AITA (Am I the A-h*le)

I went to a college football tailgate with a bunch of people I don't know IRL but we all post on the same sports message board. I drank a bunch and had to pee real bad but there wasn't a portable potty, or even a bush, anywhere nearby so a grabbed a half-full jug of tea and "topped it off" between some parked cars. I put the tea jug back where I found it and skedaddled. Am I the a-hole?
So you made a Florida half and half . Just layoff the asparagus or it becomes swamp water.
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Got another one, yesterday at the grocery store there was an abandoned cart, with stuff in it, blocking the aisle, and also something in particular that i needed. So I moved it about 5-6 feet down the aisle, and off to one side. Before I moved it, I asked the next closest shopper if it was theirs, it wasn't, and no one else was nearby without a cart. As I grab my stuff, from the now-vacated area the cart was in, the "owner" of the cart came by and asked me why I moved the cart, and that I shouldn't touch other people's stuff, especially food because "who knows what I did to their food". They had just left it there for a "second" to go back and grab something from the previous aisle.

AITA for moving this lady's cart?

I normally wouldn't think I was the A, but it was the second incident in that trip, I had previously scared a lady who "didn't realize she was blocking the aisle", when I said "excuse me" to her. so this cart thing may have been a bit more malicious than it otherwise would have been.
You are not the a hole, I would have done the same thing.. leaving your cart where it’s in other people’s way is inconsiderate.. some people have a weird possession thing ie don’t ever touch my stuff 😂 when the person who checks it out is going to be touching it all and looking at it and scrutinizing it 😂.. until they actually purchase the items, it is technically the grocery store’s buggy and items 🤣 I think Covid, though, has really messed people up in the head and altered our interactions with others.. little, benign stuff gets drastically blown out of proportion while thinking everyone is out to get you 😂
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