2024 Presidential Race

You probably said the same thing about McCain and Romney.
McCain and Romney were wimpy candidates who lacked the fight Trump has but they weren’t the defendant of 91 indictments and 500 lawsuits. Polls show that if Trump is convicted on some of those, his numbers drop. Don’t think that he’ll go 91-0. That’d be delusional
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She's the one candidate Democrats do not want to face in Nov next year. She'd win easily, especially if they keep Biden

Trump is a major problem due to his litany of lawsuits and indictments. When he starts losing some (and he will) his poll numbers will drop
It is very odd that the pacifist Koch PAC would endorse a NeoCon for president.
McCain and Romney were wimpy candidates who lacked the fight Trump has but they weren’t the defendant of 91 indictments and 500 lawsuits. Polls show that if Trump is convicted on some of those, his numbers drop. Don’t think that he’ll go 91-0. That’d be delusional
(In bold) is the issue I find with way too many Republicans. They are scared! Scared of the MSM. Scared of of being labeled a racist or a bigot. They don’t fight for their policies. They don’t fight for their constituents. They try to appeal to the culture. Etc. The last thing we need is another weak, spineless, smirking, “oh I take the high road and virtue signal 24/7” Romney like Republican.

Nolte: Nikki Haley Thinks Home State of SC Will Save Her – She’s Down 30 Points​


Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) believes she can steal the GOP nomination from former President Trump in her home state of South Carolina.

The math says differently.

Far-left NBC News lays out Haley’s cunning plan this way:

The former South Carolina governor has staked her hopes of wresting the 2024 Republican presidential nomination from former President Donald Trump on the idea that she can survive January contests in Iowa and New Hampshire that will thin the GOP field and then defeat him in a one-on-one battle here in her backyard.

“So far,” adds NBC News, “she hasn’t made the sale.”

In the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average poll of South Carolina primary polls, The Donald is currently 30.5 points ahead of his second-place challenger, Haley — 49.3 percent to 18.8 percent.

Since July, RCP has listed seven polls out of South Carolina. Trump has not dipped below 46 percent in a single one of those polls. In the three most recent polls, he sits between 51 and 53 percent.

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(In bold) is the issue I find with way too many Republicans. They are scared! Scared of the MSM. Scared of of being labeled a racist or a bigot. They don’t fight for their policies. They don’t fight for their constituents. They try to appeal to the culture. Etc. The last thing we need is another weak, spineless, smirking, “oh I take the high road and virtue signal 24/7” Romney like Republican.
That fight is exactly why Trump was chosen in 2020. Us Republicans were tired of wimps. I get it. But this year is an easy layup win due to how horrible Biden is. There's no reason to risk a highly divisive candidate like Trump or DeSantis
McCain and Romney were wimpy candidates who lacked the fight Trump has but they weren’t the defendant of 91 indictments and 500 lawsuits. Polls show that if Trump is convicted on some of those, his numbers drop. Don’t think that he’ll go 91-0. That’d be delusional

McCain and Romney were also never going to give the dem left the fight that Republican voters wanted; that's why they lost ... might as well have elected a dem in place of Romney or McCain. Too bad the GOP doesn't respect Republican voters ... and it's looking like on the whole the GOP is too stupid to figure that out.
(In bold) is the issue I find with way too many Republicans. They are scared! Scared of the MSM. Scared of of being labeled a racist or a bigot. They don’t fight for their policies. They don’t fight for their constituents. They try to appeal to the culture. Etc. The last thing we need is another weak, spineless, smirking, “oh I take the high road and virtue signal 24/7” Romney like Republican.

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Nolte: Nikki Haley Thinks Home State of SC Will Save Her – She’s Down 30 Points​

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Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) believes she can steal the GOP nomination from former President Trump in her home state of South Carolina.

The math says differently.

Far-left NBC News lays out Haley’s cunning plan this way:

“So far,” adds NBC News, “she hasn’t made the sale.”

In the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average poll of South Carolina primary polls, The Donald is currently 30.5 points ahead of his second-place challenger, Haley — 49.3 percent to 18.8 percent.

Since July, RCP has listed seven polls out of South Carolina. Trump has not dipped below 46 percent in a single one of those polls. In the three most recent polls, he sits between 51 and 53 percent.

Nikki talks tough, but she's selling the wrong stuff. No better than a McCain or a Romney when it gets right down to it.
McCain and Romney were wimpy candidates who lacked the fight Trump has but they weren’t the defendant of 91 indictments and 500 lawsuits. Polls show that if Trump is convicted on some of those, his numbers drop. Don’t think that he’ll go 91-0. That’d be delusional

I just think it's a risk either way. Trump is by far the most proven but what you say have to be considered. I just don't know enough about Haley, because she never discusses her record as governor.

The one thing we know is the the Biden Administration is smelly azz.
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She's the one candidate Democrats do not want to face in Nov next year. She'd win easily, especially if they keep Biden

Trump is a major problem due to his litany of lawsuits and indictments. When he starts losing some (and he will) his poll numbers will drop
Trump is far from the perfect candidate, but he's the best we've got by a mile.

Just think about that.
McCain and Romney were wimpy candidates who lacked the fight Trump has but they weren’t the defendant of 91 indictments and 500 lawsuits. Polls show that if Trump is convicted on some of those, his numbers drop. Don’t think that he’ll go 91-0. That’d be delusional
Who really GAF one way or the other? The Trumpers will (rightfully) see this as what it is... lawdare executed on a former POTUS. The "center" is going to do what they do no matter what.
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That fight is exactly why Trump was chosen in 2020. Us Republicans were tired of wimps. I get it. But this year is an easy layup win due to how horrible Biden is. There's no reason to risk a highly divisive candidate like Trump or DeSantis
Play it safe...

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