How big will Biden's popular vote margin be?

I see the red hats of VN have brought in their best, brightest, and most emotionally stable to shore up the crazy vote on election day.
There's only so much making healthcare available to all that a free, god-fearing man can take before he snaps.
Why should any of us care? It's like asking by how many yards will the Vols outgain Arkansas on Saturday?
LOL....with the way the Vols have been playing offense, the only team they will outgain is Vandy, and that's a maybe at this point
Imagine being so dumb you think popular vote matters when there are voting districts that are intentionally so badly run that they have 120% turnout.
Imagine being even dumber by stating you're going to start shooting if Biden wins. Who is that clown posting here today?
When you get excited about the popular vote winning just remember what pop culture means and how stupid it is...then reflect in quiet solitude at the error of your ways.
No mob rule eh? Curious. Guess that whole install a SCOTUS judge thing in the Senate was a mirage.

Also, I'm going Biden wins by 8 million votes.
I couldn't care less.

Like someone else said, you might get more yards, but hopefully a goose egg on the scoreboard.
I couldn't care less.

Like someone else said, you might get more yards, but hopefully a goose egg on the scoreboard.
I'm not even sure how that moron thinks an elected body of a republic doing a constitutional duty is "mob rule" but he's right up there with the huff guy and k-town on "worst takes I've ever seen" on this board.
You mean higher income, better education, and better health than Red states?
I have a great income, a great education earned at multiple universities all in red states btw, and fantastic healthcare. Most of us don't need more government, ahem, socialist control, to be content.
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I think that is your emotions talking and not a reasonable approach. But if you take that course of action, at least shoot the politicians and not other Americans.
Saving, the wife, kids, then Dana!!!
Wrong again. Retired at age 56. Don't owe $ to anyone. More $ than I'll ever spend and more toys than I know what to do with. You can call it White privilege if you like.
I could have taken an early 'retirement' in August. I've got the money, and I owe no one anything. My deal is that I have been flying airplanes for so long that I am not sure what else I want to do. Golf/fishing don't really trip my trigger. There are only so many football games I can attend... What do you do with all that free time?
I could have taken an early 'retirement' in August. I've got the money, and I owe no one anything. My deal is that I have been flying airplanes for so long that I am not sure what else I want to do. Golf/fishing don't really trip my trigger. There are only so many football games I can attend... What do you do with all that free time?

Rock my man...whipping out awesome solos and cool melodies
I could have taken an early 'retirement' in August. I've got the money, and I owe no one anything. My deal is that I have been flying airplanes for so long that I am not sure what else I want to do. Golf/fishing don't really trip my trigger. There are only so many football games I can attend... What do you do with all that free time?
First thing is you sleep late. Then, you piss around for awhile. Then you go do something, even if it's wrong.
You are an absolute idiot if you do not see the possibility in the won't be tomorrow and I hope it never happens, but I am afraid you leftist commies are going to go way too far once in power.

When you totally disenfranchise a vast part of your population it will get ugly. When they go after peoples will get bloody.

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