2024 US House Races


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Boebert Challenger Frisch sets Fundraising Record with $2.6 Million in Second Quarter

The Coloradoan hoping to unseat Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) next year has raised more than $2.6 million during 2023's second fundraising quarter, setting a House fundraising record, his campaign said Thursday.

Adam Frisch, who barely lost to Boebert in the 2022 midterm elections, set the record for the highest amount raised from donors by a challenger in a House race in an off year.

Boebert challenger Frisch sets fundraising record with $2.6 million in second quarter
Report: Vulnerable House Democrat Abigail Spanberger Will Not Run for Reelection

Vulnerable House Democrat Abigail Spanberger (VA) will not seek reelection in 2024, instead opting to launch a gubernatorial bid, according to Politico.

Despite being picked for a leadership position among House Democrats, the Virginia congresswoman told top aides and colleagues she’s planning to launch a gubernatorial bid in the upcoming election cycle.

Spanberger hopes to succeed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), who is ineligible to run for office due to state law prohibiting governors form serving consecutive terms.

Vulnerable House Dem Abigail Spanberger Will Not Run for Reelection
Report: Vulnerable House Democrat Abigail Spanberger Will Not Run for Reelection

Vulnerable House Democrat Abigail Spanberger (VA) will not seek reelection in 2024, instead opting to launch a gubernatorial bid, according to Politico.

Despite being picked for a leadership position among House Democrats, the Virginia congresswoman told top aides and colleagues she’s planning to launch a gubernatorial bid in the upcoming election cycle.

Spanberger hopes to succeed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), who is ineligible to run for office due to state law prohibiting governors form serving consecutive terms.

Vulnerable House Dem Abigail Spanberger Will Not Run for Reelection
House GOP eyes Spanberger's seat amid reports she'll run for Virginia governor

83-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi to Seek Reelection​


Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 35 years, announced on Friday she will run for reelection in California’s Eleventh Congressional District.


83-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi to Seek Reelection​

View attachment 577179

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 35 years, announced on Friday she will run for reelection in California’s Eleventh Congressional District.

this announcement is brought to you courtesy of the Golden State Taxidermy Association
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The witch probably has it where she and her nephew can rule America
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Challengers already lining up to try to defeat Omar, Craig, McCollum, Klobuchar, Stauber​

In Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, the latest potential recruit by the pro-Israel group AIPAC to run against Ilhan Omar is DFL state Sen. Bobby Joe Champion.

WASHINGTON — Minnesota’s primary elections are nearly a year away, yet Minnesota’s members of Congress have already attracted more than a dozen challengers or possible challengers.

The most targeted member of the delegation, but not the most vulnerable, is Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-5th District. That’s mainly because the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a national political action committee that spends millions each election cycle on congressional races, has put Omar in its sights because of her stance on Israel. Omar has been critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and led a small group of U.S. House members in a

boycott of Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech to a joint session of Congress this summer.


Omar has attracted two Democratic opponents, Tim Peterson, an Air Force veteran from Minneapolis, and attorney Sarah Gad.

But AIPAC is trying to woo other Democratic candidates to run against Omar, a campaign first reported by Jewish Insider. Minneapolis City Council member LaTrisha Vetaw, who represents the city’s 4th Ward, has been approached. So has DFL state Sen. Bobby Joe Champion, the president of the Minnesota Senate.

University of Minnesota political science professor Michael Minta said the outspoken, progressive Omar is always going to draw political rivals.

“She is going to have perpetual challengers, and a lot of that has to do with her stance against Israel,” Minta said.


Lauren Boebert won her last election by fewer than 600 votes. Her vaping incident at Beetlejuice could doom her reelection bid and cost Republicans control of the House​

  • In 2022, Rep. Lauren Boebert won her bid for reelection by less than 600 votes.
One wild night in Denver could cost the Republican Party its majority come 2025.

On September 10, GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert was escorted out of a performance of "Beetlejuice" after officials there accused her of loudly "causing a disturbance," vaping, and taking images on her phone during the show.

Boebert's on thin ice with her constituents​


Virginia Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton, 55, reveals she has 'Parkinson's on steroids' and won't seek reelection​

Democratic U.S. congresswoman from Virginia Jennifer Wexton, 55, announced on Monday she won't seek reelection after receiving a diagnosis of a form of progressive Parkinson's Disease.

Rep. Wexton currently represents Virginia's 10th congressional district, which is a competitive area encompassing highly wealthy Washington, D.C. suburb communities like Loudon County and Fairfax County.

Progressive supra-nuclear palsy is a form of 'Parkinson's on steroids,' Wexton described in her statement on the devastating diagnosis.

Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton will not run for reelection after finding out her new diagnosis of 'Parkinson's on steroids'

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) Democratic challenger criticized her Sunday for the behavior that got her thrown out of a performance of “Beetlejuice” the prior weekend.

“It’s just another notch in the belt of embarrassment,” congressional candidate Adam Frisch said in an interview on MSNBC’s “Symone.” “And it’s horrible to get into that kind of conversation. She even lied about her lies. So, for the end of the day, the voters are sick and tired of this embarrassment, whether it’s an audience member watching a theater performance.”

“But what’s even worse,” Frisch continued, “is her embarrassment in the halls of Congress and those committee meetings when she’s not focused on the job. She’s very, very focused on herself, and there’s real issues out there with rural access to health care, reproductive right protection.”

Frisch went on to attack Boebert for her position on abortion.

Frisch mounted a previous challenge for Boebert’s House seat in 2022 and lost by 546 votes, or less than half a percentage point. He conceded before the automatic recount was complete.

Frisch has launched a new campaign to win her seat in 2024.


Nolte: Democrat-Run California Predicted to Lose Five House Seats by 2030​

Democrat-run California could lose five congressional districts in 2030 due to population loss.

This news comes from Decision Desk HQ, which looked at the data and concluded, “If current trends continue, the state could lose as many as five congressional districts in the 2030 reapportionment cycle.”

Now you know one of the many reasons Democrats are flooding America with illegals and want to make them citizens.

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New York Redistricting Fight paused as Republicans win temporary victory​

New York’s Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday that a congressional district mapping commission will not have to draw up new lines and the existing districts will remain in place, at least for the time being.

The existing congressional districts were drawn up by the court after maps proposed by Democrats were thrown out ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. As a result, New York Republicans picked up several surprise wins, and they were a key factor in handing control of the House of Representatives back to the GOP.

I didn't know where to put this and I didn't want to start a new thread.

I put it here since Mayra Flores ran for Congress in 2022. More democrats are leaving the plantation.


Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC Backs Candidate who signed 'Black New Deal' Demanding Reparations​

The House's leading progressive political arm is throwing its weight behind a candidate who signed onto a "Black New Deal" that contained radical demands such as reparations, eliminating school officers and stopping criminal enforcement during the pandemic, Fox News Digital has found.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC, whose House counterpart is guided by Reps. Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, wired $5,000 to California Democrat candidate Lateefah Simon's campaign in early August, according to recently released filings.

Simon is the first 2024 candidate the group endorsed. She's attempting to fill Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee's seat, who is running for the U.S. Senate.

Lateefah Simon, a longtime progressive activist, is running for Congress in California's 12th District. (Lea Suzuki / San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images / File)

The Democrat hopeful joined a cadre of liberal activists who used the pandemic to make extreme requests on public officials.

In May 2020, Simon signed the letter alongside the likes of former Black Lives Matter leader Patrisse Cullors, which they had sent to elected and appointed officials with regard to concerns about how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted "Black people inequitably in Oakland and what the long-term consequences will be."


Supreme Court Rejects Alabama Redistricting Plan, Again​

WASHINGTON, DC – The Supreme Court rejected Alabama’s redistricting plan for congressional seats a second time on Tuesday by a unanimous vote, suggesting the justices might have regarded this map as defiance against the Supreme Court’s previous 5-4 decision against a similar map.

Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) prohibits any state laws that amount to “a denial or abridgment of the right … to vote on account of race.” But the court’s 5-4 decision in June in Allen v. Milligan in interpreting those words deeply disappointed conservatives.

That is because, for decades, courts have applied the so-called “Gingles factors” to determine if a state law violates Section 2. But those factors assume that black Americans will vote for Democrats as a monolithic bloc, along with other race-based assumptions, and so sorts voters into congressional districts on the basis of race.

Conservatives have long argued that these race-based assumptions violate a core promise of the Equal Protection Clause, that Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution requires government to be colorblind..

But a one-vote majority on the Supreme Court refused to overrule Gingles, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh siding with the three liberal justices, saying that stare decisis principles of adhering to past precedent meant the court should not revisit the issue.


Boebert struggling to shake Beetlejuice debacle as tight race appears closer than ever​

Some Republicans are starting to question whether it’s time to consider an alternative to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) as she reels from a high-profile scandal and a narrow reelection bid win last year.

She upset five-term incumbent Scott Tipton (R-CO) in 2020, but Democrat Adam Frisch nearly unseated the Republican congresswoman last November.

Mixed with her razor-thin victory in 2022, the possibility of an upset in 2024 has caused Republican candidates like Jeff Hurd to launch a bid against Borbert, and he's already gathering endorsements from local GOP leaders.

John Solomon
'QAnon shaman' Jacob Chansley running for Congress as Libertarian to represent Arizona | Just The News

what does one expect in a divided Congress? The same could be said about the Senate turning over to Republican. What has Schumer done this Congress?

The GOP never does anything---House or Senate--and never wants to do anything except cut taxes for rich people and corporations. Fact.

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