do whatever they damn well pleased and there would be nothing we could do as a society to stop it or hide it. It's the same idea with the big foot discussion. The whole "they are everywhere, yet the are nowhere" idea just doesn't hold water IMO.

As for spotted ufo's, I believe it's either mistaken identity of natural phenomena or its top secret experimental military aircraft. Just look at the SR71 Blackbird or the F117A Stealth aircraft. I guarantee you some people mistook those for ufos at some point.
The military admitted they captured a UFO in Roswell. They had people on record confirming it. It was in the papers, and you can still get copies of it. The day after the story broke they changed it to the "weather balloon" scenario.

Either they did indeed capture an alien spacecraft, or it was part of psychological warfare to scare the enemies of the U.S.

But of course, there were the fighter pilots on both sides in WW2 that encountered UFO's, and that's where the term Foo Fighters comes from.
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I'll say the same thing that I said in Big Foot thread...

Do I believe that there's life on other planets? Absolutely! Considering how vast our universe is, you pretty much have to consider it a mathematical certainty. Do I believe we have been visited by aliens or our government is involved in some huge cover up over us being visited by aliens? No I don't. The reason being is if we truly are being visited by aliens, and their technology is that much more advanced than ours, I don't think our government would even BE in any position to cover it up. The aliens could/would do whatever they damn well pleased and there would be nothing we could do as a society to stop it. It's the same idea with the big foot discussion. The whole "they are everywhere, yet the are nowhere" idea just doesn't hold water IMO.

As for spotted ufo's, I believe it's either mistaken identity of natural phenomena or its top secret experimental military aircraft. Just look at the SR71 Blackbird or the F117A Stealth aircraft. I guarantee you some people mistook those for ufos at some point.

I guess you missed the documented sighting in 1639?
The military admitted they captured a UFO in Roswell. They had people on record confirming it. It was in the papers, and you can still get copies of it. The day after the story broke they changed it to the "weather balloon" scenario.

Either they did indeed capture an alien spacecraft, or it was part of psychological warfare to scare the enemies of the U.S.

But of course, there were the fighter pilots on both sides in WW2 that encountered UFO's, and that's where the term Foo Fighters comes from.

They sure did admit it, and I believe they covered it up. There were witness's there that stated as such
I guess you missed where I said "it's either mistaken identity of natural phenomena..."

To me a UFO is exactly what it says it is...UNIDENTIFIED. That doesn't automatically make them space craft piloted by aliens.

No planes or jets in 1639 and swamp gas doesn't hang around like that.
Hopefully this thread doesn't flame out and eventually reaches 92 pages long like the Big Foot thread.
Also I'd LOVE to see the documentation where the government admitted that the Roswell incident was in fact an alien spacecraft.
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Also I'd LOVE to see the documentation where the government admitted that the Roswell incident was in fact an alien spacecraft.

They did admit it then recanted. There was a general (I believe that is his rank) that was used at Roswell. He was also used when there was s ufo crash in Mexico. His job was to cover up these types of things.

I'll see if I can find better details on it.
I'm not real sure either way, considering the universe is so vast it's possible that intelligent life is indeed out there somewhere. Personally however I hope there isn't especially if they would have the technology to make it all the way to us. Image how much greater their technology would be than ours. If we had anything on our planet they wanted they could simply eradicate us.
I'm not real sure either way, considering the universe is so vast it's possible that intelligent life is indeed out there somewhere. Personally however I hope there isn't especially if they would have the technology to make it all the way to us. Image how much greater their technology would be than ours. If we had anything on our planet they wanted they could simply eradicate us.

they would have done so already if that were the case.
I found this comment on another site I frequent to fit the idea of UFOs and whatnot perfectly:

I don't understand why they keep saying it is a matter of nation security. Not like they can slap sanctions on them if the aliens miss behave. We can't even get a handle on the Mexicans down South, not sure how the gov't thinks it can handle alleged higher intelligence.
I don't have time to dig it up right now, but a while back I saw a really cool video where a retired senior scientist from Lockheed Martin who was essentially on his death bed put together a confession talking about how he headed a division that had alien spacecraft they were trying to reverse engineer. Also went into detail about their interactions with the aliens.

Obviously it could have been some elderly man trolling everybody, but that seems kind of unlikely.
Not necessarily maybe we have nothing they need right now or maybe they aren't looking for anyone else right now.

If it's not some kind of natural resource native to our planet, which they would surely already know about, what could we possibly discover or invent that they would need considering their technology would already be vastly superior to ours?
If it's not some kind of natural resource native to our planet, which they would surely already know about, what could we possibly discover or invent that they would need considering their technology would already be vastly superior to ours?

I don't think you're wrapping your head around just how vast space is. Even if they traveled 10 times farther into space than we have that's not even a making in a dent in how large space is. They very easily could have technology far greater than ours and not know about us yet.
If you had the ability to travel in space and found a planet full of monkeys would you bother to stop and try to communicate with them more than once? What to discuss, physics?
If you had the ability to travel in space and found a planet full of monkeys would you bother to stop and try to communicate with them more than once? What to discuss, physics?

I agree with this to a point. 7 billion people and all we do is fight.

But "travel" through space? Why would they have to "travel" through space? Fold space in half. Just a theory.

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