President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas REFUSES to provide number of known illegal migrant 'gotaways' despite admitting immigration system is 'fundamentally broken' as he defends agency's $108B budget request day after impeachment trial in the Senate is delayed​

Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the U.S. immigration system is 'fundamentally broken' and later refused to provide lawmakers with the number of known illegal immigrant 'gotaways.'

The admission came as the embattled secretary was testifying before the House Appropriations Committee making the case for why the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should receive more money than last year.

DHS's 2025 budget totals $108 billion, a four percent increase from the year before.


I heard a stat today that the average American is spending more than $200 a month than this time last year, and $1,000 more per month than 3 years ago.
I think that's likely true. Just with groceries alone I'm spending much more for three people than I was for 5 people six years ago

Rancher Says He Has Over 3,000 Images Of Migrants Crossing, Claims Officials Haven’t Been Seen On Property In ‘Months’​

Arizona rancher Jim Chilton stated Wednesday on Fox News that in the last three years, he’s collected over 3,000 images of illegal migrants crossing into the U.S. and that he hasn’t seen Border Patrol Agents on his property in “four months.”

“Well, I have five motion-activated cameras. In the last three years, I’ve collected 3,050 images of people in camouflage, carpet shoes, and similar backpacks. I’m sure – [I’ve] been told – that at least 20% are packing drugs to come into our country to poison our people,” Chilton stated.

“No, there are so many people coming through that they are busy processing people. I haven’t seen a border patrol agent on the ranch proper for over four months,” Chilton responded.

“Essentially the Border Patrol guys tell me they’re nothing but taxi agents picking up people coming across the border and wanting to be apprehended, processed and released into the country.”


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