2024 Presidential Race

That’s their whole plan. Get him convicted for at least one thing so they can say he’s not legally allowed to hold office. He terrifies the left/deep state.

I absolutely agree with you...so let's foil their plans and nominate someone else. We gotta get rid of Biden and his cronies like Kamala and this press secretary who's not qualified for the job...and that's just mentioning a couple

I understand you wanna stand up to the deep state and not allow them to take out Trump but quite frankly he wasn't successful in draining the swamp. Probably no one would be...so let's try to operate w/i the swamp
I absolutely agree with you...so let's foil their plans and nominate someone else. We gotta get rid of Biden and his cronies like Kamala and this press secretary who's not qualified for the job...and that's just mentioning a couple

I understand you wanna stand up to the deep state and not allow them to take out Trump but quite frankly he wasn't successful in draining the swamp. Probably no one would be...so let's try to operate w/i the swamp
Who do you suggest? VR or RD have my primary vote. After that who?

A must listen. But, but, but we got the top geniuses on this board.

Wow, this is my first time seeing this. Rogan is so on the money you would think he hates the democrat party. In fact, he is probably more like Elon Musk. A guy that leaned but has grown to dispise what the democrat party represents.

I got another link to a funny monologue about Biden and the democrat party that I'll post. I don't agree with a lot of it but it gives an indication of the frustration with the party.
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A good listen.

Wow, this is my first time seeing this. Rogan is so on the money you would think he hates the democrat party. In fact, he is probably more like Elon Musk. A guy that leaned but has grown to dispise what the democrat party represents.

I got another link to a funny monologue about Biden and the democrat party that I'll post. I don't agree with a lot of it but it gives an indication of the frustration with the party.
I thought the Steele Dossier and Russiagate was so over the top and criminal it was the day the Republic died.
For once we agree. Rogan endorsed and supported Bernie Sanders. Only an idiot would do that.
Rogan has reconsidered a lot of what of what he used to believe. All the shenanigans that went down during Covid for instance was eye opening for him. He didn't move from CA to TX for the weather for instance. He also had a real epiphany on the concept of freeloaders when he had friends with businesses that reopened and couldn't get people to come back to work when they could just chill out getting subsidized. His views on a great many things aren't what they were only a few years ago.
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Frank Bruni


It’s Not the Economy. It’s the Fascism.​

Nov. 30, 2023

A bomb with a lit fuse forming an outline of Donald Trump’s profile. A digital readout on the bomb reads 20:24.

Credit...Ben Wiseman

A bomb with a lit fuse forming an outline of Donald Trump’s profile. A digital readout on the bomb reads 20:24.

By Frank Bruni
Mr. Bruni is a contributing Opinion writer who was on the staff of The Times for more than 25 years.

To spend more than a little time toggling between news sites of different bents is to notice a fierce debate over the American economy right now. Which matters more — the easing of inflation or the persistence of prices that many people can’t afford or accept? Low unemployment or high interest rates? Is the intensity of Americans’ bad feelings about the economy a sane response or a senseless funk estranged from their actual financial circumstances?On such questions may the 2024 election turn, so the litigation of them is no surprise. It’s not just the economy, stupid. It’s the public relations war over it.

But never in my adult lifetime has that battle seemed so agonizingly beside the point, such a distraction from the most important questions before us. In 2024, it’s not the economy. It’s the democracy. It’s the decency. It’s the truth.

I’m not talking about what will influence voters most. I’m talking about what should. And I write that knowing that I’ll be branded an elitist whose good fortune puts him out of touch with the concerns of people living paycheck to paycheck or priced out of housing and medical care. I am lucky — privileged, to use and own the word of the moment — and I’m an imperfect messenger, as blinded by the peculiarities of his experience in the world as others are by theirs.

But I don’t see any clear evidence that a change of presidents would equal an uptick in Americans’ living standards. And 2024, in any case, isn’t shaping up to be a normal election with normal stakes or anything close to that, at least not if Donald Trump winds up with the Republican presidential nomination — the likeliest outcome, to judge by current conditions. Not if he’s beaten by a Republican who had to buy into his fictions or emulate his ugliness to claim the prize. Not if the Republican Party remains hostage to the extremism on display in the House over these past few months.

That assessment isn’t Trump derangement syndrome. It’s straightforward observation, consistent with Liz Cheney’s new memoir, “Oath and Honor,” at which my Times colleague Peter Baker got an advance peek. Cheney describes House Republicans’ enduring surrender to Trump as cowardly and cynical, and she’s cleareyed on what his nomination in 2024 would mean. “We will be voting on whether to preserve our republic,” she writes. “As a nation, we can endure damaging policies for a four-year term. But we cannot survive a president willing to terminate our Constitution.”

Trump has been saying, doing and contemplating some especially terrifying things lately, and while many of them wash over a populace exhausted by and inured to his puerile rants, outlandish provocations and petty-dictator diatribes, they’re not just the same old same old.
They’re not just theater, either. Long gone are the days when Trump’s darkest comments and direst vows could be dismissed as perverse performance art — as huffing and puffing that wouldn’t and couldn’t amount to all that much. That soothing myth died once and for all during the final months of his presidency, when he layered the Big Lie atop the heaving mountain of little and medium-size ones and cheered on a mob making its way to the Capitol.

And the notion that he’d at some point be contained by fellow Republicans who would put up with only so much? What a quaint hope that was. Most of those Republicans cowered before him. Most still do. The two current runners-up for the Republican presidential nomination, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, raised their hands when they were asked, during a debate in August, about whether they’d support Trump as the party’s nominee even if he was convicted of felonies. That’s why the stakes of this election are titanic even without Trump on the ballot. The stain of him is deep and wide.

The fact of him is scarier and scarier. Last week he sent out his Thanksgiving message, a social media post whose eccentric punctuation and erratic capitalization were the typographical equivalent of spittle, at 2 a.m., and he didn’t use it to wish supporters and other Americans well. He roasted his perceived enemies, presenting a platter of slurs with all the semantic trimmings: “Radical Left Lunatics,” “Psycho,” “Marxists,” “Communists.”
Just two weeks earlier, for Veterans Day, he traded inspiration for fulmination in a speech in New Hampshire, promising to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.” Like vermin! And the month before that, he said that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.” Trump has been saying, doing and contemplating some especially terrifying things lately.

His bastard music is consequential because it’s paired with a “series of plans by Mr. Trump and his allies that would upend core elements of American governance, democracy, foreign policy and the rule of law if he regained the White House,” as Jonathan Swan, Maggie Haberman and Charlie Savage wrote in a recent Times article that all voters should read once, then read again, then commit to memory so they can refer to it constantly. Those plans include the use of military funds for huge detention camps for undocumented immigrants, a Justice Department turned into a personal revenge force and ideological litmus tests for federal employees to ensure maximal sycophancy.

Have Haley and DeSantis grabbed hold of this potent ammunition to make a more forceful case for themselves? Hardly. They’re no more eager to take on Trump the budding fascist than they are to take on Trump the practiced fantasist, because they prioritize coddling his supporters and gaining power over standing up for the rule of law and the integrity of democracy. And DeSantis, in any case, is styling himself as the efficient version of Trump — more bang for your contemptuous buck.

It’s in that context that a focus on the prices of eggs and gas seems, well, like a luxury.


Just take this beatdown and run.

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Bullchit. The blacks will pull the "D" lever when the time comes. They always have and they always will.
i said it years ago that the black community was in trouble because the growing Hispanic community has usurped their political power. We see it now in blue city urban areas how their opinions are discarded. Just like Dems throwing middle class under the bus and being the party oif the rich and elite.
i said it years ago that the black community was in trouble because the growing Hispanic community has usurped their political power. We see it now in blue city urban areas how their opinions are discarded. Just like Dems throwing middle class under the bus and being the party oif the rich and elite.

First, I don't agree with the total message of the youtuber especially some of the white supremacy talk which he tries to make sound like a central issue. However, I do find the way he is wearing out the democrats totally hilarious.

I've tried to explain this to black voters as well. By the time it's figured out or realized it will be too late. The voters are acting too slow. That is what all the mass immigration is about. It will hurt blacks more than whites. This is to replace the black vote because you can only fool people so many times in this era.The sick minds of the elites and leftists, sometimes one in the same, only care about power.
First, I don't agree with the total message of the youtuber especially some of the white supremacy talk which he tries to make sound like a central issue. However, I do find the way he is wearing out the democrats totally hilarious.

I've tried to explain this to black voters as well. By the time it's figured out or realized it will be too late. The voters are acting too slow. That is what all the mass immigration is about. It will hurt blacks more than whites. This is to replace the black vote because you can only fool people so many times in this era.The sick minds of the elites and leftists, sometimes one and the same, only care about power.
Stockholm Syndrome is some powerful sh**!
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First, I don't agree with the total message of the youtuber especially some of the white supremacy talk which he tries to make sound like a central issue. However, I do find the way he is wearing out the democrats totally hilarious.

I've tried to explain this to black voters as well. By the time it's figured out or realized it will be too late. The voters are acting too slow. That is what all the mass immigration is about. It will hurt blacks more than whites. This is to replace the black vote because you can only fool people so many times in this era.The sick minds of the elites and leftists, sometimes one in the same, only care about power.
we see it with the SEC as well..UT is a founding member and its political power has been diminshed by the union leadership.. All for a conference so big that we wont even see teams for tears. Disgusting.
due to the deficit, all Americans need warning that self reliance will be required moving forward. the money tree is dead.
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The energy is stored in batteries. Just like with solar, you aren't going to lose power if it rains for a couple days.
No it’s not.
There is no mass storage of energy. The grid runs on load and is produced as it’s used.
Why do you think there are rolling brown outs?

How is it possible that people don’t know this?
It explains why the masses are stupid enough to think we can produce what we need from wind and solar.
There are no magic batteries.

“The electricity grid is a complex machine in which electricity is generated at centralized power plants and decentralized units and is transported through a system of substations, transformers, transmission lines and distribution lines that deliver the product to its end user, the consumer. Since large amounts of electricity cannot be stored, it must be produced as it is used.”
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Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates​


Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden’s other opponents off the state’s primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state’s 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night.

Phillips took to X to contend that the move disenfranchises millions of Florida voters and said he would challenge “this absolute nonsense.’

“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video posted Thursday.

“I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this,” he added.


Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates​

View attachment 599260

Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden’s other opponents off the state’s primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state’s 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night.

Phillips took to X to contend that the move disenfranchises millions of Florida voters and said he would challenge “this absolute nonsense.’

“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video posted Thursday.

“I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this,” he added.

@lawgator1 what say you?

Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates​

View attachment 599260

Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden’s other opponents off the state’s primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state’s 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night.

Phillips took to X to contend that the move disenfranchises millions of Florida voters and said he would challenge “this absolute nonsense.’

“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video posted Thursday.

“I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this,” he added.

Hey look. He’s waking up to the workings and ideology of the democrat party.
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Bullchit. The blacks will pull the "D" lever when the time comes. They always have and they always will.
I told you in 2020 and I tell you now, the momentum has shifted. Trump easily got 20-25% of the black vote (mostly black men) in 2020. Had it not been the voting fraud, Trump would be you POTUS right now. The boomer/civil rights era blacks are the only demographic holding things together for the Dems.

FYI, it wasn't black men counting votes in ATL, DTW and PHL...
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