President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Good Lord. How much longer does america have to put up w/this embarrassing moron.
I thought she was to be in charge of taking care of the southern border? That lasted a minute bc she's so incompetent of doing any job Joe gives her. She'd rather party all day.

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Good Lord. How much longer does america have to put up w/this embarrassing moron.
I thought she was to be in charge of taking care of the southern border? That lasted a minute bc she's so incompetent of doing any job Joe gives her. She'd rather party all day.

$20B for 8 non-profits.

Non-profits are the absolute easiest way for these corrupt political hacks to skim cash because the average dumbass leftoid will never ask questions. I've got about a hundred examples of it on the local level including one guy getting jailtime because he refused to play ball on something with the local establishment.
$20B for 8 non-profits.

Non-profits are the absolute easiest way for these corrupt political hacks to skim cash because the average dumbass leftoid will never ask questions. I've got about a hundred examples of it on the local level including one guy getting jailtime because he refused to play ball on something with the local establishment.
that is the same number that Mexico is asking for.,🤔
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More job losses for Americans. Illegals on the other hand are enjoying a part time job bonanza!

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This is Aimee Harris. She found Ashley Biden’s diary in a Florida beach home and felt morally obligated to make it public. NOW BIDEN’S DOJ IS SEEKING PRISON TIME AS PUNISHMENT AND PRETENDING SHE “STOLE” IT!

In the diary, Ashley details how her father Joe Biden forced her to take inappropriate showers with him when she was a teenager that caused her to feel “turned on when she wasn't supposed to be” adding that it made her feel uncomfortable.

Ashley Biden denied the existence of the dairy until she was caught on tape admitting it was hers. She even threatened to get secret service involved.

Once again the Biden DOJ is abusing the legal system like a dictatorship to punish people. This time over a dairy they claimed was fake. Total BS!

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Lack of transparency by our communist-like administration.

BOSTON — Outgoing climate jet-setter John Kerry is again showing his “naked contempt” for transparency by refusing to reveal his staff in an office that has operated in the dark since its inception.

Kerry is now being moved to President Joe Biden’s campaign committee with longtime Democratic strategist John Podesta replacing him.

Kerry informed the Herald in a “final” response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in July of 2022, that the full identity of his office staff will never be released.

“This action closes your request in this office,” he declared via the State Department’s Statutory and Compliance Division.

The only update to the FOIA is the addition of six names of office employees out of 27, and those came after the Herald pointed out two of them were already on Kerry’s climate website.

The annual payroll of $4.3 million remains the same, as previously reported.

Yet, one of the many names still hidden includes the “Director of Communications” who pulls down top office pay of $186,680 a year. Four others also earn that lofty salary.

Federal watchdog Michael Chamberlain, director Protect the Public’s Trust, told the Herald Sunday Kerry is being contemptuous.

“This combination of secrecy and arrogance has been the hallmark of this powerful State Department unit,” Chamberlain said. “To suggest it would be a violation of privacy to name the Director of Communications, for example – a person making more $180,000 per year to, ironically, craft public messaging, shows naked contempt for taxpayers.

“The American public funds the paycheck of every person in this office, and they’re entitled to know whom they’re paying and what for,” he added.

The 27 entries include brief titles — from “policy analyst” to “senior advisor” — and bi-weekly pay. Those now named are Rick Duke and Sue Biniaz, deputy special envoys; Elliot Diringer, senior policy advisor; Leonardo Martinez, senior advisor; and David Livingston and Jesse Dylan Young, policy analysts.

Kerry is never listed by title or name.

The State Department’s Statutory and Compliance Division adds in the final letter to the Herald that posting the names of all the federal employees “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of an individual’s personal privacy.”

That standard did not stop former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh from sharing his staff names, titles, and pay last summer. Walsh, the former mayor of Boston now NHL Players’ Union executive director, earned $203,100 as Labor Secretary.

Kerry, who falls under the State Department but has told the Herald he only reports to President Biden, has never been forthcoming since being named Special Presidential Envoy for Climate in 2021.

Kerry, a failed presidential Democratic nominee and former Secretary of State and Massachusetts senator, has a long history of preferring to fly under the radar — and on private jets.

The Herald is appealing this latest flouting of FOIA.

Joe Biden Has Secretly Flown 33,000 Migrants into New York City, 326,000 into Florida, at Taxpayer Expense​


A review of available federal records shows the Biden administration has secretly flown 33,000 illegal aliens into New York City and an astounding 326,000 into the state of Florida over the last several years.

The number of illegals that Biden has flown around the country dwarfs the number that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) sent via bus to deep blue cities, even though it is Abbott who suffers the barbs of the left-wing media for the practice and Biden’s human trafficking is wholly ignored by the press.

According to a report by Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, Biden imported more than 800,000 illegals into the country via a program called the “CHNV Program” or the “Advanced Travel Authorization Program.”

These programs send planes directly to foreign airports, load them up with people who have not gone through the normal immigration process, and then fly them directly to U.S. airports where they are dumped into the American populace. And all this is done without any notice or coordination with the local government officials.

Scandal Rocks Biden's Labor Dept For Lying About Sharing Non-Public Inflation Data With Secret Group Of Wall Street "Super Users"

In retrospect, it appears the BLS really did have something to hide, because in a follow up from both the NYT and Bloomberg, we now learn that an economist from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was corresponding on data related the monthly CPI print with major firms like JPMorgan and BlackRock, in what Bloomberg said "raised questions about equitable access to economic information."
How? So far Biden hasn't started a war killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, declared martial law, suspended habeas corpus or sanctioned the destruction and burning of several cities. So Biden still has a ways to go before he's the worst ever but he still has time to earn the title.
Preach brother.
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