USC sanctions

The bottom ticker on ESPN also mentioned forfeiture of 2004 wins.
There's no rational way they can forfeit games from '04 and not '05. That's the part of this report that makes no sense.
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There's no rational way they can forfeit games from '04 and not '05. That's the part of this report that makes no sense.
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Well that would take away from the game that was the GOAT. Seriously though, it doesn't make any sense at all.
kinda left field hat, but do you have care one way or another what the sanctions are? let me correct, do you hope for harsh penalties or laxed penalties? lets leave justice out of this question.
If SC's basketball program receives any punishment in addition to the ones they've already self imposed, it's one of the biggest travesties in college sports history. I'll have to see what the findings against the football program are before I decide what I think of their penalties. In general, I never root for the 'AA.
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Depends on what their findings are. If they have what they deem to be sufficient evidence Todd McNair knew about Bush's parents and their living arrangement, the appeal won't do much good.
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The NCAA HAS, and I mean HAS to make them an example at this point. The Bush thing went on WAY too long for them not to. Plus, all the other crap that went on out there for so long. They won't get the death penalty it sounds like, but it's not a slap on the wrist either.
The NCAA HAS, and I mean HAS to make them an example at this point. The Bush thing went on WAY too long for them not to. Plus, all the other crap that went on out there for so long. They won't get the death penalty it sounds like, but it's not a slap on the wrist either.
What "other crap?" I love it when people just throw vague, baseless statements out there to prop up the decisions of the 'AA's kangaroo court.
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What "other crap?" I love it when people just throw vague, baseless statements out there to prop up the decisions of the 'AA's kangaroo court.
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Hat, why are you defending this at all?? I don't understand. Sure, the NCAA is by far the most inconsistent association in sports, but they knew they had to get this right. BTW, I'm sure that your not naive enough to believe that there wasn't many other things that went on out there, that the average fan on the East coast would fail to hear about. Come on man, I know you better than that.
Hat, why are you defending this at all?? I don't understand. Sure, the NCAA is by far the most inconsistent association in sports, but they knew they had to get this right. BTW, I'm sure that your not naive enough to believe that there wasn't many other things that went on out there, that the average fan on the East coast would fail to hear about. Come on man, I know you better than that.
Tennessee is no cleaner than USC. I can say that with certainty. Also, SC getting more severe penalties than Alabama received for boosters paying players is asinine.
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Tennessee is no cleaner than USC. I can say that with certainty. Also, SC getting more severe penalties than Alabama received for boosters paying players is asinine.
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I know that as well hat, but being as bold as USC seemed to be with what they were doing out there, is what the deal is here. The NCAA knows that shady things happen out on the recruiting trail everyday, but seeing it so publicized is what they are trying to get stopped, it would seem. Hell, Oklahoma didn't get crap for the Rhett Bomar thing either, but they handled it quickly and swiftly.
I know that as well hat, but being as bold as USC seemed to be with what they were doing out there, is what the deal is here. The NCAA knows that shady things happen out on the recruiting trail everyday, but seeing it so publicized is what they are trying to get stopped, it would seem. Hell, Oklahoma didn't get crap for the Rhett Bomar thing either, but they handled it quickly and swiftly.
Exactly what the Hell does an agent giving a college sophomore's parents money and use of a house have to do with recruiting? I really wonder how many people on this board even have the first clue what SC is actually accused of having done.
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Exactly what the Hell does an agent giving a college sophomore's parents money and use of a house have to do with recruiting? I really wonder how many people on this board even have the first clue what SC is actually accused of having done.
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Everything!! Recruits see this, then there becomes an asking price for their services. Their argument is, "Hey if Reggie Bush got this while he was there, then what about me??". You know, the what have you done for me lately attitude.
Exactly what the Hell does an agent giving a college sophomore's parents money and use of a house have to do with recruiting? I really wonder how many people on this board even have the first clue what SC is actually accused of having done.
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Everything!! Recruits see this, then there becomes an asking price for their services. Their argument is, "Hey if Reggie Bush got this while he was there, then what about me??". You know, the what have you done for me lately attitude.
That's just silly.
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That's just silly.
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Why is it silly?? You yourself said other schools aren't clean. USC was probably the biggest cess pool in recruiting the past decade, yet they dominated because of it. Now, they are paying the price.
So is this gonna hurt there class for this year or is it too late for anything to happen with this class?
I wonder if certain players that are about to go there for school will petition the NCAA to release them from their LOIs??
Ok honeslty I don't see how this is karma for USC. Maybe for kiffin, but i don't think the punishment fits the crime.
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Why is it silly?? You yourself said other schools aren't clean. USC was probably the biggest cess pool in recruiting the past decade, yet they dominated because of it. Now, they are paying the price.
Reggie Bush only started receiving benefits from Lake and Michaels after it became obvious he was going to be a top 10 pick. It's not like they gave him anything to go to SC. I love when people just lob out allegations with nothing to back them up. Here, I'll go with it. Dooley is probably a hardcore drunk who beats his wife and cheats on his taxes. Wait, this is kind of fun.
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