USC sanctions

how many recruites do you think will decommit

A 1-year bowl ban isn't going to cause anyone to decommit, and since USC doesn't typically use all 85 scholarships anyway, losing 4 or 5 each year for 3 or 4 years isn't likely to force any elite prospects out.

Now if the scholarship losses are more severe or there is a multi-year bowl ban, that would almost certainly change things.
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you know, I personally don't see why we even bother to keep up with USC's doings. Just in case anybody hasn't noticed yet, he's not our coach anymore.
you know, I personally don't see why we even bother to keep up with USC's doings. Just in case anybody hasn't noticed yet, he's not our coach anymore.

Which is why this is in the NCAA Forum; or are we not to discuss NCAA Sports? :crazy:
lol im not saying that, i'm saying why even bother?

Because this is relevant to NCAA football. I just get to laugh harder after the Kiffin thing, but regardless, I hated USC before and glad to see some sanctions (just wish it were more.)
I hope they get hit so hard they change the uni's to pink and purple.
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USC has been hit with a two-year post-season ban in addition to the loss of scholarships, among other penalties from the NCAA.
They will probably just hand the NCAA a briefcase and all will be well.
Depends on what their findings are. If they have what they deem to be sufficient evidence Todd McNair knew about Bush's parents and their living arrangement, the appeal won't do much good.
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Depends on what their findings are. If they have what they deem to be sufficient evidence Todd McNair knew about Bush's parents and their living arrangement, the appeal won't do much good.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

kinda left field hat, but do you have care one way or another what the sanctions are? let me correct, do you hope for harsh penalties or laxed penalties? lets leave justice out of this question.

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