Amateur Hour Continues

If people are trying to destroy our Country and Constitution by commiting Treason, then it's time to fight back, body count or no body count.....enough is enough.....just don't cross that thin line!
You better watch your ass Snowflake, many people won't let you get away with dishonoring the president of the United States, I don't care who you are! Be respectful or else!

Looks like Trump didn't want to be seen as bowing (Obama!) and didn't know what to do.

Oops. Is that disrespectful? Am I guilty of treason now?
Beside the point. Dems are passing legislation, so you can't say all they're doing is investigating. You (and McConnell) may not like it's substance and content, but they're doing legislative work.
Nah he’s right on point. Wasting time on legislation that they know will never go anywhere is a waste of time. And by the data it looks like they’re way off pace to pass legislation that will make it to enacted laws. 2C440607-6976-40A3-AC0C-2467BA6E065E.png
Losing your **** over criticism of Trump, personal attacks, and equating anyone critical of Trump with democrats? Yeah, you sure proved me wrong.

This is like the Trumpet snowflake trifecta. 😂

If this is your only argument, you have no argument because you avoid everything mentioned. When one reaches for the "triggered snowflake" option, I equate that somewhere near "you're a racist" level of argument.

Congrats, counselor, you just proved you have no rationale behind your Trump opposition except "I want him gone because I don't like him and I'll believe any falsehood I can to achieve the goal of removing him."
Nah he’s right on point. Wasting time on legislation that they know will never go anywhere is a waste of time. And by the data it looks like they’re way off pace to pass legislation that will make it to enacted laws. View attachment 206976

We need fewer federal laws and regulations and far less spending, so congressional failure to procreate is a good thing. We could pass out to the rest of the world half the BS congress has passed in the past 100 years, set the rest of the world back 50 years, and come out better for what we don't have. Congress needs to spend about 50 years deleting past nonsense rather than creating more. We've got more laws and regulations than we know what to do with. It's amazing how we could simplify things to the ten commandments, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights and do just fine as a society - wouldn't even need nearly as large a plague of lawyers. We'd also have to wipe out precedent as set by courts as generally nonsensical, too ... generally, well reasoned words as found in places like the Constitution don't require much interpretation beyond understanding the definition of the words and context at the time they were written.

Change it to "Alf" and I'd be be closer to agreeing with you. But you do know that non libs vent their angst in words rather than with flames. We tend to define the word "speech" a little differently than your side.
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Trumpers care to defend?

I guess Trump doesn't think much of Gaffe a Minute Joe. Seems pretty simple to me, and should be equally so to the group who live on hype and innuendo. I suppose if Trump flipped the two that you'd throw the race card, too.

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