Amateur Hour Continues

Trump and Pelosi Trade Barbs, Both Questioning the Other’s Fitness

Alrighty, then. We should get the mat out and let Trump settle that little dispute. He definitely need his rabies and distemper vaccines (and probably some other stuff) before getting in the ring though.
Graham: Pelosi's job is at risk

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) said Sunday that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) job is at risk.

"Her job is very much at risk," Graham, a staunch defender of President Trump, said on "Fox News Sunday." "Nancy Pelosi is riding a bucking, wild bronco called the Democratic caucus."

"Seventy percent of the Democratic base wants President Trump impeached. She knows that impeachment would be political suicide because there's no reason to impeach the president. So she's trying to keep the party intact. If she goes down the impeachment road, Republicans take back the House, we keep the Senate, President Trump gets reelected."
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If this is your only argument, you have no argument because you avoid everything mentioned. When one reaches for the "triggered snowflake" option, I equate that somewhere near "you're a racist" level of argument.

Congrats, counselor, you just proved you have no rationale behind your Trump opposition except "I want him gone because I don't like him and I'll believe any falsehood I can to achieve the goal of removing him."

Can’t argue with this since it’s the exact point I was making in response to your last temper tantrum. Your appropriation of it would make more sense if the conversation had been about almost anything other than what it was: whether Trumpets here can’t handle criticism without throwing temper tantrums. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Did you even see how this conversation started? You saying that guy wasn’t triggered by criticism of Trump? But my post caused twice the outrage. You think that’s not because my post was directed at people who are thin skinned?

I respect your insights and opinions but your percentages? These are just WAG. Your posts usually bring facts but this is not one of them. More of a troll job to elicit a reaction.

Fair point about the percentages. Yes, they were completely made up. Not to get a response, as I think it’s in the ballpark. As @NorthDallas40 said, I may have underbid the number of anti-trump tweets.

We can dicker over those exact percentages, but there is no way the 15 or so Trumpets who make frequent low effort posts here are doing so at a slower cumulative rate than the 3 liberals who do so regularly. It’s just that almost every low effort anti-trump post gets a clap back, often generating further discussion. Relatively few of the Trumpist ones do.

So one “arguably” smaller subset of equally low effort posts consistently generates significantly more negative responses. Trace the political bent of the two subsets and the people doing the responding and you have, pretty much, the basis for my conclusion.

That’s not to say the ongoing debate is a bad thing, but if you’ve got a group of people who feel like they have to wage a full assault on any perceived criticism of Trump or themselves, I think “thin skinned” or “snowflake” is an accurate observation.

I absolutely believe the reason that’s the case here is because, well, it’s an echo chamber. Trumpists here never brook any criticism and always support each other in how they combat that criticism, that seems like an echo chamber to me. Maybe you’d call it something else.
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I told my family the same thing a week ago. After knowing the suicide list of Clinton friends there's no telling what these evil people will do as they get backed in to a corner as this declassify unfolds.

I’m more hung up on the “I’m not able to provide more details.”, implying he’s got some inside info on potential deadly threats?

Isn’t this the QAnon decode guy? Seems he’s getting a huge sense of self importance.
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I’m more hung up on the “I’m not able to provide more details.”, implying he’s got some inside info on potential deadly threats?

Isn’t this the QAnon decode guy? Seems he’s getting a huge sense of self importance.
I really used his tweet to basically show what I've been thinking for a while now. Not sure about the inside info.
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I’m more hung up on the “I’m not able to provide more details.”, implying he’s got some inside info on potential deadly threats?

Isn’t this the QAnon decode guy? Seems he’s getting a huge sense of self importance.
I really used his tweet to basically show what I've been thinking for a while now. Not sure about the inside info.

Please. There is no deep state. There was no treason by the FBI. It's just exactly what it looks like -- Trump has always been indebted to Russians and always will be. The FBI was right, and is still right, to be concerned about it.
Please. There is no deep state. There was no treason by the FBI. It's just exactly what it looks like -- Trump has always been indebted to Russians and always will be. The FBI was right, and is still right, to be concerned about it.
Something does happen, there will be a Civil War this country has never seen.
Please. There is no deep state. There was no treason by the FBI. It's just exactly what it looks like -- Trump has always been indebted to Russians and always will be. The FBI was right, and is still right, to be concerned about it.

😂 Muh Russia!!

Hey should read the Mueller report. Where is was spelled out in no uncertain terms, no collusion, no Russia coordination.

Let me paraphrase for the esteemed Robert Mueller: about that Russia thing you chased around for two was a hoax.

Makes you wonder if Pelosi now understands the old adage about sleeping with dogs and waking up with fleas. The Dims were very successful at gathering up bunches of hard leftists and other assorted crazy groups, and now it looks like the old Dims are owned by the new Dim lunatics ... gotta love it when a "quick fix" plan like that comes together. But then, Dims have never been very smart about keeping things like matches and gas or blasting caps and explosives separate. I guess the new Dim motto should be perversity in diversity.
I believe Graham is wrong. As Trump continues to self destruct Democrats are fine with not starting an impeachment inquiry. Don't expect any kind of rebellion in the House.

If you remember before the midterms, Graham was one of the anti-Trump GOP gang. It sure seems like something got his attention. It could be the other lightning rods left and he was left standing alone, somebody rattled the skeletons in his closet, or just perhaps he figured out Mueller and the Dims screwed up big time and it's better to be on the Trump side of the equation.
Something does happen, there will be a Civil War this country has never seen.

I'm really not sure about that. I'd agree with you if it were Obama while president, but the right and the left don't work the same way. I think the right is far too staid, pacifist, or whatever to do a leftist type revolt.
What is different about these three scenarios? What would it be? Maybe that one of the three is (1) currently in office, and (2) has taken a bit dump on his own brand name by his repeated acts of idiocy and racism?

Nothing tickles me more than a white liberal discussing racism to further a political ideology. Please point to specific examples for this black male raised in a low income neighborhood.

It's a debate harder for white conservatives to win but convince me.

When I think of the "average" white liberal that spins racism and their faux moral authority this is what I see.

See there are a lot of racist conservatives but there are also a lot of racist liberals. It's just that one group pretends that their policies moves a specific class of people while the other openly discussed trying to move everyone ahead. Framing the debate about certain backgrounds and ethnicities create obvious class warfare and devisiveness that makes it easier to push an agenda bigger than the black or white issue. Leftists have now expanded the racism debate to Hispanics because they have to preemptively added other cultures in the event more blacks see through some of their detrimental ideas.
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If you remember before the midterms, Graham was one of the anti-Trump GOP gang. It sure seems like something got his attention. It could be the other lightning rods left and he was left standing alone, somebody rattled the skeletons in his closet, or just perhaps he figured out Mueller and the Dims screwed up big time and it's better to be on the Trump side of the equation.

Could be that John McCain croaked.
If you remember before the midterms, Graham was one of the anti-Trump GOP gang. It sure seems like something got his attention. It could be the other lightning rods left and he was left standing alone, somebody rattled the skeletons in his closet, or just perhaps he figured out Mueller and the Dims screwed up big time and it's better to be on the Trump side of the equation.
I remember him being pretty servile to Trump last summer during the Kavanaugh stuff so his transition came before that.

Your premise is still plausible although it assumes somebody in Washington makes decisions based on right and wrong, when I really don’t think any of them do.
I remember him being pretty servile to Trump last summer during the Kavanaugh stuff so his transition came before that.

Your premise is still plausible although it assumes somebody in Washington makes decisions based on right and wrong, when I really don’t think any of them do.

I'm thinking Graham doesn't care as much about being right or wrong as being on the "winning" side when the dust settles. We probably view DC a lot the same way when it comes to right and wrong and survival or enhancement of political standing; and, unfortunately, it's pretty cynical.
We can dicker over those exact percentages, but there is no way the 15 or so Trumpets who make frequent low effort posts here are doing so at a slower cumulative rate than the 3 liberals who do so regularly. It’s just that almost every low effort anti-trump post gets a clap back, often generating further discussion. Relatively few of the Trumpist ones do.

You mean the Facebook memes aren't that interesting?

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