UFC Thread

yea... I thought Derrick with have some problems with Gane's athleticism, but also thought he'd do more than he did - especially in Houston
How are people still interested in Jon Jones? He's popped for 'roids FOUR times. Four. 4. He is illegitimate.

Pretty sure that's not true and maybe because he's an interesting fighter, regardless. I don't think he got popped 4x for performance drugs and only 2x for small traces of steroids and the independent arbitrator determined it was accidental and the 2nd time was due to pulsing.

The other two instances were cocaine and dick pills, but maybe my memory is faulty.
Pretty sure that's not true and maybe because he's an interesting fighter, regardless. I don't think he got popped 4x for performance drugs and only 2x for small traces of steroids and the independent arbitrator determined it was accidental and the 2nd time was due to pulsing.

The other two instances were cocaine and dick pills, but maybe my memory is faulty.

He’s a cheater.

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