Why Saban is so successful

Because he’s a good HC who gets the most out of his players.

And he wins a lot.

Seriously though, he has a great football mind, but just as important, he knows how to recruit and grow both players and coaches. That is the result of great leadership ability.
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Saban does not try to put square pegs in round hole and makes adjustments as needed unlike our current head case.

Unlike hardheaded Butch Jones, Saban's willing to change his offensive scheme to fit the players he has on hand.....no so for O'l purple face:banghead2:
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Saban proved he couldn’t win on an equal playing field in the nfl. He is an above average defensive coordinator I’ll give him that. However his success at Alabama is simply due to having the best players and making them play w discipline. Discipline is easy to do when u can bench a player and replace him w one just as good.

He also proved he couldn't win in the Big 10. won 6 or 7 games ever year with one 9 win season .That gets you fired in the SEC. heck at least Butch had two 9 win teams. Satan has found the uneven playing field & sold his soul to the devil or is he.:)
Well $till after reading all of thi$ thread, I am not $o $ure I under$tand why $aban i$ $o $ucce$$ful!
Tired of the Saban comparisons. He’s a once in a lifetime coach. Whoever poster was that said Bama’s admin is just as in tune with winning. Agree 100%
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ALL successful Coaches in any Sport......same model....
Coach Summit had it....


And that is IT........ask any player that has played for a Coach that follows this format in any sport....they will tell you what the process is!!

Absolutely. Your 3 points are integral to success in any thing in life imo. Working out, personal development, business.

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