Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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I’m on my second listen through of the Harry Potter series. Still can’t get my wife into it and my kids are too little, but I’m a 35 yr old man that listens to Harry Potter by himself and I love it haha. It helps that two to four times a month I have to visit job sites that are 4 hour drives one way and I don’t like listening to music on long drives.
I and my three teenagers loved the series too...especially my boy and middle girl. I don't think my baby girl ever finished reading the Deathly Hallows though, but she is the one that loves the movies more than the books for some weird reason.
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Lets play a game.

Name TWO players, one from offense and one from defense, over the past 10 years that would most likely help this years team.
Derek Barnett on defense and either AK or CP on offense...can you imagine the pure havoc either of those guys would cause in this offense..😳
The Road to Emmaus:

ALL of scripture is the story of Jesus, and the golden thread of God's gospel plan for humanity. It's not always easy to find that thread, but as we do our hearts burn with it. (And I'll be honest, I don;t trust myself to find it. I need His Spirit to show me and light my heart up.)
One of the top five most beautiful sermons I have ever heard was by a country preacher from Alabama on "The Scarlet Thread".
ESV-version guy is my favorite voice on YouVersion Bible app… at 1.5x speed, 35 minutes a day, can be done in 90 days. Godspeed as you wade through Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 😵‍💫

If you want to get crazy, before you listen to each book, download the Bible Project (sometimes mixed into the YouVersion app), and listen to their 5-7 minute explanations, they do an amazing job and it sets the scene for you when you listen at breakneck speeds.

Definitely drinking through a garden hose. And certainly won’t marinate on any one thing but you can fill in the holes at the end of the year with other more slow paced studies/devotional.
Ya, I like the idea of just getting a daily dose of something good to keep me aligned to things I should be aligned to. I'll check it out.
It would be insane to have CP84 on this football team. You could literally just have him run QB draws all the time with the wide receiver splits we run. Imagine the screen game with him. Imagine the ways we could scheme him wide open!

Yeah CP would put up some crazy stats in this offense. It was tough for me to try and decide between him and AK because AK at running back would be much needed and also crazy in this current offense.. but CP in this offense would just be SCARY. Couldn’t turn that down.
Won’t happen but….

“Next, we have Vanda…anda…Vanderbuh? Van’t gonna be in this conference anymore, anyway!”
In all our long car rides growing up, we listened to audio books. You're right about the communal aspect of it, I think it really brought my family together. I had "read" all the Narnia and Lord of the Rings books before I was 12.

That's a good idea about the Bible, I hadn't thought of that. I read a little most days, but I listen to audio books dozens of hours a month, could definitely carve out some of that for the Bible.
As a follow up to my previous post, the communal aspect of the Harry Potter series has left some indelible memories that make me smile every time. We listened to all of them together except the Half Blood Prince. For whatever reason, we could not get the CDs for that book until after the hardback came out. We did not want to wait however long it was. So, instead, we decided to read it together as a family. I got to be the reader. What a happy and joyous time. WE got together every evening and longer on the weekends to read some of the book. Now, my allergies are flaring up or somebody is slicing onions, but, dang it, those were the absolute best of times.
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