Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Yep. They kept out Hendon ostensibly because he got hurt and missed what, for him, would have been half of a game.

What a sham.
You give them too much credit. They didn't put that much thought into it. They watched ESPN after the season ended, saw the highlights of some of the top teams, made note of who the announcers we're talking about the most. That's it.
Yes, yes we are…does character matter or not? It is the question of our modern day.. I think it still does, but I’m probably in the minority…and I doubt we will get the answer on VolNation.. if it is an award that supposed to hold up integrity.. then dude’s fingernail fun don’t uphold that
Well the award is about the team and has been forever but sure in the pure spirit it's about who is the best player and that has nothing to do with what you write on your fingernails. it's about performance and stats and leadership. Williams won't win but his nails have nothing to do with it. Football is a violent cruel game. Potty mouth language is the weakest criticism I can think of. Hope that's all I have to say about it.
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Well the award is about the team and has been forever but sure in the pure spirit it's about who is the best player and that has nothing to do with what you write on your fingernails. it's about performance and stats and leadership. Williams won't win but his nails have nothing to do with it. Football is a violent cruel game. Potty mouth language is the weakest criticism I can think of. Hope that's all I have to say about it.
Laughing at your last line!
My Dag friend called me this morning just to tell me Hooker should not only be invited that he should win it hands down and I agreed. Then I told him watch Bennett take his place and he said Bennett has no business being there and if Hooker is not there then the Heisman will be a joke. Its a big joke
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