Why Saban is so successful

There are some good things in Saban's program and methodology, and the budget and administrative support help, but even so, I think he's under-performed relative to recruiting.

So basically -- I think his success is all recruiting.
ALL successful Coaches in any Sport......same model....
Coach Summit had it....


And that is IT........ask any player that has played for a Coach that follows this format in any sport....they will tell you what the process is!!
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Because he’s a good HC who gets the most out of his players.

Because he's a VERY good HC and is driven to always pursue perfection no matter the situation. That's why he goes off on screw up's even when he's ahead 42-0.
Also, he's got the best talent available because of his success and making those players successful.
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In short, he has the following:

1. He is the best recruiter
2. He has the best scheme.
3. He has the best development program.

... Someone stated earlier how impressive it was for him to keep 5 stars buried on the depth chart. That isn't totally true, as Bama does have players transfer (i.e. Blake Barnett, Alvin Kamara, etc.), but what is true is that a player who signs with Bama is almost guaranteed to win at least one National Championship and multiple SEC titles. And, when they get on the field, they will most certainly make an NFL roster.

Anyway, I can't stand Bammers! GBO!

Kamara was dismissed before transferring
he's an old school football smart human psychologist...he's been blessed with a good wife also...:)

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Because Bama gave him complete control. Lots of politics in college athletics and when you can have it your way as a coach and get what you want it will take you further than most realize. Also, a plus when you're an elite coach to boot like Saban.

For Saban case I think that’s a fair view but for Dabbo it’s different... even Clemson fans will say they don’t think Dabbo is an elite coach. But Dabbo surrounded himself with good assistant coaches sometime a lot of us thought Butch would do.
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Good posts in this thread.

Saban is relentless. He is always looking for ways to improve. For example, players are given tests to determine how they learn and are motivated. Development plans -- football, academic and character -- are designed for each player accordingly.

A lot of people think he's an ass who doesn't care about his players. Nothing could be further from the truth and his players know it too. He wants them all to become the best version of themselves, individually and as teammates.

He's good at seeing the big picture while also ensuring all the details are accounted for. Everyone in the organization has clearly specified jobs to do -- to a standard of excellence -- and all are held accountable.

Recruiting -- Saban targets talented players who want to put in the work to be great and want to play with other players that are like that too.

He promises them and their parents that he and his organization will do their best to help them develop as players, students and men. He promises he will play the best players regardless of whether they're seniors or freshmen.

Saban likes to find playing roles for everyone that can contribute to winning. 16 true freshmen have played so far this season. Star CB Levi Wallace was a walk-on.

That's what he's selling. It's also what he's proven.

Saban will either pass on or miss on the recruits who don't buy what he's selling. He loses no sleep over that, because the ones he really wants most are the ones who do buy it.
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Saban is like an old school NFL coach. One look at his coaching philosophies tells the story. Saban loves to play great defense and run the ball. Thats a winning strategy that goes way back to guys like Bryant and Lombardi. The old adage still holds, defense wins championships. Its like that in the NFL and in college football.
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There is no doubt that Saban is a good coach.

However, the level of dedication to the success of that program shown by those around it is unprecedented. Their are banks, car dealerships, and several other business that ensure those football players have everything they want that is likely unmatched by any other school.

Mainly due to the fact that they are in a sucky state that largely depends on their success for economic reasons.

Couple that with the fact that the SEC knows where their money lies and therefore they are unwilling to look into anything and show tremendous leneacy when they are forced to.
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I saw an interview with Saban once where he said he eats the exact same turkey sandwich for lunch every single day. His reasoning = "it's one less decision I have to make that day".
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#1 or #2 every year since 07 in recruiting. Forrest Gump could win titles with that talent

Uh.... Butch has been top 15 and we are where? Not sniffing the top 25.
Yes you can lose with good recruits. Calling Ron Zook to the mic.........
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He recruits the best players, teaches great fundamentals and has a brilliant defensive mind. His offense is good but there are better. The main thing is great players great depth great fundamentals.
In short, he has the following:

1. He is the best recruiter
2. He has the best scheme.
3. He has the best development program.

... Someone stated earlier how impressive it was for him to keep 5 stars buried on the depth chart. That isn't totally true, as Bama does have players transfer (i.e. Blake Barnett, Alvin Kamara, etc.), but what is true is that a player who signs with Bama is almost guaranteed to win at least one National Championship and multiple SEC titles. And, when they get on the field, they will most certainly make an NFL roster.

Anyway, I can't stand Bammers! GBO!

no, he really doesn't. he doesn't do anything that others don't do, it's not innovative or game changing.

he just gets players and coaches to execute to the point where any mistake is the end of the world. there is no "good enough".

the thought process is very simple...implementing and actually getting OTHERS to get it done is the trick. but the idea is this......if I as the coach, and my staff, develop a game plan based on our preparation for this opponent, and the coaches coach, and the players prepare for it, and execute it the way it is SUPPOSED to be executed, then there is no reason for it to fail, on any level. and it has absolutely nothing to do with what the opponent will do. we already have the answers. you just have to execute them...in practice, in film room, and during the game.

that's what he works toward, and that's what he demands from those that work and play for him.
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Attention to details.

All coaches use it as a catch phrase, the great ones like Saban live by it.

Some others.

1. He essentially total control over his program from top to bottom. He had to be given that for it to happen.

2. He employees a great staff and draws great coaches when he has an opening. His sub staff (film watchers) is an advantaged that is overlooked.

3. He gets the best players.

4. He never appears to be satisfied with being the best. This makes him a difficult guy to deal with as a boss and player, but its also the reason why his team doesn't slip to 8 and 9 wins in his "down years".

#2 is huge, specifically the sub staff/film watchers
Attention to details.

All coaches use it as a catch phrase, the great ones like Saban live by it.

Some others.

1. He essentially total control over his program from top to bottom. He had to be given that for it to happen.

2. He employees a great staff and draws great coaches when he has an opening. His sub staff (film watchers) is an advantaged that is overlooked.

3. He gets the best players.

4. He never appears to be satisfied with being the best. This makes him a difficult guy to deal with as a boss and player, but its also the reason why his team doesn't slip to 8 and 9 wins in his "down years".

This is basically it, especially the attention to detail. I would love to spend a week or more at their practices and see how he manages the pace of practice.

I think he also is one of those folks who have the uncanny ability to make excellent hires and improve them while they work for him.
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It also has to do with resources. Saban has a whole building full of football analysts who break down film and instruct the hand's on coaching staff on who to recruit and how to improve practice, training, and in game decisions. Nobody did this before Saban because everyone assumed those analysts were really coaches that would count against the staff limit. Saban pushed the envelope and it paid off handsomely. Gruden will get the same sort of resources.
He was offered a job at a desperate school that was willing to pay what ever it took in a state that had no professional sports. In short, he got lucky.
Because they pay for their players and give them steroids.

/the end.

Yup. Other people thinking too hard. He's just a slimy cheater. Just like belichek,calapari,etc. News came out a couple days ago half the team got paid before their first national championship which clearly violates NCAA rules but somehow that news story just went away...like the suit shop. Like the antler spray.
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Saban proved he couldn’t win on an equal playing field in the nfl. He is an above average defensive coordinator I’ll give him that. However his success at Alabama is simply due to having the best players and making them play w discipline. Discipline is easy to do when u can bench a player and replace him w one just as good.
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