Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Sweden has lost less than 6k of 10million+.
Tennessee is less than 2k of 7 million.

I guess what I am unclear of here is what everyone is wanting to compare? Total deaths, total hospitalizations, total sick, total tests, remember when this was the talking point? Pepperidge farm remembers.

Once you know what end result you are looking at you can adjust for masks, social distancing, population density, age, health etc accordingly.

And then to gauge success I would think you would want to account for what the goal is. Again remember when it was flatten the curve? Pepperidge farm remembers. Once they realized that wouldnt save too many lives as we weren't getting overwhelmed it became a zero death game. Which is why New York got praised for a bit until their totals were pointed out again.

There hasnt been a consistent standard about what is good, what is acceptable, what is bad, because it's all political.

Trump was killing millions with what he was doing. And then when that didnt happen it was only 200k INSPITE of Trump. And now we have Biden and the Dems claiming it would be even less under them without setting a standard.

The disease itself is no hoax by any stretch but the games on both sides are political.
Unfortunately, we can't go back in time a recreate the Pandemic. We can only base it off of what a person would do. You can agree that the left agreed that masks and handwashing was a good thing to do. Right?
What did my “drama queen” post say?

This was the discussion...

Still has a high survival rate.

As we stand today with reported cases vs reported deaths, the mortality rate is 7% in the US.

I'm not really concerned about that part. Everyone was never going to get tested or want to be tested.

I've had the flu when I was younger and just laid on the couch for a week.

Just clarifying there is not a 7% death rate.

There absolutely is in the US with the current numbers, it’s just not available to the general public at this moment.

I deal with what I was told by the state health department in a hospital-wide meeting.

Then you are gullible as hell and an alarmist for repeating it.

The bolded was true then and is still true today.

It was drama filled fear peddling nonsense. Everyone, even then, knew it wasn't really 7%, but you were on here selling it.

I hate tweets like this. "It could have all been prevented." How? What industrialized first world country has avoided this virus? Which one has zero cases? Zero deaths? What would have really prevented this virus would require China not lying its ass off and covering this up until it escaped their internal quarantine. The CDC said early on you did not need a mask, there was not an imminent threat from this virus, we're not sure how it spreads. Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton would have bucked the CDC and gone rogue to be an accidental savior? If she had overreacted and wrecked the economy it would guarantee her a single term and spell the end of the democrats for some time. And as an adult if you need the president to tell you how to live I'm not sure there's much hope for you. The president doesn't smoke or drink but I highly doubt that's influencing many people's choices at home.
what excessive lock down restriction? You talking about suicide? Domestic violence? It sure was not more than 190K.

suicides, OD's, domestic violence.

No one is saying it was 190K. Complete strawman unless your argument is that the "right" POTUS could have enacted policies to prevent ANY death from Covid.

The point is ramping up efforts to prevent spread has negative outcomes. There are real life and death trade offs. Long after Covid is gone the consequences of how we shut down the economy will take a health/life toll.
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The democrats are pulling out all of the stops, the brain dead one going to lose and they are trying to find a way to make everything Trumps fault. I can't wait for the Wednesday morning carnage after the election when the dems figure out that they lost the "3 branches" of government to quote AOC.
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I hate tweets like this. "It could have all been prevented." How? What industrialized first world country has avoided this virus? Which one has zero cases? Zero deaths? What would have really prevented this virus would require China not lying its ass off and covering this up until it escaped their internal quarantine. The CDC said early on you did not need a mask, there was not an imminent threat from this virus, we're not sure how it spreads. Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton would have bucked the CDC and gone rogue to be an accidental savior? If she had overreacted and wrecked the economy it would guarantee her a single term and spell the end of the democrats for some time. And as an adult if you need the president to tell you how to live I'm not sure there's much hope for you. The president doesn't smoke or drink but I highly doubt that's influencing many people's choices at home.

The folks working the hardest to oust trump are following the "any means necessary" philosophy. I skip over anything with Lincoln Project at the helm.
The democrats are pulling out all of the stops, the brain dead one going to lose and they are trying to find a way to make everything Trumps fault. I can't wait for the Wednesday morning carnage after the election when the dems figure out that they lost the "3 branches" of government to quote AOC.
If Trump wins, I cannot imagine how completely bat **** unhinged EL, and others will become. I wouldn't be surprised if the most unstable TDS sufferers in America commit suicide. talking like you are ok with 190K dead. Those are a lot families affected by death. There is nothing after death. Ain't no do overs. A pre-existing condition should not be a death sentence for anyone. Pandemic or not.
There have been approx 2 million deaths outside of Covid this year. The total is going to get up to just over 3 million. 2018 we lost just under 3 million. And by "just" I mean +/- 100,000 which is 3% of range.

Again we wont know for sure for a couple years but the last projection I saw for 2020 has our number of dead at 2010 levels. So yes when looking at it that way 190k doesnt overly concern me to the point of shutting down our economy or locking people up in jail for mask wearing.

The black death took more than a generation for the population to correct for. Spanish flu, a decade, and that's with a world war thrown in to keep the numbers lower shortening the bounce back. I believe Covid will average out in less than a year, and wont look much worse than any standard deviations in population from year to year.

And that's not an actual decline of population. It's just a decline in the rate of growth.

So if you want to point to 190k grieving families. I will point to 3 million already grieving families. I will point to almost 4 million families celebrating new life. I will point to ten million that lost jobs and who knows how many evictions are coming.

I am looking beyond 190k. That is such a short site number to look at. As president or any leader you cant focus on individual losses, even if they add up. Your decisions effect hundreds of millions more. And I will worry about the living long before I worry about the dead.
that's been disproven. The CDC report was explained. That young lady did not analyze a thing. She, like the other conservatives saw a report and went bat $hit crazy.
She read the numbers from the CDC table.

What exactly was disproved?

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There have been approx 2 million deaths outside of Covid this year. The total is going to get up to just over 3 million. 2018 we lost just under 3 million. And by "just" I mean +/- 100,000 which is 3% of range.

Again we wont know for sure for a couple years but the last projection I saw for 2020 has our number of dead at 2010 levels. So yes when looking at it that way 190k doesnt overly concern me to the point of shutting down our economy or locking people up in jail for mask wearing.

The black death took more than a generation for the population to correct for. Spanish flu, a decade, and that's with a world war thrown in to keep the numbers lower shortening the bounce back. I believe Covid will average out in less than a year, and wont look much worse than any standard deviations in population from year to year.

And that's not an actual decline of population. It's just a decline in the rate of growth.

So if you want to point to 190k grieving families. I will point to 3 million already grieving families. I will point to almost 4 million families celebrating new life. I will point to ten million that lost jobs and who knows how many evictions are coming.

I am looking beyond 190k. That is such a short site number to look at. As president or any leader you cant focus on individual losses, even if they add up. Your decisions effect hundreds of millions more. And I will worry about the living long before I worry about the dead.

Which death is worse:

A restaurant goes out of business in NYC due to Covid restrictions:

1. Had it remained open one person died from contracting Covid there
2. An employee that was getting straight lost his job because of the shutdown and reverted back to an drug habit and ultimately dies from OD
3. The owner can't make it financially and takes her own life.

All are happening now. You can't magically make 2 and 3 disappear to stop 1.
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Which death is worse:

A restaurant goes out of business in NYC due to Covid restrictions:

1. Had it remained open one person died from contracting Covid there
2. An employee that was getting straight lost his job because of the shutdown and reverted back to an drug habit and ultimately dies from OD
3. The owner can't make it financially and takes her own life.

All are happening now. You can't magically make 2 and 3 disappear to stop 1.
Covid is "worse". 2 and 3 are examples of someone making a choice. The covid death occurred without the element of free will...didn't chose to be infected.
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Unfortunately, we can't go back in time a recreate the Pandemic. We can only base it off of what a person would do. You can agree that the left agreed that masks and handwashing was a good thing to do. Right?
After it already hit, remember we have those photos of Biden and Kamala maskless at a rally in March.

I havent seen Trump come out against handwashing. And I know
Trump hasnt come out banning mask wearing. I know he isnt for requiring them. But maybe one of his tweets he does actually say it's bad to wear masks.

And you have still yet to set any metric to objectively say what better or worse is.

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