Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Not sure if it's been discussed, with respect to the UGA OL and staffer that died last night. I'm pretty sure they were dating. Lots of pictures of the two of them together and they're the same age. They were in the front seat. LeCroy (the woman) was driving and dead at the scene. The OL died at the hospital. Another OL (McClendon) was in the backseat with another female staff member. They're stable, but the other woman has "serious" injuries.

Wasn't a case of adults keeping athletes or recruits out too late or anything like that. It was college kids being college kids and it's tragic. Even if there was DUI involved. Prayers for their families and the Georgia athletic department. Hope they put their championship rings in with the trophy.

Just to clarify, the female staffer who was driving was 24 years old. She had graduated and maybe had a masters. The Olineman was 20 years old.
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I don’t take any offense. My strategy doesn’t have to be your strategy as people think and act differently from one another and that’s all good my man.

I, myself, do some small business consulting so that’s quite the assumption that I don’t know how small business works, although I admit I don’t have much experience in the restaurant industry. Hope your business works out. But if you’re having trouble staffing, you’re gonna have to be a little more creative than “I can’t pay them more and that’s the only thing they want” and my post wasn’t insinuating that it’s all about pay - there are many other factors to consider with just a couple being do people enjoy coming to work for you? Have you built a strong culture? Are you marketing your company effectively to potential employees? Etc etc

My point was that the owner should accept only that pay while doing the work to fully understand the challenges instead of assuming they already know the challenges.

Additionally, the convo was about lack of vaca days in America and I made a statement about wealthy owners pushing their minions to work more. When you entered the convo, you didn’t specify you were speaking about small businesses so my thought track wasn’t on the same level as yours. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

I'm in the tech industry. My people get far more time off than the industry average. I can't pay more now because profit margins have continued to drop while costs have increased. Increasing sales isn't really an option, because for the last two years it's been nearly impossible to acquire the components required to build my products. Why? Because highly subsidized companies like Tesla use insane profits to buy themselves to the front of the line, pushing production of other chips further into the future. Thus taking a steaming $hit on guys like me.

It just pisses me off when I hear people rail against "business owners" who make too much while their poor little employees are abused by their slave masters. That obviously happens, but there are a lot of us who treat our employees like family, and dig deep to make sure they are taken care of.
Someone was tell me the other day that people in other countries think we are lunatics because we don't take off work for a full month every year. Italians, if not most Europeans take off the entire month of August. In China, the lunar new year celebration occurs in Jan/Feb and they take off the entire month. In the US we we take time off when we die or need joint replacement.
My buddy in New Zealand just took his "leave". He built up 7 months of leave. He spent it roadtripping the United States and was a moose/caribou guide in Canada for a couple months. On top of that he gets "holiday" for 3-6 weeks a year. Unlimited sick leave I'm pretty sure. If he wakes up and sees birds doing work on a ball of bait off the beach, he calls and tells his boss he will be late and exactly why, "The fish are ripping right out me front door mate" and he will fish until the blitz is over. Then bring some of the spoils to work and give it out. No big deal as long as you get your work done.

I went to the Titans v Cowboys game and walking out of the stadium ran into some Australians. One of them was a farmer who'd just finished harvest. They all took their vacation 'weeks' to come to the US and watch American Football in person.

I'm made to feel guilty and coworkers complain if I slip out of work early on Friday to go duck hunt before sunset.

Too much of life worth enjoying, and personal hobbies worth doing, to work yourself to the grave.
I'm in the tech industry. My people get far more time off than the industry average. I can't pay more now because profit margins have continued to drop while costs have increased. Increasing sales isn't really an option, because for the last two years it's been nearly impossible to acquire the components required to build my products. Why? Because highly subsidized companies like Tesla use insane profits to buy themselves to the front of the line, pushing production of other chips further into the future. Thus taking a steaming $hit on guys like me.

It just pisses me off when I hear people rail against "business owners" who make too much while their poor little employees are abused by their slave masters. That obviously happens, but there are a lot of us who treat our employees like family, and dig deep to make sure they are taken care of.
Just another example of how those mega-chode businesses and the dudes that run them are screwing all of us. Guess what, now everyone in your position pretty much has to increase prices. Y'all could be making the exact same product, it costs Musk less to make it and he's still selling it for more then hoarding the materials. So stupid.
I'm in the tech industry. My people get far more time off than the industry average. I can't pay more now because profit margins have continued to drop while costs have increased. Increasing sales isn't really an option, because for the last two years it's been nearly impossible to acquire the components required to build my products. Why? Because highly subsidized companies like Tesla use insane profits to buy themselves to the front of the line, pushing production of other chips further into the future. Thus taking a steaming $hit on guys like me.

It just pisses me off when I hear people rail against "business owners" who make too much while their poor little employees are abused by their slave masters. That obviously happens, but there are a lot of us who treat our employees like family, and dig deep to make sure they are taken care of.

Tesla and Tesla’s owner are an example of what I was speaking to in my previous posts. Musk brags about pushing an extreme version of “hustle culture” and it’s absurd. But when you have the money and influence and resources to advertise and recruit employees at that scale then you’re bound to find some people who will accept such working conditions. A small business can’t really pull that off even if they wanted.
Not sure if it's been discussed, with respect to the UGA OL and staffer that died last night. I'm pretty sure they were dating. Lots of pictures of the two of them together and they're the same age. They were in the front seat. LeCroy (the woman) was driving and dead at the scene. The OL died at the hospital. Another OL (McClendon) was in the backseat with another female staff member. They're stable, but the other woman has "serious" injuries.

Wasn't a case of adults keeping athletes or recruits out too late or anything like that. It was college kids being college kids and it's tragic. Even if there was DUI involved. Prayers for their families and the Georgia athletic department. Hope they put their championship rings in with the trophy.
First thing I thought…but didn’t articulate due to respect for the situation. But they were returning from the NC celebration…so there is the possibility this was an innocent share-ride.
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