247 Ranks all SEC QBs

Your entitled to your opinion. But, to this point the evidence is clear and convincing. JG has a lot of work to do to get better, and I certainly hope that he does because UT will only go as far as he takes them this season.

He has a losing record against SEC teams and he’s the only UT QB that I can ever remember that is 0-2 against Vanderbilt!!

If JG is 0-2 against Vanderbilt, then so are Callaway, Jennings, Chandler, Warrior................
Clausen was an average to good qb, surrounded by elite talent. Guarantano’s arm talent is on another level compared to Clausen’s, but he’s played behind the worst offensive line in recent history.
Definitely need the season to start. A lot of restless energy around here.
I can't find the link right this minute but I've seen Tua's stats against Clemson, Georgia, LSU and Miss State (i.e. the 4 Top 30 defenses he faced last year) and they are awful. What people don't realize is when your offensive line is as bad as ours was last year, every defense is like a Top 30 defense because the pressure is the same. I'm not saying JG > Tua, but JG's performance was not that bad considering the consistent lack of both reliable pass blocking and run blocking he had to deal with last year. The guy hasn't gotten a fair shake to show what he can do, we don't know what he can do with a normal relatively clean pocket. I hope our OL gives him that chance either this year or next year.

A playmaker at QB makes everyone on the offense better. If one guy misses his block the QB feels the pressure and evades it while still delivering a strike to his covered receiver. That’s just what playmakers do. They are hard to defend even when other players aren’t executing.
Seems like an under appreciated style of play for the UT fan base.
I agree with that, right up to when you said he hadn't improved, which he clearly has based on all the analytics that are out there currently, no reason to think he won't improve a significant amount behind top coaching for the 1st time in his career. Way to early for Mauer, he's a couple of years away as he is making a big jump in competition that takes most qbs a couple of years to catch up to. Probably explains JG just now slowing the game down as I doubt his HS level competition was that strong either.
What you have to understand about Maurers competition in Hs is his team was overmatched nearly every single week. Especially up front and on both sides of the ball (nearly equivalent to Alabama vs Ga State) He played on one of the worst programs in the state and was recognized as the states best QB. You think UTs o line was bad last year? You should’ve seen what he was dealing with for the last 3 years. Point is I think he’s a lot closer to being ready than most give him credit for due to being overmatched in HS. He needs more weight, a complete understanding of the playbook and a coaching staff that believes in him and he’ll be a household name.
What I want to know is if this thread is referring to the same 247 that had JG listed as a DT qb and Maurer as a pocket passer?
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Why? I refuse to be baited into a conversation that’s not relevant to this discussion. I don’t care about the other QB’s in the SEC. I just want UT to win, and it’s still debatable if they can win in the SEC with JG.

We have a QB with some talent and some skills but he has a long way to go to compete with the best in the SEC.

As far as our coaches working with him, I’m sure that they are but if he hasn’t improved by now it unlikely that he will.

I watched Mauer play in the Orange and White game, and it was obvious that he has some of the skills that JG still needs to develop, but he must be much more cautious with the football. If we could take best of both of them we could have a winner.

“I think we’ve got a starting quarterback,” Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt said Tuesday.

It aint Maurer. He probably won't be the backup either. Just saying.
“I think we’ve got a starting quarterback,” Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt said Tuesday.

It aint Maurer. He probably won't be the backup either. Just saying.
The kids a freshman, JT has earned his right to get an opportunity and JG should start. Don’t think anyone is calling it a mystery.
Literally no one has said those exact words, just like no.one has said they hate JG.

If everyone would stop making chit up this debate might not be as stupid.

Lol, who am I kidding.

I've read post after post blaming the O-line only over the last 2 year's.

In this thread alone, there are a couple of posts talking about how great JG is...

You think those posters are blaming him for anything?

You saying I'm making this up is stupid, but that's not surprising

Go back and read the 2nd and 6th post of this thread
CC was the epitome of a game manager.
LOL... well Mr "Stats Mean Everything Regardless of Context"... why don't you do a quick comparison of their stats.

Clausen wasn't a greatly talented player. He had a good, not great, arm. He had feet of lead. But he was VERY smart and VERY good at reading D's and making decisions quickly. It wasn't just or even primarily "game management". It was decisions and getting the ball where it needed to be on time.

Like I've said to you and others a thousand times by now... if JG can improve on that part of the game then he has the physical talent to be a very, very good QB. But improvements in the OL ONLY are NOT the whole solution. JG needs to improve significantly also.
I've read post after post blaming the O-line only over the last 2 year's.

In this thread alone, there are a couple of posts talking about how great JG is...

You think those posters are blaming him for anything?

You saying I'm making this up is stupid, but that's not surprising

Go back and read the 2nd and 6th post of this thread

I'll apologize if you can show me one post that clearly blames the o-line and the o-line only.

Does Talking about how bad JG is mean you hate him and think the o-line is great and needs no improvement?

So you read their minds? Ask them for goodness sakes. I bet they agree he needs improvement, maybe not as much improvement as you do, but ask and find out instead of assuming.

I said everyone, not just you and until you show me where someone said that JG is perfect or someone says they hate JG, its true.

Neither one of those posts said what you say they do.

K-town has even said its not ALL the o-line and JG does need to improve. He just doesn't say it much and he doesn't think its anything close to what you and a couple others do. Why it bothers y'all so much is a mystery. And when I say "Y'all" I mean him too.
IIRC, there was a similar article and thread a while back that had JG ranked next to last in the SEC among returning starters. I seem to remember there were 7 or 8. At that time, you really had the top two then the rest could be legitimately shuffled to suit your tastes and the factors you look at. This article is no different. They just chose to project JG's numbers out as if more attempts would automatically mean a linear improvement in all other measures. A lot of people have done that here. The problem is that it doesn't work that way.

I believe fully that JG's "numbers" could look worse except for ypg and TD's... and he would be a more effective QB and win more games.
I'll apologize if you can show me one post that clearly blames the o-line and the o-line only.

Not going to spend the time it would take to find a bunch of those posts but k-town and even KB have essentially done that on several occasions. There may be others. When pressed, k-town might also throw some blame toward receivers and coaches.

This post pretty clearly blames the OL and the OL only:

JG could be even more amazing if he didn't only have .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds to get the ball out.

Looking at you O line.
I'll apologize if you can show me one post that clearly blames the o-line and the o-line only.
62% Comp %, 12/3 TD/INT, 141 RTG, 22 Sacks, -94 Yards rushing.

The problem isn't JG. The problem was the OL.
If he has more than .001 seconds to throw the ball, yes.
If he has longer than 0.05 seconds after the snap then I think he may. If not, then no.
He will do as well as the OL will allow him to do. Chaney done well in his one year with Crompton, he could do the same with JG
JG isn’t the problem. Him having a breakout year depends mostly on if this line can hold someone

Like 5 minutes scrolling through the the first few pages of the JG debate thread...
Guy, JG is nothing close to Casey Clausen.
I believe you are making a false equivalence. He's saying that tons of people underappreciated and under valued Clausen's abilities whilst here. People are doing the same to JG. No one is equating them in terms of talent, just volantion's shittiness to both...
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Like 5 minutes scrolling through the the first few pages of the JG debate thread...
Not going to spend the time it would take to find a bunch of those posts but k-town and even KB have essentially done that on several occasions. There may be others. When pressed, k-town might also throw some blame toward receivers and coaches.

This post pretty clearly blames the OL and the OL only:

Lol, "Hold on a minute Martha, pull your panties back up cause somebody on the internet is wrong".

I apologize to 30, it ain't worth arguing over.
Where them JG haters at now? Still think its his fault we lost games 🤔🤔🤔

We don’t hate him b/c he lost us games, it’s because he can’t win us games. A game manager QB’s job is to not lose games. That works when the defense is elite and the running game is strong. Right now we need a Dobbs 2.0, someone who can create big plays and take over games. With our defense playing like hot garbage we needed a QB that could produce twice his numbers, 24 TDs and 6 ints would have given us a 7 win season
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